After every update there is always one or two haters who will try to convince everyone that this game is shit.
I don't know why they are doing that,considering they can actually just stop playing,if they don't like it that much.
There "critisism" based on nothing - I don't have a lot of experience in coding,but even my limited knowledge allow me to understand just how unpredictable and messy this line of work is - bugs are inevitable and it's impossible to get rid of them entirely with 13000/month.Considering that release was moved a week I'm not surpised to see them more active then usual.
What puzzles me,though,is their thought process - they are getting this game for free(and if not - who forces them to pledge),updates coming regurarly and,considering just how amazing artowork is,frequently.If they aren't happy with how things are doing why aren't they doing something actually helpful - like proposing to pay 50000$ - 100000$ out of their pocket each month to achieve an adequte payment for a full team of artists/coders/testers?Or maybe try to actually explain what they think is wrong and provide information about bugs so devs would be able to remove them?
I'm fine when people criticise someone's work - but saying:"This gaem is shiet,naw content,you suc,git gud,others bettah" - is not criticism.Sorry for my english.