VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.1a] [RanliLabz]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    -Game engine is unsuited for what the game is going for.
    -Most of the characters are ugly, especially the aliens.
    Their skin looks like plastic, and not in a weird/interesting way. More like an unfinished texture mess kind of way.
    -Plot is dumb, even though it's the point. It's not dumb fun, so it's actually annoying.
    -Fetish content isn't as consent based as advertised. There are a few scenes that slam into you whether you like it or not.
    -Fetish content also completely changes the story. If you go back on it with a mistake, it'll be as if it never happened.
    -Game gives a womp womp for every missed sexual opportunity. (You actualy miss plenty of meaningless lore for missing scenes) For a game trying to be inclusive, that's pretty patronizing.
    -Speaking of choices, the game makes it very clear a bunch of choices matter, but NEVER elaborates clearly which ones do. Most of seemingly mundane choices has huge consequences later on. You might never find that out.
    -Sim system sucks. Why is it that you lose IQ stats PERMANENTLY every morning when you need it for certain endings. None of the stats you gain actually do anything most of the game.
    At least let us cheat.
    -It's difficult to cheat. The variables shown in unren don't make sense. And cheat menu doesn't do jack except give a choice map, which isn't updated to the current game.
    -Religion. Idk wtf the dev was doing with this, but big ideas are not a strong suit for this guy. I can watch South Park parody religion, because that's what the show is meant for. It's stupidity, and not meant to be taken seriously.
    This game has a parody MC in a parody game, doing a serious story quest for a parody of religion.
    This dev can't really juggle too much at once, so things come off wrong sometimes.
    For ex:
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    -Also the worst of all: Who the fuck came up with these unholy dance/action sequences? They're terrible. The music is tastelessly forced in too. And you can't properly skip them.
    -Most of these issues wouldn't be so bad if another medium was used to make this game.
    If this game was a fallout mod, people would enjoy this type of stuff a lot more.
    There's a lot of things that vn's just needs patience to achieve well, this dev doesn't have any of it. Next time choose a better platform/medium to create in.
    It might turn out alright.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the persistent character development and the sex scenes are rewarding, if a bit derivative.

    Its clear that this project has some limitations in terms of how quickly new versions come out, but the format is good enough to make up for that
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Quite frankly, this game has never recovered from the shift in format. It felt like it instantly became lifeless and perfunctory when it switched from following an actual story playing out into a boring life sim functioning as little more than a scene selector.

    It also doesn't help that the game refuses to respect the player's choices regarding the type of content it tries to push on them. Admittedly, that problem started pretty early on, but it could have been chalked up to inexperience. The longer it continues, the more it seems like they just really want you to try all of the fetishes on offer because the game's development is spread so thin that there's not much to do if you're only interested in a limited subset of the content.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is great if you're not playing for the story, but just one of those busybody players that want to dig about in an AVN where there's alot of decisions and unlockable lewd scenes and stats.

    There are 2 main points of appeal of this AVN:
    1. it covers as many of the fetish types or tags as any other, under a sci-f setting.
    2. Lot of player choices that impact the lewd scenes they get. There's even a fancy decision map built into the game.
    The general cons with games like this are:
    1. Weaker story. The story is goofy and porny, but not funny. None of the characters are particularly memorable.
    2. Zero animations, just renders for lewds, given the permutations and fetishes that have to be covered
    3. Models and renders are average or even ugly
    And the cons bear out with this game. You'll play through a scene, unlock certain lewd scenes and reach one of the endings to the scene, which then starts the next scene. There's alot of stats to track as you eventually work towards choosing a career path in the spacecorps.

    The story has a mish mash of elements inspired by other sci-fi works, covers themes around religion vs sexuality, some intergalactic intrigue, but this is not a great narrative by any means.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is goofy and dumb just like its mc and I love it. It looks great visually, probably in the top compared to other 3dcg visual novels out there. The story is maybe a 6/10. It's entertaining but there are just so many things happening. Things kind of go in all different directions and it makes me think that less can sometimes be more. Not saying that having a lot of content is bad. More gameplay is an amazing thing. It just feels like some things or events take away from the actual story. So much to the point where I question if scenes/event contribute to the storyline at all or if they're even necessary. Like the time spent creating this random interaction could have been used on furthering the main story or expanding on its characters. Just a thought but this is still a great game. The variety of fetishes is pretty cool to see and appreciated. SpaceCorps might just be one of the funniest games that I have played. A lot of it is just dumb and silly but it's refreshing in a way. Nice to be able to just enjoy and not take things too seriously. Scenes where a song just starts playing out of nowhere and they just fit so well with what is happening are pretty funny. Great stuff, looking forward to more.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for SpaceCorps XXX v2.6.3:

    I've been playing updates to this game since late 2020. This game is really fetish heavy, so if you're into the fetishes in the tags and you're into sci-fi, you'll likely appreciate it. However, if you lean more towards vanilla, it's probably not for you. All of the fetishes are optional, but if you want to see only vanilla scenes, there's very little content, and even the vanilla sex scenes tend to have some sci-fi weirdness. The game is obviously supposed to be humorous, but it's not super successful at it. The writing is OK, but the MC is such a retard that you will frequently face-palm. The render quality is good, but the models intentionally have cartoonish proportions, and they're sometimes grotesque. I think the game is doing a decent job at what it's intended to do, and it deserves the most credit for its originality, but overall, it's just not my cup of tea. If there was more content that was interesting to me, I might feel differently, but I think it's time for me to bow out.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game. I can hardly wait for the next update. Sometimes quite crazy writing, but Iike the wide variations of choices you can make in this game. The Characters are hot (male, female, alien and inbetween) and the style is amazing too. Thx RanliLabz
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Story is pretty decent with ok plots and some fun stuff but theres just way to much that annoys me.

    MC is a whimp and very submissive so dident like him at all.
    Theres game-over choices which just annoys me.
    Theres a shit ton of fetishes and kinks you can turn off or thats what you would think when it says disabled after you made a choice, but it still fucking offers the same shit over and over to turn them on again? i mean come on wtf if i deside to say no let it stay like that so i dont have to think about running into the shit i dont want to see.....

    MCs sister is a whore, she apprently fucked everyone to get on the same ship as MC but for what reasons to get to MC and do nothing? you cant fuck her i belive other then in a dream even though it has incest tag, not that i even would after seeing her fuck the hole crew and the cousin....

    Claims no NTR tag but i dunno, you see a shower scene where a LI is molested by another female, then they end up in a bed together where the LI says nothing happened BUT scene goes on to show the LI getting licked and fingered and dialogs makes it look like its just MC thinking about it, the real issue is that very soon after that you learn MC can read minds to see what people has done like when he sees hes sister fuck the hole crew, so its pretty clear that the stuff with the LI proberly did happen and it was MC reading her mind which is why he could see what went on which MC was wondering about when seeing it for the first time with the LI being molested, which would clearly make it NTR, not saying its wrong to have but if its there it should show tag for it.

    Dident really enjoy most of the sound effects either, the music was pretty good at times since it was real music not just the standard background crap.

    It also has animation tag, but i dont even recall seeing a single animated sex scene, but about a million that are just picture to picture shit which you cant call animated, but maybe there is one i missed somewhere but in any case its extremly lacking in the animation area.

    Pretty supprised this has been rated so highly compared to what it is.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Space corps has some really intresting things going off in it. A decent plot and story and a wide range of events. However that's kind of where the good parts end.
    The game art is lacking to say the least and honestly I'd say its biggest flaw is both its range of content and faily annoying warning when you skip some of it.
    There is both a lot to like in the game, and aslo an awful lot not to. when you try and curb some of that to your own tastes you get an annoying sound effect and a red alert.
    The diversity of content is the games best stength and biggest flaw becuase I can't really enjoy the game too well I as I fast forward to scenes that weren't to my taste.
  10. 1.00 star(s)

    Real Kreten

    Developer should learn to respect choices and promises he give. It promise game, where you can choose your kinks, but kinks which get refused and disabled are returning and returning.

    I belived, that I can fit game to my liking as it was described, but true is that any kink I disabled reappeared again and again. It should be easy to apply flag and then hide such content and it is actually promised in description but not implemented in game.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy VNs that will explore a variety of kinks/fetishes, which this one certainly does. The models/art aren't anything spectacular, but decent.

    My biggest problem is the dev's non-stop use of Ren'Py's hard pause, which will force the player to sit and wait for the next scene/dialogue to popup. And it's used excessively through out the game. Using this feature is genuinely frowned upon and is just poor game design. I went through an edited all instances of this to disable it, which made the game play better for me.

    The other thing is there is a LOT of frivolous dialogue. I was getting into the story a little bit in the beginning, but it didn't take long before I was just skipping text like a madman hoping for a scene to end so I could get on to the next bit. Also, the attempts at comedy usually end up being annoying for me, especially when it involves having to click a lot just to progress through the BS.

    There is also a LOT going on in this game. Would be better if it were a little more focused.

    Anyway, it's not terrible. Not something I'll be excited about when a new release is put out, but interesting enough that I'll download it and play, especially if I'm particularly bored at the time.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I didn't like the game and quit after some hours, but I have to admit this is a high quality work:

    The MC is very submissive. Also has gay mannerisms even if you don't choose a gay path. Another issue for me is that he's extremely innocent and dumb, everyone makes fun of him.

    There are a lot of fetishes you'll come across. It's the biggest virtue of the game. Lots of gross kinks for you.

    The story is a parady and it's quite fun. Although you have no time for rest since the game goes fast with a lot of places and characters.

    UI, BGM, Art style is top notch. It has a built-in walkthrough too.

    Girls are okay. They are made around their fetish purposes so don't expect a deep character. Be ready for lots of fendom with your naive MC too.

    I don't think it's a VN for everyone but if you're okay with those points give a try..
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    I can see a lot of effort is put in, but I rate a game on whether I would suggest it to others or not, and I just...can't. Density in content isn't a bad thing, but when there's literally so much content, it ends up being that the game feels incredibly disjointed.


    The game has something like two dozen individual threads going on at the same time and refuses to elaborate on much of it. I'm not even joking on that number by the way. The story goes like "so you've just been forced to join this space army and will get designated a role, but NOW you have to deal with a rogue AI pining for you, but NOW you have to deal with a muscle-bound woman who is trying to steal your crush, but NOW you're being kidnapped by demons, now we're BACK to the rogue AI, but NOW we're talking about a 'secret division', now we're BACK to the muscle-bound woman kidnapping your girlfriend, but NOW your sister is pissed, but NOW you're being arrested, but NOW you're being recruited by a secret religious sect, but NOW you're being recruited to be an informant, but NOW you have to pick a love interest." The developer has VERY little focus, it's like seeing a computer program start snorting crack and adderall.

    Because of this, the attempts at humour arguably make it even worse. Instead of spending time even attempting to flesh out any of the one hundred characters being thrown at you, or focusing on cleaning up any of the story, the dev chooses to try and include all of these attempts at jokes at your face over and over and over again. There's only so many time I can hear the joke "the MC is a dumbass" before it gets boring. Oh, the MC has gotten brain damage for the 7th time? "What a hilarious running gag, it was starting to get dull after the 3rd time, but it warmed on me after the 5th". I mean the fact the dev somehow manages to string all of these together would be impressive, if not for how repetitive it is and how utterly tired it feels to read it.


    With the wide array of choices in sexual scenes and kinks, it shocked me that the dev decided to include LIs. I was hoping they'd have the same level of choice, but they don't really. You have two virgin characters (male and female), a little dicked buff dude, and two town bikes (one you know of, one you find out about later). But you'd think with the amount of choices, they'd pass that onto the LI's, right?...Right?

    One of the 'love interests', Anna, gets kidnapped at one point. You can actually choose if she gets touched by her female kidnapper or not, even when it doesn't include penetration. Even when you aren't personally active as the MC, you still get to choose what happens in the world, and that feels appreciated in a game which seems to focus largely on sex and the ability to choose what you experience.

    Then a couple scenes later, you're forced to learn that Ci-Ci, your sister (or whatever you call her), had sex with your cousin! Then, in the same conversation, you learn that she basically fucked everyone else on the crew that you've met prior! So what the fuck was the point of having us choose for Anna, but get actively penalized for not wanting Ci-Ci to be a slut??? Hell, I have more choice with some random sexual encounter than I do with what the dev is telling me is a potential main love interest.

    Why? If the objective of the game is a brevity of sex and the ability to choose what to see and not see, why am I being forced to have this occur? She's literally your sister, if you want the incest tag, that's what her being a love interest is for! Literally all you would've need to have done is have a similar choice as with Anna, where you ask what they did and you have a couple choices. That's it. The lack of forethought and flexibility sours the enjoyability of the AVN, as you feel like how the description of freedom the dev describes is just lies.


    Speaking of the number of sexual choices, here's me mentioning the fact that several times in the AVN, you are forced into particular kinks to continue the story. Why? For some other games that would be fine, but this game is billing itself as one where you have an intense amount of choice. So I can decide whether I'll look down at one person's body, but in another instance I'm forced to sit through a femdom footjob? What??


    I'm all for humour in AVNs. I'm all for just balls-to-the-walls sex in AVNs. But this game is a fucking mess. So you're telling me I have a love interest, despite the fact you've populated this game with 95% sluts? You're saying I'm meant to pay attention about a "secret division" storyline, when you just spent 3 minutes of my time watching a flashback where the MC gets his ass rubbed by his sister? No novel or game has ever indirectly discouraged you from viewing it's own content. Even boring games like Assassin's Creed that pad themselves to shit, only have a single main storyline.

    What do you want from me Spacecorps? What am I meant to want from you? Is it focused on choice-based sexual overabundance, romancing a love interest, sci-fi adventure, what is it?
  14. 1.00 star(s)


    On its own, the idea of a humor-based, parody game is fine. There are games that I genuinely enjoy with these aspects, but in my opinion these need to be significantly moderated.

    Rather than moderate its use of humor, this game is best played with a laugh track in the background, and most of that humor misses pretty heavily. This starts with the MC, who bounces back and forth between your standard Southern-Fried Private trope to "genuinely mentally disabled", and the difference in characterization exists solely to drive humor. A second thing that is a miss is the use of cutscenes as gags. That's fine on their own, but these cutscenes take three minutes, have no dialogue whatsoever, and are totally unskippable.

    In short, I know I'm going to sound like a mudge, but how this game got beyond three stars is utterly beyond me.
  15. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Seemed like a decent game at first for a lot of the tags. I was oh so very wrong. Never understood the idea of cramming so much into one thing. Let's start with the fetishes, at first glance it seems to have all these fetishes and choice on top of that, but that all goes out the window with the sheer amount of Game Over's the VN gives you. You either have to lose and stop the game at certain points or give up on a girl if the fetish isn't yours. This would be fine except this game has a clear bias towards femdom and MC is gonna get beat up at every turn or die. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the other kinks weren't present in the codex like screen. This problem is made worse by the fact that disabling kinks doesn't really disable them as you can accidentally re-activate it again, which the creator of the game seems to do to troll the players. This doesn't even include the obsession the creator has with forcing other male characters to appear in "straight" content. On top of that it tries to be funny I swear the MCU ruined story-telling by adding comedy to every little thing. All this leads to story that is akin to a headless chicken running amok with a clear bias towards certain directions but still relatively aimless.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Wasn't what I expected. It's like a porno meets Firefly. Hot, funny, uncomfortable, and pushes your limits while you can't stop playing because its so damn funny you want to see what's going to happen next.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very bombastic. I like the setting of the game, world building and the humor. Clearly the dev must've took coke to create this game... There is a whole kink system which I never seen in a game before but the pop up and sound effect of the kink can be pretty annoying. I do like the dev's consistency but the updates are pretty short.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    I dipped back into this one recently, after being very impressed by it a while ago, but I have to say I'm finding recent updates to be much less engaging.

    I'm not a fan of sandbox at all and the shift to that style of playing after an excellent extended opening act in visual novel mode is, I think, abrupt and misjudged. In fairness to the dev it seems like this mix of gameplay was always the plan and we are currently in Phase 2 of the three act roadmap, but I really wish he'd just stuck to visual novel mode for the whole thing. There's a real loss of momentum in the flow of the story, a much much too complicated emphasis on stats and missions, and it all just feels than it was. It is still very much worth your time, in my view, hence my rating, but I am hoping that things pick up in Phase 3.
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    wanted to try this game since i like (the Space game genre) but my god.

    the MC is dumber then dirt, and i didn't find him likeable after a short time.

    the story is non existant, confusing and all over the place. (alot of branching paths)

    the Dev has put alot of effort into putting as many fetishes in this game as possible and i praise the dev for it, but it's also the biggest problem i have with the game.

    you meet a female character, but suddenly they are a big nope because of the fetish they are into.
    you will also be forced into it aswell by trying to help others that you like or other wise.
    i allmost felt scared to just talk to the guys......for obvious reasons.

    the game would have worked better if one where able to disable and lock out the fetishes that we didn't want in the game from the very beginning.

    other then that, renders are not too bad and there is a good amount of content.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my take on the S2 vs2.4.1 public version of the game. Beware there are some spoilers, but no important plot points are ruined. Also, I'm a straight guy, which obviously affects my opinion.

    - Is funny as hell; the humour might not be for everyone (duh, that's how humour works) but there aren't many games that have made me laugh as much as this.

    - The premise is more original than most and the worldbuilding and storyline seem legit.

    - A few ugly characters aside, most of the renders are actually pretty decent.

    - Has almost every fetish you can think of aside from bestiality and loli/shota which, let's be real, is entirely understandable. As such there's something that almost everyone might like.

    - The 'few ugly characters' includes recurring NPCs.

    - Has almost every fetish - including every fetish that you might not want. The content selection mechanism is flimsy since it doesn't prevent you from viewing scenes or accidentally re-enabling kinks. Also, the game combines fetishes a lot of the time, so you might like one part but hate another - for example, 2 out of the 3 female LI's include a lot of NTR specific scenes and wincest, so if you don't like seeing your potential main LI with other characters or with their own family members you're really limiting content. If you want your 19 year old character's female LI to be a virgin too, tough shit, even the innocent LI choice gets violated by a woman before you get a chance to be with her.

    -The main character is an utter moron, which while entertaining at times tends to be more frustrating. If he were a side character he'd be great, but as an MC he's a drawback.

    - The story is reverse-corruption style, where instead of a corrupted MC in a naive world has a naive MC in a corrupt world, as such you are more victim than protagonist as the pace is decided by others. It also means 'avoidable' often doesn't mean you stopping things from happening, it just means you don't see it but it still happens (which can be particularly distasteful to those who dislike NTR) and it increases the frustration with the NPC if their perversion stat is too low due to you not engaging other kinks, to engage in the kinks you do have. This is obviously frustrating as the MC is kindof a wimp, meanwhile any choices that let you play the dominant role often results in game over, since him being a moronic wimp seems central to the plot.

    - The game seems at once highly homoerotic (tons of unskippable male nudity, skimpy male outfits and opportunities for 'pink' events) yet apparently offensive to gay guys at the same time (according to other reviews), which I just don't get. It's like the game was made by a bisexual person with internalised homphobia.

    - Random unskippable cutscenes (or cutscenes that punish you for skipping) are really annoying - it's one thing if it's a few seconds, but sometimes it feels like over a minute of wasted time, with no extra story, dialogue or explicit scenes to show for it. It also bulks out an already large download with little content.

    All in all, if you're omni-perverted, have a vet player on hand to skip past the bits you won't like or the patience and tolerance of a saint then you'd probably enjoy it. If there are particular fetishes you hate or if you like having control over the narrative, this probably ain't for you.

    As for what I would ask for, harder content locks or better content warnings for choices would be the main one. Also, it would be nice if the vanilla path was a little more active prevention and a little less being a cuck - pretending things didn't happen despite very obvious implications that they did. Also STOP WITH THE UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES, seriously - I get you spent time on them and want people to see it, but they detract from the experience especially if it's not someone's first playthrough.