VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.4] [RanliLabz]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    I can see a lot of effort is put in, but I rate a game on whether I would suggest it to others or not, and I just...can't. Density in content isn't a bad thing, but when there's literally so much content, it ends up being that the game feels incredibly disjointed.


    The game has something like two dozen individual threads going on at the same time and refuses to elaborate on much of it. I'm not even joking on that number by the way. The story goes like "so you've just been forced to join this space army and will get designated a role, but NOW you have to deal with a rogue AI pining for you, but NOW you have to deal with a muscle-bound woman who is trying to steal your crush, but NOW you're being kidnapped by demons, now we're BACK to the rogue AI, but NOW we're talking about a 'secret division', now we're BACK to the muscle-bound woman kidnapping your girlfriend, but NOW your sister is pissed, but NOW you're being arrested, but NOW you're being recruited by a secret religious sect, but NOW you're being recruited to be an informant, but NOW you have to pick a love interest." The developer has VERY little focus, it's like seeing a computer program start snorting crack and adderall.

    Because of this, the attempts at humour arguably make it even worse. Instead of spending time even attempting to flesh out any of the one hundred characters being thrown at you, or focusing on cleaning up any of the story, the dev chooses to try and include all of these attempts at jokes at your face over and over and over again. There's only so many time I can hear the joke "the MC is a dumbass" before it gets boring. Oh, the MC has gotten brain damage for the 7th time? "What a hilarious running gag, it was starting to get dull after the 3rd time, but it warmed on me after the 5th". I mean the fact the dev somehow manages to string all of these together would be impressive, if not for how repetitive it is and how utterly tired it feels to read it.


    With the wide array of choices in sexual scenes and kinks, it shocked me that the dev decided to include LIs. I was hoping they'd have the same level of choice, but they don't really. You have two virgin characters (male and female), a little dicked buff dude, and two town bikes (one you know of, one you find out about later). But you'd think with the amount of choices, they'd pass that onto the LI's, right?...Right?

    One of the 'love interests', Anna, gets kidnapped at one point. You can actually choose if she gets touched by her female kidnapper or not, even when it doesn't include penetration. Even when you aren't personally active as the MC, you still get to choose what happens in the world, and that feels appreciated in a game which seems to focus largely on sex and the ability to choose what you experience.

    Then a couple scenes later, you're forced to learn that Ci-Ci, your sister (or whatever you call her), had sex with your cousin! Then, in the same conversation, you learn that she basically fucked everyone else on the crew that you've met prior! So what the fuck was the point of having us choose for Anna, but get actively penalized for not wanting Ci-Ci to be a slut??? Hell, I have more choice with some random sexual encounter than I do with what the dev is telling me is a potential main love interest.

    Why? If the objective of the game is a brevity of sex and the ability to choose what to see and not see, why am I being forced to have this occur? She's literally your sister, if you want the incest tag, that's what her being a love interest is for! Literally all you would've need to have done is have a similar choice as with Anna, where you ask what they did and you have a couple choices. That's it. The lack of forethought and flexibility sours the enjoyability of the AVN, as you feel like how the description of freedom the dev describes is just lies.


    Speaking of the number of sexual choices, here's me mentioning the fact that several times in the AVN, you are forced into particular kinks to continue the story. Why? For some other games that would be fine, but this game is billing itself as one where you have an intense amount of choice. So I can decide whether I'll look down at one person's body, but in another instance I'm forced to sit through a femdom footjob? What??


    I'm all for humour in AVNs. I'm all for just balls-to-the-walls sex in AVNs. But this game is a fucking mess. So you're telling me I have a love interest, despite the fact you've populated this game with 95% sluts? You're saying I'm meant to pay attention about a "secret division" storyline, when you just spent 3 minutes of my time watching a flashback where the MC gets his ass rubbed by his sister? No novel or game has ever indirectly discouraged you from viewing it's own content. Even boring games like Assassin's Creed that pad themselves to shit, only have a single main storyline.

    What do you want from me Spacecorps? What am I meant to want from you? Is it focused on choice-based sexual overabundance, romancing a love interest, sci-fi adventure, what is it?
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    On its own, the idea of a humor-based, parody game is fine. There are games that I genuinely enjoy with these aspects, but in my opinion these need to be significantly moderated.

    Rather than moderate its use of humor, this game is best played with a laugh track in the background, and most of that humor misses pretty heavily. This starts with the MC, who bounces back and forth between your standard Southern-Fried Private trope to "genuinely mentally disabled", and the difference in characterization exists solely to drive humor. A second thing that is a miss is the use of cutscenes as gags. That's fine on their own, but these cutscenes take three minutes, have no dialogue whatsoever, and are totally unskippable.

    In short, I know I'm going to sound like a mudge, but how this game got beyond three stars is utterly beyond me.
  3. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1465339

    Seemed like a decent game at first for a lot of the tags. I was oh so very wrong. Never understood the idea of cramming so much into one thing. Let's start with the fetishes, at first glance it seems to have all these fetishes and choice on top of that, but that all goes out the window with the sheer amount of Game Over's the VN gives you. You either have to lose and stop the game at certain points or give up on a girl if the fetish isn't yours. This would be fine except this game has a clear bias towards femdom and MC is gonna get beat up at every turn or die. Now this wouldn't be a problem if the other kinks weren't present in the codex like screen. This problem is made worse by the fact that disabling kinks doesn't really disable them as you can accidentally re-activate it again, which the creator of the game seems to do to troll the players. This doesn't even include the obsession the creator has with forcing other male characters to appear in "straight" content. On top of that it tries to be funny I swear the MCU ruined story-telling by adding comedy to every little thing. All this leads to story that is akin to a headless chicken running amok with a clear bias towards certain directions but still relatively aimless.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game. Wasn't what I expected. It's like a porno meets Firefly. Hot, funny, uncomfortable, and pushes your limits while you can't stop playing because its so damn funny you want to see what's going to happen next.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is very bombastic. I like the setting of the game, world building and the humor. Clearly the dev must've took coke to create this game... There is a whole kink system which I never seen in a game before but the pop up and sound effect of the kink can be pretty annoying. I do like the dev's consistency but the updates are pretty short.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I dipped back into this one recently, after being very impressed by it a while ago, but I have to say I'm finding recent updates to be much less engaging.

    I'm not a fan of sandbox at all and the shift to that style of playing after an excellent extended opening act in visual novel mode is, I think, abrupt and misjudged. In fairness to the dev it seems like this mix of gameplay was always the plan and we are currently in Phase 2 of the three act roadmap, but I really wish he'd just stuck to visual novel mode for the whole thing. There's a real loss of momentum in the flow of the story, a much much too complicated emphasis on stats and missions, and it all just feels than it was. It is still very much worth your time, in my view, hence my rating, but I am hoping that things pick up in Phase 3.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    wanted to try this game since i like (the Space game genre) but my god.

    the MC is dumber then dirt, and i didn't find him likeable after a short time.

    the story is non existant, confusing and all over the place. (alot of branching paths)

    the Dev has put alot of effort into putting as many fetishes in this game as possible and i praise the dev for it, but it's also the biggest problem i have with the game.

    you meet a female character, but suddenly they are a big nope because of the fetish they are into.
    you will also be forced into it aswell by trying to help others that you like or other wise.
    i allmost felt scared to just talk to the guys......for obvious reasons.

    the game would have worked better if one where able to disable and lock out the fetishes that we didn't want in the game from the very beginning.

    other then that, renders are not too bad and there is a good amount of content.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    This is my take on the S2 vs2.4.1 public version of the game. Beware there are some spoilers, but no important plot points are ruined. Also, I'm a straight guy, which obviously affects my opinion.

    - Is funny as hell; the humour might not be for everyone (duh, that's how humour works) but there aren't many games that have made me laugh as much as this.

    - The premise is more original than most and the worldbuilding and storyline seem legit.

    - A few ugly characters aside, most of the renders are actually pretty decent.

    - Has almost every fetish you can think of aside from bestiality and loli/shota which, let's be real, is entirely understandable. As such there's something that almost everyone might like.

    - The 'few ugly characters' includes recurring NPCs.

    - Has almost every fetish - including every fetish that you might not want. The content selection mechanism is flimsy since it doesn't prevent you from viewing scenes or accidentally re-enabling kinks. Also, the game combines fetishes a lot of the time, so you might like one part but hate another - for example, 2 out of the 3 female LI's include a lot of NTR specific scenes and wincest, so if you don't like seeing your potential main LI with other characters or with their own family members you're really limiting content. If you want your 19 year old character's female LI to be a virgin too, tough shit, even the innocent LI choice gets violated by a woman before you get a chance to be with her.

    -The main character is an utter moron, which while entertaining at times tends to be more frustrating. If he were a side character he'd be great, but as an MC he's a drawback.

    - The story is reverse-corruption style, where instead of a corrupted MC in a naive world has a naive MC in a corrupt world, as such you are more victim than protagonist as the pace is decided by others. It also means 'avoidable' often doesn't mean you stopping things from happening, it just means you don't see it but it still happens (which can be particularly distasteful to those who dislike NTR) and it increases the frustration with the NPC if their perversion stat is too low due to you not engaging other kinks, to engage in the kinks you do have. This is obviously frustrating as the MC is kindof a wimp, meanwhile any choices that let you play the dominant role often results in game over, since him being a moronic wimp seems central to the plot.

    - The game seems at once highly homoerotic (tons of unskippable male nudity, skimpy male outfits and opportunities for 'pink' events) yet apparently offensive to gay guys at the same time (according to other reviews), which I just don't get. It's like the game was made by a bisexual person with internalised homphobia.

    - Random unskippable cutscenes (or cutscenes that punish you for skipping) are really annoying - it's one thing if it's a few seconds, but sometimes it feels like over a minute of wasted time, with no extra story, dialogue or explicit scenes to show for it. It also bulks out an already large download with little content.

    All in all, if you're omni-perverted, have a vet player on hand to skip past the bits you won't like or the patience and tolerance of a saint then you'd probably enjoy it. If there are particular fetishes you hate or if you like having control over the narrative, this probably ain't for you.

    As for what I would ask for, harder content locks or better content warnings for choices would be the main one. Also, it would be nice if the vanilla path was a little more active prevention and a little less being a cuck - pretending things didn't happen despite very obvious implications that they did. Also STOP WITH THE UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENES, seriously - I get you spent time on them and want people to see it, but they detract from the experience especially if it's not someone's first playthrough.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    At first, when I spot this game and looked at those repulsive rendering preview pic, I was like wth is this garbage, but then i saw the review is like almost 5 stars, it convinced me to try it out. after an hour and a half of gaming, i was right. Those reviewers need to stop fooling themselves into believing as long as the gameplay is ''good'' everything is fap-able. Stop it! get some help! look! the Graphic is ugly as shit, the character design and clothing is like a random generated character from head to toe, is either plain af to overly vivid rainbow vomit bimbo to muscle hypertrophy mutant Stallone looking transgender muffin! WTF! Not to mention the main character is extremely unlikeable, a weak ass sissy-like personality especially during sex, has a very punchable face, and a haircut that you wanna set it on fire, basically he is the type of person who turns you into a high school bully. the gameplay and story is wonky and random with child-like dialogues. overall this game is a massive cringefest,100% do not recommend
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I'm going to be honest, it's rather hard describing SpaceCorps in a coherent manner with only a few sentences !

    Light hearted, wacky and engaging are the first words that come to mind when thinking about this game.

    To someone who's never played the game, it may seem rough on the edges and not serious enough but i would recommend trying it nonetheless !

    It's a nice and funny game with tons and tons of varying content, there's literally something for everyone !
    And of course, there's a story that comes with it ! ;)
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    -- reviewed as of S2 v2.3.2 --

    Fun game.

    + I really like these games with rpg elements where there are a lot of choices, stats, and paths. We still don't know how they will ultimately pay off (with the game still being pretty early in development content-wise), but I'm liking what I'm seeing so far
    + Love the humor
    ~ Girls with whacky proportions, hair game not on point (yeah I know it's the military, but that's a lot of bald and crew cut on both male and female characters for an ero game), coupling with the humor, making this very much not a fap game
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Pros :
    - Plenty of content
    - All kinds of kinks regardless of your sexuality maybe except MC is a male so no female to female core.
    - Kinetic story line so no sandbox BS.
    - Incest is wincest.

    Cons :
    - There's so much going on that you never attached to any characters.
    - I still don't know wtf is with that whole symbols that pop up like faith/devotion and etc.
    - Lack of emphasis on main LI's
    - Lack of dominating scene as MC is a wimp.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game could have been great but, there is too much going on and in the end it´s just boring and confusing.

    The many fetishes are nice even if i wished there were some femboys instead of mostly muscular ones, but almost nothing is done with most just one scene and nothing else.

    The main character is so dumb that it was just annoying in the beggining it was fine but I hated him after a while.

    And the music and humour is terrible because it´s again too much.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    I had the disagreeable experience of watching my partner, a bi man, try out this game to see if it'd be a thing he was interested in. This is going to be mostly his thoughts, since he has trouble structuring them into the format of a full review, so I am merely the messenger here.

    The Writing:
    SpaceCorps is an intensely frustrating experience. It is at once claiming to be bisexual, while every avenue of the opening is steeped in... honestly really vile double standards around whether or not the protagonist is interested in men. You are constantly bombarded with 'are you sure?' whenever anything remotely homoerotic comes up (phrased in really demeaning, borderline homophobic language), and when you combine that with the protagonist's internalized homophobia, and the way characters constantly shove M/F interactions in your face, it's really offputting. It's like gay options are very much separate, bolted on, to an implicitly straight narrative, and frankly, that's gross.

    I find the amount of people screaming about the gay in this game to be wild, given the idea that the lack of choice or customizability or just... ability to self-actualize in this narrative might be just as unpleasant from the gay side never seems to have occurred to them. (I mean, why would it?) If you wanted Male on Male interactions, this game actively forces you to experience heterosexual ones on a nearly constant basis, so if anything it's worse from the other side of things, because we know you guys were offered multiple ways out, but you're almost never offered the opportunity to avoid M/F scenes.

    Those MF scenes by the way? Things just happen to you and fuck you if you don't want that. This never happens with gay interactions, by the way, probably because the dev knew the straight boys would actually crucify him if he did that. It's genuinely repulsive writing, before one even gets to the constant casual use of slurs and the 'humor'. You might say 'hey, it's a starship troopers fanfic, ofc there are slurs!' but that just brings up another problem with the writing.

    The tone. This game switches from juvenile twelve year old 'poop and f*gs' humor to quite dark rapey content to characters being just plain creepy in ways the writer seems unaware of. Degrees of Lewdity this is not. The dark tone is not established beforehand, and at no point can you lay out what fetishes/kinks/sexuality you are comfortable with. My partner literally spent a couple of minutes trying to work out how to use the psychometry menu to customize the content in this game like one would in DoL for example, only to find it literally does not work that way and you just get whatever bullshit the dev wanted to throw at you.

    This game does not respect your boundaries at all. Any choice is an illusion, and the lines you use to pick those un-choices are written by the kind of twelve year old who would squeak slurs at the entire lobby in Battlefield. Your choices as a player don't matter, and the MC is characterized in such an overbearingly toxic way between choices that it wouldn't matter much if they did. The 'make better choices' end screen is just insult to injury at that point.

    As of time of writing, he just found a minigame about stripping women in the shower, and he's actively like 'I don't want to do this, fuck this game', but the game is designed to force you to do things like this, and it didn't have to be designed to railroad you into these creepy interactions. The protagonist is constantly like 'Urgh, the women are so hot over there, showering, minding their own business, fucking bitches' but it's like the men in the room are a complete afterthought. Being in this MC's head is like viewing the F95zone comments section on a gay game 24/7.

    Scenes He Liked:
    My partner's one bright point in this game, when we talked about it, was probably the psychic fox guy. The writing during his early scene was pretty much the one time neither of us felt the game was being implicitly hostile to my partner for... not wanting to ogle women, or 'make his move' on 'his' woman, or be a constantly jealous, macho, xenophobic piece of shit. It was a moment where the writer put down the pen, and God took over for a moment. The MC's infantilizing, whiny, straight boy commentary faded away for a second, and it was glorious, but it was over all too quickly.

    The renders are generally quite good, with the exception of whenever the models open their mouths, in which they leapfrog a segment of the uncanny valley from 'acceptably cute humanoid' into 'grinning corpse-demon'. The posing and shot composition was fine. He said the shot of the MC unveiling his cock was the closest to eroticism he'd seen in the game thus far, because confident masculinity is pretty gay, and everything else had been mostly mincing stereotype stuff.

    He hated the animations. They're stuttery and jarring, and actively ruin any eroticism of a scene that survived words like 'ding a ling' and the constant, pervasive, dick-wilting homophobia. His words on the matter were, I quote: 'these models are so good, just show me a CG or something? Please, why do we have to constantly 'are you sure' me when I'm looking at a guy's dick!? I've already selected to do that, just leave me alone!'


    Not the bisexual nirvana we've both seen it suggested to be on this site. Would not recommend at all. There's nothing queer about this game. When trying to play a bi man, it doesn't question any of the conventions of masculinity one would expect of a non-straight character. In many cases, it pretty much just uses the 50s 'Fairy' stereotype straight-faced. My own observation was that it's like if the dev of Dreams of Desire tried to write a bisexual game, while remaining just as terrible at writing erotica, and stepping up the insecure masculinity roughly 1000%. It could never hope to match even a fraction of the wit, charm, eroticism or satire of the Starship Troopers movie.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Game seemed interesting at the beginning tho the idiot player trope was overdone and then overdone again.
    It also tends to repeat the same jokes ad nauseam.

    And then there is the whole thing where making so many weird and frankly stupid lockouts based on what choices you make and what you skip(like running from a fight where you don't want to be used in a femdom situation(which then opens that up even if you had the path shut out previously) but running from it then locks out cunnilingus which makes absolutely no sense what so ever...

    It's like watching a car wreck in slow motion and i frankly regret having wasted time on trying to play this sad excuse for a game.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    When the other reviews mentioned how stupid the MC is, they were not joking. I tried to ignore for as long as I can, but the MC's low IQ combined with the unnecessarily-long dialogue (similar to New Family: another game I despise) makes the story insufferable. Half the time, the dialogue is just the other characters over-explaining in the most-simplest of terms their surface-level statements, because the MC severely lacks comprehension skills of any level. The humor was enjoyable for a while, but it became extremely forced when the story goes into a standstill because of it.

    I gave 2 stars and not a fat 0, because I enjoyed the freedom of sexual content the game has to offer, and the characters aren't bad at all. It's just a shame the MC couldn't at least match the intellect of everyone around him. Lastly, I like games that have a glossary of information (even though I couldn't access the alien race tabs) for other species, the characters within the story, morality system, etc.

    In short, if the MC's IQ was at least average, and the dialogue wasn't so long and filled to the top with forced humor, I would give the game a 4 and kept playing. It wasn't meant to be for me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4572181

    This... this is a masterpiece.

    It is beautiful.

    It is hilarious.

    I was a bit prejudiced about this game for reasons I don't know, but once I gave it a try, it became one of my two favorite games around here (the other is Being a Dik).

    Look, the game has 3 planned phases, and so far we get the 1st phase done (Visual Novel), and the beginning of phase 2 (somewhat of a sandbox still being worked on).

    The 1st season has brilliant writing where you play a fundamentalist christian/goodboy/cowboy with a low IQ, but a heart of gold, just as he gets enlisted in the Union SpaceCorps. Coming from a very naive, innocent upbringing, he is oblivious to pretty much everything, until he starts to face certain... situations.

    You can play him as keeping his faith (with some very humorous dialogues), or slowly awakening his sexual instinct. You can choose pretty much every route you want to tackle with him, including different love interets, sexual preferences and kinks.


    The great thing here where the game and plot REALLY SHINES is the humor. RanliLabz, the creator of SpaceCorps XXX does and outstanding job where the script is genius!

    Add to that his choice of soundtrack for certain scenes, and I laughed my ass off...

    Many situations happen in daydreamings of the MC, and I don't want to spoil anything, but let's say that some of my favorite scenes so far were the Titanic Love Interest + the Two Moons with Love Interest + Finding Anna...

    It's definitely a 11/10 on every aspect.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    While I had my gripes with how choices were handled for game over situations and feeling a bit frustrated, I have to say that I overall enjoyed the game. I like how the models look, I have to say most if not all of them are sexy or at least appealing. The MC is kind of a dumbass, but he's also kind of endearing where I want to help him to become a true studly sex beast. The thing I most liked despite my gripes with the choices was that it actually felt like my choices mattered for most of the choices I had to make like I actually had to think about what choices I wanted to make and what choices I had to make, it was a little annoying for some choices but I overall liked that about the game.

    I would give the game a strong 3 but since the star system doesn't let me give 3..7 stars and because I want more people to try the game so it can keep getting traction I'll give it a 4
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Listen, I really tried to love this game. Almost everything about this game is well done, for what it is, it's a porn game with a variety of fetishes, and that's an understatement. The only problem with this damn game is the protagonist, this MF is dumber than a bag of rocks it's past funny. It feels like I'm navigating a spineless infant through the story, and I get it, it's intentional, but seriously, it's impossible to immerse yourself in the game when you are presented with fake options leading to death scenes NOT by logical consequence, but by the sheer stupidity of the MC being unable to think and act rationally. Part of the joy of playing porn games is being able to empathise with the characters, but in this case, there's literally nothing worth valuing about the MC. It feels so irritating and humiliating playing as him that I just...can't bro.

    Anyway, here goes:


    - insane amount of kinks and fetishes
    - story is linear and you're allowed to "return" to your choice after a bad end to re-do the storyline, meaning you never really miss any content unless you want to
    - graphics and sex scenes are alright, not the best but I've seen worse


    - weird as fuck scenerios
    - MC has a negative IQ and it never gets better
    - avoidable NTR, but NTR nonetheless
    - illogical story, but it's intentional and I find the humor alright, but if you're the type to enjoy immersing yourself in a game, taking it too seriously might take a toll on your mental health

    Summary: You know, there's a fine line between funny and ridiculous, and as much as this game appeals well to those attracted to the former, I just can't handle playing as the protagonist. Sorry, gonna have to drop this, but it's a great game to try nonetheless, you might love it or hate it.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the worst i have ever played if i could rate it with a zero i would easily MC is lame and weak story is non existant Female interests are counted on the fingers of one hand 4 or 5 because the rest are ugly...

    Story-boring or non existant 0 star

    Female Characters- 70% are ugly as s**t 1 star

    Renders- good but could be way better 2 stars

    MC-weak, insignificant lame 0 stars