So I think I figured out what was causing your issue. I've made a adjustment to the botlab code, to the 'scrap' button. Before, there had to be a cortex present in order for the 'scrap' button to appear/be usable, now it's just there, although you still can't select the part if you haven't picked a cortex yet. That's the idea anyways. Fix is in Prerelase 2 below.
Attached is v1.5d prerelease 2 of my mod for SJx 1.50.15.
The main changes are the preference menu tweaks, modifications to the choice menus (the Mess Room replicator now uses a choice menu to show this off), and the most recent hotfixes. Along with the smaller, more closely cropped drink icons for the choice menu.
I tried to tweak the Swarmies wreckage drops so that Carbon Fiber Spools would show up twice as often, I guess we'll see if I was successful in this endeavor.
There are customized messages for Nimhe's lab facials telling you which costumes she hasn't worn yet. I may have included this before, but I lose track of such things...
I adjusted the cortex upgrade routines a bit:
- I did try the idea to include 'iq' in the passed on attr, but the game was ignoring this, hence I still need to use the globals() thing.
- Anyways, IQ should generally increase each time you do an upgrade, using the current IQ as the baseline, but of course this is random so IQ can still go down.
- Also, once you've upgraded a cortex to a Precursor Cortex, you can still upgrade the cortex's grade if your skill is sufficiently high, but once you've 'maxed out' the grade increase, no further upgrades of that cortex will be permitted.
- Also, upgrading Precursor cortex grade only requires a regular AI cortex, not an Elite one. Elite cortexes are pretty rare, so just using them for Regular > Precursor cortex upgrades will help stretch the Elite cortex supply a bit farther.
I also included a readme with this prerelease. See attached, install procedure same as usual (merge /game with /game).
Incarnax shared an interesting idea with me for the Mode 2 Sexbot Arcade screen. I may include that in the 'official' v1.5d mod release once prerelease 2 has been battle tested a bit.
Feedback is very much appreciated!