am I right if I say they went from Monthly to bi monthly to 4 (or 5 ) updates in 2020 ?
Also while the updates (at leat in my opinion ) dropped in quality and they also cut mechanics which were intended for the game ?
I think the last update was pretty damn good.Maybe the best update of the year.
The previous update also was among the better ones.
Stargirl and Circe are among my favorites.
Volcana and Killer Frost are pretty damn good too.
Posion Ivy/Harley was a nice surprise,the guard scenes too.
Hawkgirl is among the characters we are waiting for so long and we are not really expecting to see her done after so many posts that she is the hardest to work with.
Cheetah,Poison Ivy,Miss Martian/Artemis,Mercy/Lois,Maxima/Galatea are also some nice addition.
So we are moving from worst updates to better ones.At least for last 12 months.