After some skepticism, I played through 1.40 (I last played some very early version of SJX and the final verion of princess and the tower). Sci Fi not 100% being my thing, I tried it without a ton of expectations. But I came away really impressed. The graphics are amazing (already loved your style in the princess) and the story is way more immersive than you'd expect - the nsfw stuff is almost "just" on top of a regular fun game. The dialogues are often good and funny, but also short and sweet so you don't really just start skipping over everything. The models are amazing again (especially Nimhe, perhaps your best yet), though they feel a bit less varied than the just three (4 if you include the goblin) in the princess where you had skinny redhead + "perfect model" + "chubby" big boobs. In SJX they almost all seem to just fall in the supermodel category (The variation in faces worked well I thought, just the bodies were a bit more uniform). Though giving them different characters worked quite well again. Also
thanks god thank you for a human MC. And since I complained about not liking the goblin choice in the princess: the Krell stuff works much better for me, found their world and role very intriguing. Or the alien that's basically a human painted blue.
Things I loved:
- graphics
- world building (creativity, attention to detail)
- girls (design, characters)
- nsfw stuff from the beginning, but still building towards more
- side characters that felt useful to the story
- the ability to cheat if you like
- tons of hints in the GUI + walkthrough if you don't want to grind -> the game doesn't have to be super trivial for those who want to explore
- decent minigames
- lighthearted bdsm stuff (could be more)
- the rapid development progress
- the activity and ease to be reached out to in this community
- polling for future projects
Things I would love:
- more interactions between the crew / side characters (think Nyx and Gwynn in the princess)
- the (optional) ability to shave all girls
- a return to a magical world setting (obviously simply a personal preference)
Thank you for your outstanding work and passion! Looking forward for more, just don't burn youself out ^^
Out of curiosity, what is the estimated timeline for the announcement of your next project? Do you expect it to be similar in scope to SJX?