Gunsmoke Games

Something Unlimited
Game Developer
Sep 5, 2018
I appreciate your tactful response.

I am in no way bragging on my ability because I neither have the artistic ability nor 24+ hrs to dedicate to a project like that; but I am, however, the kind of person who likes to learn new approaches to solve problems/create efficiency.

I am not trying to tell him how to “mow lawn” but sharing a possible animation technique he may or may not have considered. Like you pointed out, there is always room for improvement.

Who knows, maybe looking at something like this will give a new angle to improve what he is already doing.
We really appreciate you taking the time, to ask. When looking to learn animations, it was more out of curiosity of the proecces rather than to move himself in that direction. When you put in as much work as he had, we decided to implement them. His exprience with animations will help him when we get an animator for our OC project.

I thought engaging the community was part of his work. My
Yes, along with SR7's water boy, F95 greatest villain Jan-Sept 2018.

Any more previews this week or are you saving the rest for the release?
One more for sure!


Active Member
Jul 27, 2018
Hate to ask but does anyone know the last sneak peak for the new update

We have so far
Miss martian

Usually there is a third sneak peak


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2018
Love this game and am hyped for the update, but personally, I'm waiting for Ravenfire content. (Also more Siscest.)


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2018
several questions I still do not leave the event of the yacht and the second image of felling if I go back to start new game will leave me is grateful for help


Apr 5, 2017

We have good news and we have bad news.

The good news can be found in the teaser image above! Raven is the other character outside of MM who’s getting a large portion of content. What you see in the image above is just a small taste of her continued training.

Unfortunately, due to the holidays and unforeseen circumstances, the update is going to be delayed.

Long time fans will probably note that this is a bit unprecedented. In 3.5 years, the latest any build has ever been was 12 hours. It is with sad hearts we must break this streak. Testing hasn’t gone well and we were faced with the decision of putting out a broken build or taking more time to fix and polish the update.

The latest date for release is February 7th. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll come out on the 7th, it might be beforehand, but you can – at the very least – expect the update no more than a week from its originally intended release.

We’re really sorry for this delay. It’s not what we aspire to and hopefully it’ll be the one and only time we’ll ever need to do something like this.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter,

The extra waiting does suck, but I'd rather get something playable, so go for the extra testing time.

Also that teaser for the handjob is looking very good.


Oct 15, 2018
View attachment 235596

We have good news and we have bad news.

The good news can be found in the teaser image above! Raven is the other character outside of MM who’s getting a large portion of content. What you see in the image above is just a small taste of her continued training.

Unfortunately, due to the holidays and unforeseen circumstances, the update is going to be delayed.

Long time fans will probably note that this is a bit unprecedented. In 3.5 years, the latest any build has ever been was 12 hours. It is with sad hearts we must break this streak. Testing hasn’t gone well and we were faced with the decision of putting out a broken build or taking more time to fix and polish the update.

The latest date for release is February 7th. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll come out on the 7th, it might be beforehand, but you can – at the very least – expect the update no more than a week from its originally intended release.

We’re really sorry for this delay. It’s not what we aspire to and hopefully it’ll be the one and only time we’ll ever need to do something like this.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter,

The extra waiting does suck, but I'd rather get something playable, so go for the extra testing time.
It's a bit of a shame, but I get it. Not to mention I want the best for two of my favorite gals, even if it takes a bit longer ;P
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