Awesome, thanks!Suggested corrections continued
29 - Bot Lab while choosing a new Cortex, hovering mouse over a Precursor Cortex shows the item description along the left side of screen. The description for all Precursor Cortex has a typo. It says "...Providing Superiopr levels of..."
30 - Gallery for Seraphine is missing image of her in the bathtub holding the yellow duck toy.
31 - Seraphine gets bored. Nimhe is tasked to setup shopping channel. After 2 days Nimhe reports the terminal is setup in Seraphine's room. She says "I've linked the Terminal right into to the Trade Network..." should remove redundant word to.
32 - When giving Ponygirl costume to Nimhe, MC says "How about I take your for a walk around the ship?" simplest correction would be to drop the r, change your to you.
33 - After training T'Ris and giving her a Krell Plug and assigning her to wear it during morning setup. Following days during morning setup do not show the counting tally of how many days she has been plugged. I had her train on the Dancing Pole, so this activity removed the plug and thus didn't count at end of day?
34 - When back in Iltari Station and asking Nimhe to begin training with walks on the station, MC says "Wear you normal outfit." I think you should be your.
35 - Again during same conversation when taking Nimhe for walk on station, MC says "Let me adjust you jacket a bit..." This also needs to change you to your.
36 - When inspecting Seraphine in her Revealing uniform, she says "Ship Protocoal, I know...." There are 2 things wrong here. 1st is the 4 periods. 2nd is the spelling of Prorocol.
37 - Unsure if this was deliberate or an omission. When accessing a Jump Gate and moving cursor over the various connected systems within the Jump Network. There is a popup with information on each system. The descriptions on some perhaps should be changed, up to you. As a template, the Krell system of Arellarti lists the Krell Oligarchy both at the top right of the popup and again within the body text beneath. Quthor mentions Drengarian Republic in both top right and in the body text beneath. However... the Iltari and Xenos systems are different. Iltari says Human Democracy at the top and Iltari Alliance in the body text below. And Xenos says Voron Technocracy at the top and Voron Empire beneath it.
38 - When in Xenos System, and being contacted by Ylyee to get access to the Library. MC says "What reserach exactly?" Research is misspelled.
39 - After having Seraphine wear the Revealing uniform for a while, MC has some morning thoughts about her progress. MC says "Great the Seraphine will wear her Revealing Uniform uniform now..." Redundant use of uniform twice.
40 - When speaking with the Grand Archivar Kythera for the first time. At end she wants to sample primitive mating practices. She says "Not if it isn't part of your procreation techniques.." I assume this was supposed to have 3 periods. It only has 2.
41 - same conversation. MC says "Just wait a a moment." Redundant a.
42 - When convincing Seraphine to dance. She says "Fine" usually you have a period or 3 periods after every statement. This one has neither.
43 - When entering the Xenos System Precursor Field for first time, you are encountered by the Zealots of Yr. The Zealot Commander says "You presence here constitutes a disturbance." You should be changed to Your.
44 - Same conversation, when crew discussing the offer of a Disruptor. Khelara says "A nifty pice of technology for sure..." You misspelled piece.
45 - If deciding to attack the Zealots of Yr. MC says "We have a mission to fullfil." you misspelled fulfill. The double L's are at end of word not the front.
46 - After completing the Xenos Precursor Missions and reporting to the Xenos Library, you speak with the Grand Archivar again. She talks about Voron Hyperdrive. MC says "I have already a Hyperdrive." This sentence is dyslexic. Should say "I already have a Hyperdrive."
47 - At end of the conversation with Grand Archivar she proposes you continue helping her with her studies of primitive mating rituals. However she says something the MC should instead say. Kythera says "How can I be of help?" But this is supposed to be the MC saying this. Both the image of the speaker and the textbox say it is Kythera speaking as the MC.
48 - After starting construction of Base Hyperjump Gate. Following morning you are contacted by Ylyee. She says "In order to locate that node we need the 4th Map Fragment form Quthor System." form is supposed to be from. And couldn't hurt to add the word the also. "...from the Quthor System."
49 - Same conversation, Ylyee begins to explain that the MC has been granted access to the Voron Hyperjump and goes into detail explaining its function etc. This entire portion of dialogue is a mirror repeat of what the Grand Archiver says. Feels broken to have the identical conversation by 2 different characters. Maybe cut out Ylyee explaining it, since Grand Archiver already did. Or if this conversation is necessary for players who chose different option to completion of the Xenos Precursor Field Mission. Then perhaps add a dialogue trigger. If player chooses to attack Zealots, then skip Ylyee repeat of dialogue. Or something equivalent, so dialogue is not heard twice.
50 - Speaking with Krogneath about giving him the Princess. Krogneath says "I know it would..." This should say "I knew it would..."
Registered for fixing!