Flash - Completed - Space Paws [Final] [Taifun Riders]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has everything flash and is a blast from the past.
    This flash game has everything the other flash games had:
    An annoying horn dog of an MC that is two-dimensional, so the player can self project into themselves.
    Boring writing, alright visuals for the time.
    Shitty jokes that don't land. And taking way too long to get to the sex scenes.
    This game is alright but diffidently dated, the character designs are alright. And there are no tips at all in this game to point you in the direction. The walkthrough is mandatory ngl. The sex scenes too are good for the time, but not perfect and kinda vanilla. But hey that is 2016 for ya. you can play this game if you want a blast from the past, but I have got to say there are better options for you out there.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very well done and enjoyable game. I played through to unlock every scene and the animals are anthropomorphic enough to enjoy even if like myself you don't typically go for the furry stuff. If you enjoy puzzle games with good H-scenes and a surprisingly touching story, I would recommend this game.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    A very cool game with stunning arts and characters.
    The H scenes are with minimal animations but very efficient.
    The tory is pretty cool and the gameplay very easy to enjoy the scenes.
    For me a cool and easy game with Flash !
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Not as good as the rating would make you believe, lots of short sex scenes even if animated, complicated routes and lots of resets to get the endings and sex scenes, first game I saw that requires you to be low in a stat to choose an option so you have to use the cheats if you trained a lot at the beginning by clicking on the floor + space, this game would have worked better as a non sex game or with a different structure, sex scenes too short and too far apart, too many routes/endings, there are some group sex scenes but even in the harem ending we don't get one with more than 3 girls, at some point I just unlocked the gallery saw all the animated scenes, some endings and deleted, some animations in the gallery were just kissing, I guess the game was going for for romance>sex, but that doesn't really work when the relationships are progressing that fast.

    I'm all for games with a story before porn but if the story goes in several different routes it just feels like a waste.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    In a pile of unfinished, in-developed game like summertime saga, dandy boy adventure, bones tale manor garbage i found this hidden gem. Loved it from start to finish. Intresting story good pacing, and different characters with different environments with easy minigames. I can't believe i didn't find this game earlier. Easy to play, unlock everything. It took me less than a week to finish. So many different endings. If you are a fan of furry and you want to play something this is for you. If you are confused what to do just follow the walkthrough. Or you just want to fap then use the cheats. It's perfect definitely recommend it.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent amount of content, but weak writing, tedious minigames, and unimpressive animations leave little reason to bother.

    The cliche premise has you sent to repopulate the human race in some distant part of space. Gameplay consists of exploring various planets, solving various puzzles, and romancing various furry girls.

    The dialogue feels like it was written by a couple of horny teens trying to be funny. This kind of irreverence can be done well. But in this case it just feels crude, careless, and - when it tries to be serious - hamfisted. Every character is either a bad joke or a stock waifu.

    There is a decent variety of minigames and one-off puzzles. Nothing too impressive, but it keeps things varied. However, given the large variety, it's inevitable that some are less clear or interesting than others. There's also heaps of mindless grinding required to raise your stats, which very quickly becomes a chore.

    For all these flaws, you'd hope the rewards - the sex scenes - would be worthwhile. Plenty of other reviews have mentioned how high quality they are. This might have been true when the game was first released, but in 2024 the animations feel extremely limited and are really showing their age.

    Overall, a silly space romp which might have been fun if you were a teen when it first came out, but is very hard to recommend now.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    AMAZING ! I was not expecting too much about this game but what a surprise, maybe some drawings are not that good about genitals but the number of them make it a little detail. Plus you get through the story in a very interesting maneer, played a few hours to get them all !
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A wholesome sci-fi story with multiple endings, legit romance without any bullshit, and smooth juicy beautiful H-scenes. There's a little bit of bestiality involved due to traveling to different civilizations but all the characters feel human and act human so it's totally fine don't worry. After you experience one of the endings consider picking up the guide to get all the endings.

    Finding legit romance is something very rare on F95.

  9. 3.00 star(s)


    OK game. played this a while ago so dont remember much, but it was pretty fun exploring all the planets and stuff. story is interesting enough. Scenes could be better but are fine otherwise. not a huge fan of furry and i still found this to be a pretty good game. 6.7/10
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    In short: Stunning girls with pretty distinct characters, amazing gorgeously animated H-scenes, good story with some funny scenes, and a bit challenging (thus satisfying if u get them right) puzzles.

    There are also alot of easter-eggs and hidden H-scenes. I highly recommend checking the walkthrough, because some of them are really well hidden, and it's almost impossible to get them, if you don't have idea what to do.
    Overall, amazing game, I highly recommend checking it out, you won't regret spending your time on it.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Multiple storylines with great/funny writting, completely worth it.

    Art is great with solid animations.

    You will do several runs picking different characters and getting a different ending each time.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I love playing this game from Gamcore.com and loved it. I'm glad this game is finished and explore many ways to romance many Animal Girls and and a Human Girl with very challenging puzzles.

    You play as a guy that doesn't remember anything and Allison (your female partner) Tells you to travel and survey a furry planet and find which planet is best for the Humans to live and grow as a society again. Which means find best female furry that is princess, rogue, leader, etc. and romance them.

    What I find very interesting that I can do naughty things with nearly every girl (even Easter egg girls), and Get the Allison Ending/Or the Harem Ending. Lol No consequences when you get true love with Allison even though you've had sex with nearly every furry girl.

    I love the story and the multiple endings it has. A game I recommend
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow. At first, I thought I'm not into furry stuff and just was curious. But this game has perfect balance of everything including graphics. You know that it's a big problem when devs want to make something perfect but don't have enough resourses? That is not the case. It's not a 3d-graphics and it made well.

    The storyline is much obvious but not the cliche one, and, guys... do we actually play it for a storyline? :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    The art and animations are simply awesome! Perfect. Hate furries, just ignored it lol. Sticked by mostly for Alison. Followed the development before there had any executable version, just the Flash one.

    Flash stopped being supported by all browsers but I have been using the Flash Player standalone ever since around 2016 lol. Just open the SWF file with it. Had no problems with either version anyways.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good flash game, but it's age does show when playing through. The scenes are good and overall story with different paths, the issue is just QOL fixes to make navigation easier. The variety of girls is good to have.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game. Visuals were pretty sexy and awesome. The premise was an interesting one, certainly for me. Simple puzzles. Not a bore. The characters with their antics and fleshed out personalities gave an engaging experience, Overall, I can say I loved it.
    PS: Would have loved to see pregnancy in the harem route.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is great !
    The story turned out to be enjoyable and the game got even better over time as the scenario introduced new girls.
    One small nitpick... The Main Harem route felt a little lacking.
    => It has nothing to do with a lack of sex scenes though (far from it).
    It's just my own point of view, but I think it would've been better if this route also included a "happy family epilogue" just like some of the other routes...
    => When I think back on it, and the way the Harem route carried itself, I believe there was no reason not to include this sort of ending. It would've made the route more wholesome.
    But again, this is just my own feelings.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly didn't have high expectations for this since it was a flash game. The animations and art were really good. The characters were hot and the story wasn't bad when making it all come together. The game was also simple to follow and it wasn't complicated. Would highly recommend this one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent renders and animations. I was pretty hesitant since it's in flash. Some (okay, all) of the minigames suck, but that's easily overlooked, especially with a walkthrough.

    The characters are mostly interesting with personalities and the story does throw a small twist at you, so that was nice.

    Highly recommend.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Overall terrific game. It has A LOT more depth then you might think at first glance. Not just in terms of the story, but girls/progressions too.

    The game's an interesting mix of VN with some other short games in there to break up the pace. I think it works really well. It does feel a little tedious with some of the minigames, but it's nowhere near grindy.

    The animations are all really great, and there are a TON of them. The voice acting and SFX are basic but they get the job done.

    The story is... actually not bad. It's pretty "out there" but it's not so ridiculous that you roll your eyes at it. Overall I highly recommend.