For some reason, Mercy's Lingerie 2 and Naked slot don't seem to be accessible. Not only that, but Superwoman's Halloween gallery doesn't unlock for me, even though I did the events. Circe's Leash scenes instead link to her BJ scene. Raven's Leash Gallery has 2 Locked scenes at the end that glitches out. Wonder Woman's Lasso gallery, Miss Martian's Dance 2 gallery, and Raven's Spank Gallery has no scenes to access.
Also, there are some scenes that don't seem to be unlocked for some reason. They are:
- Dance (7 unknown (Naked? Naked with hair down? Unknown?)
- Strip (Lingerie 1 Lingerie 2 Unknown?)
- Handjob (Naked naked with hair down)
- Blowjob (Naked naked with hair down)
- Anal (naked, naked with hair down)
- Spank (Casual School Girl Slut Naked)
- Finger (Artemis: naked)
- Inspection (3 Unknown (Naked? Terrible?))
Miss Martian
- Finger (Slut or Short)
- Strip (2 Unknown)
- Blowjob (Naked with Short Hair)
- Sex (Nude with short hair)
- Anal (Naked with Short hair)
- Leash (short)
- Artemis BJ (short)
- Artemis Anal (Short)
Erica: Blowjob
How do you access Confrontation between Galatea and Supergirl? Also, what other outfit is needed for Starfire's dance, Blackfire's Strip, Tala's dancing with Raven, and Raven's strip? Also, where else can I take Raven out with a leash beside the GS and the street?