This is such a great game. I spent all weekend playing it, and twice I looked at the time only to realize that it was like 3 am and I had spent seven or eight hours on it. But there are parts that feel very incomplete, which is a shame since the rest of the game is so well done that they stick out like a sore thumb. You seem very amenable to suggestions, so might I make a few? (I'm going to anyway.)
-A few more male NPC models would go a long way to making the universe feel more alive. Even some faceless goon pirates or zealots could help flesh out unique looks for the factions.
-On that note, it would be very satisfying to see your bots being used in the various arcades around. This could also give us more reason to have Nimhe research different shells, since right now you don't see them much after you build them.
-You posted a while back you were trying to avoid NTR with the Advanced Pet Training (understandably so), but there's actually an easy solution: the pet trainer only gives advanced training to volunteer pets and their owners. Not out of any moral stance, but simple pragmatism. Just like a volunteer soldier is almost always better than a conscript, a willing pet is far more receptive to training. And good owner has willing pets, so he'll teach the main character to be an even better owner. That would mean the main character will be attending the class all day too, just getting different lessons alongside their crew pet.
-I really hope we see more of the Voron eventually, they seem neat.
I'm very excited to see the expansions, especially the Krell. There's tremendous potential here!