VN - Ren'Py - SpaceCorps XXX [S2 v2.7.4] [RanliLabz]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    SpaceCorps XXX - this game is great, fun, interesting story, nice characters, the game offers you a choice, so everything you do is in your hands. The MC in this game is a boy, a nice personality, very very naive, with thought abilities (when I started playing I thought another dumbas; then I went into a room with some gay alien, nonono is not for me, I roll back and the room dodged , I gave the game a chance and finally I liked the hero), he appears in various situations, which he goes through with a joke and, of course, there are sex scenes. you will be accompanied by pleasant music, old remade hits that give the game a pleasant atmosphere. Dev of this game, he is a nice person and responds to all the comments and can be seen that he likes to do. after the last conversation, I have to go to the cluster, full of nuns, for rehabilitation (more precisely such nuns as I saw in the game, there was not much about it, I will see) just when you try the game, write a comment and see for yourself. And I hope that this game will bring joy to you as joy to me :p
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    This is such an awesome game.... I just love that it has just so so many kinks and fetishes available. Still I cant get to love it... but I do Like it a LOT.

    Here is why i like it a LOT:

    1. The story, albeit being a bastard child born during a drug addled menage-a-trois between a sci-fi script, a fairy tale and a campy, culty, B- grade horror-porn story, is genuine, and funny, at times.

    2. The renders are excellent, and ummm... imaginative

    3. Its a no-holds barred kink fest, just how I like it (still waiting to discover some of my fav ones (I hope to see them in the future), but most are there. Literally ANY sexual situation you can imagine, is there with ANY species you can imagine.

    4. Nudity... so much, that it may be too much (naww.. just kidding! there can never be too much nudity). Its literally, is always there. So far, the MC has been clothed only in the opening scenes :)

    5. Lastly, like everyone has said before me, this has potential.... so much potential! There is literally NOTHING thats holding this game to any vestiges of morality or preventing it from any level of depravity! (thats why i ALMOST love it!)

    Now why must it remain a mistress, and why CAN'T I promote this to my soulmate?

    Its not very fappable. I know, after reading the points above, this will come as a shocker, but hear me out...or rather read me out :) below.

    In my mind, sexuality needs to be combined with sensuality for pleasure. The nudity in this game is so copious that it kinda desensitizes you, if you know what I mean. Like at a beach or a strip club, you look at hot women, and want them to get naked. you imagine, you fantasize, and when you get the goods, you enjoy it. if the same woman walked around your house naked all the time, the charm is gone..

    Another issue here is that the sex scenes, while plentiful, are really short, and underdeveloped. they move fast and lead to orgasms way too soon. Also, they are non interactive. they begin based on a choice, run the 50 meter dash, and are done, rendering them unfappable.

    Also, the approach to the scenes is mostly comical, or as Lt. Kex would put it, Jejune ;)

    Lastly, but not the least(ly?) the MC, while chiseled like a greek god and hung like a horse, is dumb, like really , really dumb!. I mean i understand the backwater planet farmhand background, but a person this dumb is not attractive to anyone.


    Great game, a MUST try. irrespective of what floats your boat, this game WILL not let it sink! more tuned for audience who are happy looking at lewd stuff without caring for he story much.

    P.S. : I hope the developers are committed enough to continue this ambitious project for the next decade or so.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is what can be considered to be one of the most complex experiences I have seen on this website. It makes me laugh, it makes me makes me very horny.

    What is good about it?

    -Story is a bit silly with nice atmosphere and content.
    -Ladies look good, and the men if you into that.
    -You aren't asked to trudge through endless corridors with meaningless clicking: this is content, through and through (with some ups and downs in quality).

    Some of the bad things:

    -It can get quite weird at times, so don't come in expecting something purifying like holy water. This is more like gin and tonic without the tonic and with extra gin.
    -I am uncertain about the pace of the game, and its heading; not sure if it will ever have an end, but I'm willing to ride this car as far as it'll take me...even if it drops me off in the middle of Nevada.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Review on v0.3.4b

    I can't quite make up my mind about this one. There's certainly a lot to like but it feels like too big of an undertaking that it could ever be completed in a satisfying manner.

    • Sexual content

      I think this is where the game really shines. You have a real plethora of sexual options. As a pansexual guy with all kinds of freaky kinks, this is one of the few games that actually delivers on a lot of my preferences.
      What's more, even though I consider myself pretty kinky, there are certain kinks that I really don't like but that are prevalent and unavoidable in most of the kinkier games (e.g. most things relating to BDSM) and this game gives you the option to really fine-tune the sort of things that you want to see and what you don't want to see.
      It builds a sexual profile on you to go off of to decide what things you'll get to enjoy and what things you'd rather avoid. And it builds up that sexual profile in a believable, integrated way. Really good stuff that I wish more games would do.
      The next sex scene is also never far away without it feeling like it takes away from the story.

    • Gameplay

      I also really like the gameplay the dev has chosen here. It's mostly a relatively straight-forward VN that follows a pretty linear storyline.
      But you do obviously, for one, have different options for sexual content, so your path might differ simply based on that choice, but you also get some variation in which story paths you want to follow and which characters you wish to pursue.
      Then you get the occasional free roam events that are also mostly not too convoluted or complicated without any annoying minigames or grinding so that's all well and good.
      All in all, I'm very pleased with the gameplay approach here.

    • Story

      The story is pretty interesting. The exposition is done in a nice piece-meal fashion so that you neither feel overwhelmed with lore nor underinformed about the world.
      It seems like we're pretty early-days into the actual driving plot so we've mainly seen world-building so far but there have been some interesting tidbits and story sequences into what the future will hold for our protagonists, so that's pretty intriguing.

    • Music/humor

      Music and humor may not generally be two categories that can be evaluated at once but in this game, much of the humor really derives from the fantastic music choices by the dev.
      You mostly just have pretty innocuous background noise (like humming from the ship and the like) but in many scenes, the dev chooses to play a piece of music that just fits perfectly. I'd also be very much interested to know where the dev got these pieces because they are often variations or covers or interpretations of well-known popular music pieces that sound just great.
      There are also many instances of classical music pieces being played like Vivaldi's Four Seasons which I just find awesome as a bit of a music nerd.
      And like I said, the music is often just so hilariously appropriate, I actually laughed out loud more than once which isn't something that usually happens with these porn games.
      So I just think it's awesome how much care the dev gave to that aspect of the game, it's clear to me that they're also some sort of music geek.
    • Render/art quality

      Maybe I've been spoiled by some games with just fantastic renders (even when some of those games are otherwise pretty bland) but something about the halfheartedness of the renders and art in this game just doesn't really do it for me.
      It's not bad by any stretch but it's also not really what pulls you in. In fact, the meh quality of the renders and the very "Daz-3D-ishness" about the art style was what kept me from trying this game for a long time (which I realize now was a mistake, but still).
      The sex scenes also feel kinda static and not that exciting because you have no actual animations. I don't know, it may be complaining on a high level but the visuals just often didn't really do it for me.
    • Dialogue/dumb MC

      The dialogue could be improved. It's not Engrish or bad grammar but it still feels sort of stilted and can be pretty exhausting at times.
      I think this is also partly due to the MC's naivety and cluelessness; I don't have a huge problem with his characterization because the dev actually manages to make him into a sort of lovable himbo but his constant appeals to religion and abhorrence of indecency even well into the game, while possibly realistic, also get tiresome after a while and tend to feel sort of long-winded.
      When the MC and another character are winding up to a sex scene that is clearly going to happen, it can feel pretty exhausting to have to go through all of the faux protest by the MC, him thinking how wrong it all is and how it goes against his religious teachings... just get over it already, we know that the sex scene is going to happen, so why frustrate us with a dozen lines of dialogue that don't amount to anything.

    All in all, there's a lot to like here. But I think it might take a long time for it to be completed because the dev really seems to have taken on one mammoth of a task here; they seemingly want to include basically all kinks (except for very extreme things like guro, there doesn't seem to be a hint at that) but also have an intriguing story with interesting and varied characters.

    And that's really hard to do. I applaud the effort but it may be the reason for why many of the characters still feel pretty shallow and unexplored even though it takes some time to get through the current build.

    But all in all, this is still a great job and a very unique experience at that with something for literally everyone so there's no reason why anyone shouldn't have a go at it, it's great fun.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Boy Blue

    Not a native speaker so I'll keep it simple.
    The good:
    Story 10/10
    Animations 9/10
    Amount Of Content 10/10
    Character Models 10/10
    Character development 9/10 (still under development)
    Diversity 10/10

    Could be better:
    Mc is dumb as fuck
    Unfortunately due to diversity some characters are thrown into the side lines
    We have no idea how and when tribalism, faith and obedience status will be important, so we are flying blind.

    Conclusion: Great game, worth playing
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    The writing is great and it offers a good amount of romance options for everyone, be it straigh / gay / bi! Awesome character designs, and the MC is an adorable himbo when starting out. Easily one of my favorite games ever!

    Thank you to all the devs and supporters of this game! Easily one of the best nsfw games out there imo. This review also sends all the love to Sam Sung And Jared Cole!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Evil B. Monkey

    This is an absurdly difficult game to review. The quality is usually high. It's funny. It's weird. But it's also convoluted and full of content which, statistically speaking, you'll skip because you aren't straight or you aren't gay or you aren't into corpse-like aliens. It tries to cater to every orientation and fetish the creators can imagine, but I wish they'd have pared that down a bit in favor of a faster release schedule.

    All that said, it's still very good for what it is. Above all, it's entertaining and different from what else is out there.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This game sure is a great play and I'm excited for future updates, if you're looking for your typical game set up by Day 1, day 2, landlady, rommie, etc...this game is not for you.
    The game itself features a plethora of sexual content and kinks, while also allowing the player to avoid it at will. If you like aliens, demons and robots the game has it all, people are giving this game bad reviews 'cause the MC is dumb, well... no one starts at the top and he grew up in a super duper ultra mega religious planet what do you expected?
    This game is about corruption a RPG where we are at level 1, soon we will be at the top dominating everyone or below and being dominated, depends on your fetish :KEK:

    Kinks 10/10
    Story. 9.5/10
    Characters. 10/10
    Renders. 10/10

    Ranli did well to let the players choose the sexual orientation of the MC, something rare this days.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm giving this game a 3/5 not because it's average, but because it's everything but. This is the weirdest, wildest game I've played. It's easy to play, but what you see and what you do in this game is beyond explanation.

    I both love and am disgusted with this game from one second to the next, but I never hold that against it. I'd spoil some of the encounters in the game but that wouldn't be fair to potential players. Suffice it to say, if you're into regular ol' vanilla encounters with your stepmom in the laundry room, you've come to the wrong place.

    Art quality is generally pretty good, when you encounter a scene you're into it's usually a hot one, and they really knock it out of the park on humor. 7/10, rounded down to 3/5 [edit] due to the odd paths the game sends you down as far as content. You may encounter something you're really into, but you'll have to get through quite a bit of other random stuff before you're back in the line you want to be in.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I wasn't too sure what to expect but this was a really nice surprise. Usually I am not too fond of games that are erotic scene after erotic scene, since it feels like too much, but this one brings enough diversity that it is never boring.

    - All characters feel unique, look different and well... are hot in their on way.
    - Excellent catering to ones fetishes: they can be individually turned off/on and this is seamlessly integrated to the story. It feels very natural
    - Great visual. The sex scenes are hot.
    The space and aliens setting is not a common one, it is a nice change from all the fantasy and modern settings.

    - hard to tell what stats like obedience, tribalism or faith impact/will impact story wise, so it is hard to do decisions accordingly
    - a few scenes felt a bit long (the dancing guy scene for example)

    But overall, as a bi girl, I rarely have that many choices that I can enjoy. A solid 5/5.

    Love to the devs and artists :love::alien:
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This will be the best game in this whole forum in about two years or so, the potential of this thing is mind-boggling.
    The way this game is amazing for everyone is by doing two things:
    1) Having every (way too many) fetish.
    2) Allowing the player to turn off all the fetishes that turn the player off.

    Thanks to this ingenious system of "choice", everyone will feel completely fulfilled by this game, no matter how straight and boring you are, or how pan and weird you might be.

    P.S. to the Developer - If I can't let Sam Top the MC, I'll change this review to a 1-star one, this is a threat, and should be taken seriously.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    wasn't sure what to expect besides the interesting character models. but then i played... had a fucking blast. funny as hell, interesting, fun, and hot characters. and the soundtrack is perfect. has many varied fetishes that are bound for at least a few to be in your strike zone, and several more that make you go "intersting, i think i like this" or " hmm, i don't mind this."
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a real breath of fresh air! I'm still a bit new to this genre of game, but most of what I've seen is pretty generic stuff in terms of choices and acts. This game is certainly not that! Lots of options and paths to follow to suit just about every taste imaginable. It's also funny and even occasionally thoughtful.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    SpaceCorps XXX is one of the best games of this genre (you know, the ones with naughty stuff in them) that I have played. It's not often that a game manages to make me laugh but Ranli managed to pull it off several times during the playthrough. The writing quality is really exceptional which already makes it stand out amongst others. The game has a very lighthearted and silly tone to it which personally I very much enjoy. It helps getting to like the characters and makes it a pleasure to read through.
    On top of that the character designs are really neat and clean. It's a joy to look at the plethora of characters available. I can't remember a single model (be it alien or human) where I thought ''This could've used a few more hours in the workshop''.
    What's important as well is that this game has a very elaborate M/M route which isn't something that happens often and it doesn't feel like an afterthought but an integral part of the story.
    Overall instead of reading this review, why won't you go play the game? You won't regret it! I promise.
    (I do not take responsibility in an event of you regretting having played the game. All I'm here to do is make empty promises.)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    An unfinished game yet but with a lot of good potential. Nice story so far and I like the jobs on the pictures. Keep up the good work and it will turn into an awesome adult game for every person to try!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    A really interesting game with no limitations, a variety of choices, and odd situations you've never expected to get into. Honestly can not tell how the story will end and if it never does I wouldn't be mad.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to admit in all honesty that this game really showed my why I should consider Liara's romance cutscenes in Mass Effect a bit underwhelming. Those could be so much more!
    Who knows, maybe Andromeda 2 will learn from it's predecessor mistakes and expand in this particular field. ;)
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    +Story have potencial but writing is not good.

    Bad Points
    -Menu, UI and Hud looks prety weird, cheap and complicated.
    -Render and animation quality needs lots of improve for being decent enough. They look pretty cheap and bad.
    -Content, renders and characters is not lustful its more like pleasure killer. They look awfull...
    -Story and story writing is weird and complicated aswell.

    For The End
    This is pretty much waste of time and little bit headache to play...
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    scenes are decent, the brilliance of this is how the very worldly developer goes though the kinks that you may or may not have. PS the alien with the teeth that you get stuck in the jail cell with. Brilliant except my compliment would have been her ass in that mini skirt thingy. So far great job!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    As of V0.3.3, this is one of the more enjoyable and fun games I have played so far. Including the VN's that have gone to full completion. @RanliLabz has definitely placed decision above story here, where I felt it was much more of an interactive game than a typical play through VN.

    That being said, the game does play through scripted decisions, and an abundant amount at that, but definitely pulls the player towards the what-if and what would you do point successfully. While I don't believe the audio cues were meant as such, they did give off the right/wrong answer vibe. Which, to me at least, gave more of a forced choice feel. I understand it was meant more of a warning to missed opportunity, but the feel for me was more right or wrong.

    Character introduction was very well done, and in some instances very notable and fun. The hairdresser scene is a prime example of this. WELL DONE with that intro.

    Dialogs were very well done, as well. Dialect and accenting were implemented nicely. Purposeful misspells were done well, too. Continuity, though, had a slight aspect go unnoticed. The reference to a fav. sci-fi series was early on referred to as one title, only to be called something else later on.

    I can't wait to see future updates and have hopes it continues going in the direction I am seeing the potential for. One of which is hinted within one of the scenes with CIS and look forward to more laughs I am having with my current exploration of the game.