...Ya see my dear, the problem I have is that in big projects like these a LOT of the members of the fanbase get this sort of entitlement to answer some things in the creator's name even if they're completely off the track with their answer...just because of their headcanon telling them they're right. And when something like that happens and I get involved in it you best believe there's gonna be snarkiness or "hostility" coming from me since I don't normally tolerate that kinda shit. Fanbases can be a blessing or a curse, and when they edge the layers of being a curse is when I'm gonna speak up.

If you're not explicitly a developer of the project or have a DEFINITIVE answer to a question someone asks is when you may have the need to answer something. Otherwise, being quiet is the best option.

The way I asked that shouldn't have really left room for the fanbase to answer before the dev even saw it, sorry~ But since it happened, alas, here we are~
The crush on Anna is fine and all, but since I'm playing the game as a gay character I'm gonna do everything I can to avoid anything sexual, romantic or otherwise with female characters, Anna included. I'm given choices to lower my relationship points with them and I'm gonna pick those if I want to. So the crush on Anna wouldn't exactly matter much to my personal playthrough. Having scenes locked behind it though is another thing. However...
...if you intend to keep the locked scene as is, then alright, fine, I can work with drilling through that scene to raise points with Anna. And yeah it makes sense in the game's narrative to "be nice" to her in your conversations and have it raise relationship points. I was just asking, IF POSSIBLE, that it wasn't specifically a requirement to gain access to that memory. Thanks for elaborating on it~
Also, sweet, Chad is a hottie~ It did seem a bit weird how he's the first guy you actually did sexual stuff with when you walked away from Anna (I see where you're going with the choices between Chad and Anna~) but if he's meant to be a sort of "male replacement/counterpart" for Anna then this makes more sense.

And glad my tirade ended up being useful to ya~