VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.4] [RanliLabz]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    God, what a crap, this game does not cause any emotions except vicarious embarrassment, the main character and all his "tribe" are mentally retarded (they were intentionally made so, in order to ridicule people brought up on traditional values), stupid secondary characters, ridiculous scenes and absolutely uninteresting plot, in addition, the "novel" is overloaded with scenes of terrible quality and a ton of unnecessary text.

    The review was written with the help of an automatic translator, any spelling and grammatical errors were caused by an incorrect translation.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    honestly if you want to try it go ahead i played it for one hour and it was oneof the wrost experience it i bet it got enough scenes and got jokes at so many places but still the models are so ugly and you see things you don't want to see like huge ugly gay males fucking each other and it you can disable it but you will still get glimpse of it and some models are so ugly it just felt bad seeing that and it's not about one but 30% models i saw it can't be that bad right no it's bad they look like straight up horror movie characters
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game has some truely interesting concepts at play but, I found the rapeyness of this game very unpleasant.

    Why exactly do I have to see a drill sergeant sexually abuse my primary LI at the very start of the game? So tasteless.

    I would avoid this game if you are not into all of the kinks. The game's approach to avoidance is not canonically- rather to present a scenario that will be happening and ask if you'd like to observe it or not.

    Also- playing a backwater religious idiot is pretty boring.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    SpaceCorps XXX is definitely a very unique game. In both good and bad ways.

    The good;

    The story is funny and doesn't take itself seriously at all. The character models are different and there is a wide variety of content.

    The bad;
    The most recent update (0.3.7 at time of writing) still has the same problem that I have found with this game over the last several updates. That is, that the player's choice of which fetishes to see/participate in is only ever partially respected.

    To elaborate, the game makes a point of saying that every fetish is optional. However, the player isn't given a choice to 'Not See' until after a situation arises that has the player viewer or almost participating in that fetish.
    A further issue to this is that the game will constantly change your fetish preferences by putting the player in situations where they are again exposed to that fetish.

    For example Gangbang content; the game shows the player a Gangbang scene, then asks the player how they feel about that content. The player says "eeeew", the result "Gangbang content locked out" card is displayed.... Ok, good. That is until you are presented with a hall and the game displays a random female moan, MC goes to investigate it... and you see a gangbang scene... game asks how do you feel about this? (again and regardless of your previous choice)" ..... If you say it was cool, then "Gangbang ON" if you say EEEWW (again) the "Gangbang" filter stays off... My question is exactly what is these filters are doing..

    It kind of defeats the purpose of them, if you are presented with a preference option while already in the middle of, or viewing that type of content.

    Overall the game is 'ok', as I said the story is funny enough, and my only complaint about that is that it seems that the MC is a clinically retarded moron who was brainwashed by the local cult leader... and I've never liked morons as characters, but as I said, the game is pretty comical and not something that should be taken seriously.

    Should you play it?

    Despite the developer's claims that every fetish is optional, I don't recommend this game for players who dislike sharing or seeing women, including love interests with other males/women, Nor do I recommend it to players who dislike having gay content constantly displayed.

    SpaceCorps XXX typically gives the choice to 'Not See' (and please note that in most cases this IS 'skip' NOT 'avoid') either AFTER or WHILE the content is being shown. Which in my opinion defeats the purpose of such a choice.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game. At first it may be boring for some including me but later on the story actually gets interesting and makes you play more, just bare it for a bit before you decide.

    It has a good story, great renders, decent music, characters are very good, everything else is also fine.

    In this current state, most of the game you'll be in space in a spaceship, occasionally looking at past moments.
    The game also has some comedy qualities, it does get really funny sometimes trust me, its really interesting.

    I dont think i saw any animations tho but this game has a lot of stuff in it, all kinds of fetishes and you can choose what you want to see and do.
    Theres also branches which are really interesting, im curious what will they be.

    So yeah i'd give it a 4 star, been a while since i found another great game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Review for version 3.6b

    This game is thoroughly enjoyable. The one criticism I'd like to get out of the way, aside from the ugly models, is that the story comes across as pornographic but not erotic --at least not yet. Because the story rapidly jumps rapidly between an immense cast of characters, it's hard for a reader to get immersed in any sexual pursuit. Additionally, there are a few scenes where the comedic relief blocks other kinds of relief, becoming an unintended bathos to the eroticism. For these reasons, SpaceCorps is less erotica and more of a space dramedy that just happens to have loads of sex scenes and sexuality, but it’s still damned good.

    Aside from a few moments of bad timing, SpaceCorps does comedy well, mostly using it during exposition and scene transition to make the moments less dull. While other games overplay the same joke or type of joke, SpaceCorps' jokes variety in type and delivery, with some being in the dialogue, some hitting you from the sci-fi setting, and some being in the game’s mechanics. Not every joke is a winner, but I think this may be the best comedy I’ve experienced on f95.

    Speaking of the sci-fi, I'm loving the world of SpaceCorps. Yes, it’s made up mostly of shameless popculture references or rip-offs of popular sci-fi IP, but the amalgamation is just so damned entertaining and endearing. There were several points I’d be like, “That’s from Starship Troopers! Oh man they even got Riddick in here!” Because the story never takes itself seriously, the constant references are able to add another layer to the enjoyment.

    Overall, I’ve loved my experience with this game so far. I’m a little concerned that the number of characters, kinks, plots, and routes being tracked in SpaceCorps will put its development on a 5+ year timeline, but I would certainly follow every update even if that does end up being the case. 5/5 highly recommend.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

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  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Frim der Wel

    I found this game really remarkable.

    Its strongest point is the writing, it is great fun.

    The story and worldbuilding is good.
    In the end the story is actually a bleak dystopia where young people are forcefully drafted into an inhumane military–industrial organization to fight in an eternal and pointless war,
    and are immediately and systematically sexually and physically assaulted and abused.
    But somehow the game manages to organically build a rather kindhearted and funny story on top of that.

    I also find it remarkable that the MC is likeable even though he is not too bright (and everyone agrees on that), he seems completely free of malice ; somehow he reminds me of the archetype of the noble fool.

    Many LIs are interesting and likeable and relatable.
    I found it especially refreshing that there are interesting male characters .(But that might be related to the optional gay contents? in many (straight) games the non-MC males are just annoying caricatures of opponents, if they exist at all...)

    The minor point that I could have done without is that the MC has the usual superhuman-sized cock (at least the writing is funny in that respect) and that there is an instance of the tiresome "small dick = evil" trope (but this gets a bit better later).

    Arts and rendering are very good.

    Music is used to *great* (humorous) effect.

    Everything seems well coded, the UI is nice.

    Sexual contents: The kinks are mostly not my cup of tea: There is a lot of gay / alien / femdom / ... / contents. To a good extend the according scenes can be avoided (or "deactivated", with quite funny feedback images); but the according content is still present in the story.

    Some of the unavoidable things were also not to my liking:
    In particular the MC is quite submissive; and the whole game is a bit rapey (with MC on the receiving end).
    The (rather few) scenes that actually did fit to my interests were quite attractive.

    But the game is so good that I did not mind that it did not cater to my sexual taste; but I assume if you throw a fit if you are confronted with just the potential of gay contents then better avoid it....
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Truly one of my favorite game on this website and i played ton of them! There is a good amount of content which cover a diverses range of kink, good replay ability, the story is kinda interesting and the characters likeable enough, but one pf the best thing is the humour of this game, well timed song can really change a scene and i think they add a lot to the game ^^ a shame the mod on this thread is an huge tyrannical asshole who made the dev leave because of his pettiness since the dev was extremely helpful and willing to help if anyone encounter a problem in the game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This was the first ever decent sized adult game I ever played. So this is special to me, sorry if I am biased.

    An impressive storyline and decent number of endings help you actually carry you along well in the story. All basic kinks are covered and I am sure you will have a great time playing this game.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the two best adult games I've ever played. Wonderfully written humour, excellently directed, rendered and timed images (recently improved for earlier portions of the game) with some hilarious musical choices and multiple paths with choices of both primary and secondary love/sexual interests. The game caters for almost every kink and sexuality, just about all of which can be opted out of when they first appear.

    Very highly recommended for people of all sexual tastes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    pachinko jones

    Is this game catering to me, an average Joe? Not really. A large amount of the content isn't for me, in fact. Really drove home how "vanilla" I am.

    Is there great gameplay, or are the renders really stunning? No, and no. It's a standard, if more voluminous and branching than average, VN. And the renders are all over the place, with some being exceptionally unique (being able to see Morgana's eyeballs and ear canals through her head really freaked me out and impressed me when I first noticed them), while others come off as either underdeveloped (aliens with big nips just looked like the low q textures were stretched) or overly generic (swear I've seen Cis in other VNs before).

    Then why am I giving this 5 stars? Because I am ecstatic that such a thing exists. It is WEIRD. It's genuinely funny. It takes risks. And did I mention how frickin weird it can be? When this site can sometimes feel bloated with "landlady and roommate" games, and "going to college of hot babes.. but with a twist of some kind!" games, SpaceCorps really stands out. Accidentally get titfucked by your CO. Fuck (or get fucked) by a demon, get SHODAN pregnant, then go spend half the game covered in your own jizz and act like it's normal. Do bi stuff, do straight or gay stuff, do dom or sub stuff, or see how far you can get without doing anything untoward and unholy at all!

    While overall it borrows a bit too much from Verhoeven's Starship Troopers at times, its such a great bit of satire to borrow from that it works out, and all the sex and wilder stuff prevents it from being too blatant in its homage.

    Also, the music as punchlines almost never got old. It sucked for Lenore's scene because that was actually hot and the Fat Bottom Girls cover was pretty annoying, but practically every other one either got a smile or a genuine laugh out of me (Under Pressure and I Want To Break Free were particular laugh out loud moments).

    Overall this game is fascinating and it almost doesn't matter if it appeals to me specifically, as there's so much in it that I'm sure it appeals to a lot of people, and I want to give it 5 stars so others might give it a shot.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    lets say, there's room for EVERYBODY, i personally only take the m/m route and the story writing is amazing, with the jokes and everything.
    the characters are hot as fuck (esp chad & dan. love u chad & dan)
    and also perfect BGM for every cutscene ♥
    im impressed! cant wait for updatessss, never ever abandon this gold! ♥
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely =LOVE= this game. It is rompy, non-grindy, decisions make a difference, the writing is fun and hot, it cheerfully dives through kinks, supports bi content.. its just a non-apologetically good time. I can't wait for the next update! (And I try to support it on and off depending on my finances, can't keep up with so many patreons so gotta switch through them.. but I always come back to this one 'cause it is just that awesome)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I love it, especially all the route and the religions base on the choices you make, Love all the characters but my favorite character is Sam I made him as my romance partner. Love the storyline and the aliens on it tooo
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Barely through a third of the content so far but this game has made me honestly laugh so many times already, not in a "so bad its funny" kinda way but in a "this is actually smartly written comedy" kinda way.

    If you can appreciate comedy with your porn this is a really good game, the wealth of kinks available make it hard to complain about the few that aren't . pretty much something for everyone here and lets you tailor your character to your personal set of kinks, see them all, see one, mix and match etc.

    Honorable mention for the music, its quite well done, songs are both catchy and appropriate to the situation especially when used for comic effect
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Funny, sexy, with meaningful choices and a lot of contents and kinks to go for. I love you can play as a bi, or gay dude (And straight, if you like, i guess).
    The renders are amazing, i really enjoyed the story so far, i really like the jokes and the mix between funny and sexy, even when it's happens at the same time. Like, when the scene you get the " You've Got a Friend In Me" theme. As a non native English speaker, i should say i'm really enjoying the dialogues and i'm really reading them all. In some games i just skip some parts, not here. Looking forward for where the story goes and what's troubles will our boy get into.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    game has a wealth and diversity of perverted content (catering to a wider audience than probably most others on here) which i ignored 90% of, and yet i was still thoroughly amused bumbling around as a silly hillbilly trapped in a raunchy space porno. good humourous writing and choices matter, two important pillars of these things. lots of creativity, visual and conceptual. overall very high quality. mindless dickbeaters should go watch porn, this is one of these games which elevates the medium and provides a greater experience than your hard on. 5/5 as a straight guy not scared by a picture of a penis.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Has a great storyline and allows for a customized player experience. Has a lot of future potential, however is still in its early stages. This means that while currently there are a lot of characters available, their content is limited and incomplete as of right now. Based on the main story this game seems to have a long future ahead, so best to keep tabs on it while it keeps developing.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    It's not very fappable (great build up but way too short scenes), there's a LOT of text, annoying intermissions that ruin the immersion and then there's homoerotic content. You get to chose what you like, that's true, but still you'll have to watch a lot of real life dick pics, a lot of male asses and,in general, a lot of weird shit before you do. I guess this game may be great for gay and bi people, or for straight people that likes femdom, but for the "boring straights", like someone called us in the reviews, this game is not for you. After an hour of playing I had to turn it off and watch something else to finish me off so... No, it didn't work for me.