OK, I came up with a cleaner way to 'patch' the Xenos Library 'wait' messages blocking cargo delivery and bounty missions at the library in SJx 1.20.11, should you have any active missions to the library in the cue.
Short form, the first time the 'wait/nothing to do here right now' message pops up, a variable (xenoslibrary_talk_day) is set to the current game day, and for the rest of the day, the Xenos Library 'elif' routines will be skipped.
Setting the added variable xenoslibrary_talk_day to the current day (GAME.day) is an easy way to not have to reset this variable each day, as subsequent game days will have higher values than xenoslibrary_talk_day, at least until you activate the 'wait' message again later on.
Note that there is a generic 'nothing do do here' message at the end of the elif chain (else) in 556_sandbox_space.rpy, so you'll still get a message if you click on the Library after completing cargo or bounty missions, so that's already been covered.
New fix is attached. Simply drag the /game folder inside of the attached .7z inside of your SpaceJourney_X_v1.20.11 folder, merging said /game folder with your /game folder, and you will be asked if you want to overwrite 556_sandbox_space.rpy. Confirm this action and your game will be patched.
This is the only change I've made to this file, everything else is the same as before.
Changes should be applied the next time you start your game and load a save.
Sean MacDonald
Assuming that this patch is suitable, feel free to arrange to have this added to the OP as appropriate. I figure that you'll want to run it past
yv0751 first.