The 2.29 was excellent! Especially the Stargirl poses were

This up to me is... nah... not saying it's bad, a lot of work has been made but in a wrong way...
When I read changlog "Maid blowjob/sex/anal Scenes" under Audrey, I thought "naively" we would have Audrey doing theese in her Maid outfit in her cell and the others Audrey outfits for another update... same thing for Harley Quinn, I didn't expect a clone...
ok you're right, Galatea is a clone (from Supergirl right?) but she is a true character with a personality, not just a sex-clone like Terra... well I don't know you but me, I don't really wish for a clone of Mercy, Blackfire, Cheshire (or even Audrey...)
maybe "Gunsmoke Games" wants to make clones to have sex with their own OG and threesome with Lex, I dunnot know, still I have many fetishism, but not the "cloning"...