VN - Ren'Py - Special Request: In the Web of Corruption [v2.4] [Nemiegs]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    well i really wanted to give this high rating cuz i like the premise. but imo the corruption part is done awfully and it's quite a boring game. snoozefest. the story makes no sense. in every porn game you have to suspend reality a bit, but here it tried really hard to make it believable but it was just very stupid because it made even less sense than if it was non-serious.

    the graphics are good as you can see. the groping/corruption part imo is garbage.

    i was pondering on giving it 3/5 but since it's unfappable and got me sleepy and had to delete it relatively fast, imo i can't give it more than 2/5
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This one reminds me of The Office Wife, with better graphics and gameplay. Story is good, renders are good, stunning animations (even if I am not a big fan of them), and the corruption journey is a masterpiece, so its a easy 5/5 for me.
  3. 2.00 star(s)



    At first the game is fun but bit by bit its clear, that there isnt much corruption since MC is drugged on a daily basis (occasionally getting roofied into another dimension) and the rest is just blackmailing her slowly into abusing and raping her... It lost all the fun for me the moment i couldnt do anything against MC getting raped...

    I think its a widely spread misconception that corruption = raping someone into submission

    Graphic wise its ok or good. Gameplay is mostly between doing something "voluntarily" or get problems afterwards as far as i could see.

    At one point it gets kinda sandbox-ish but only to get a little bit more events outside the main story.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What an absolute masterpiece of a corruption game!

    How did I not know about this yet?!
    The protagonist is probably the hottest I've ever seen in a game, maybe hotter than Sophia and Jessica.

    The huge amount of content, the situations feel always new and challenging for the story. Even the "sandbox" aspect feels super rewarding.

    If this one is not a 5/5 stars, I dont know what is.

  5. 4.00 star(s)



    So let's get a few default-standard-to-the-genre cons acknowledged right off the bat. All the typically heavy handed "foreign dev making an english game" aspects is certainly front and center here. The backdrop story setup going into every one it's payout scenes is completely unbelievable and void of even a mild attempt to make it such. The supporting writing is basic bad, yet at least mostly understandable on the english front. And of course every male in the game is written in as a super scumbag pervert with the mental capacity of a 12 year old.

    Now all that said and acknowledged for the typical player that you expect to find playing one of these games to begin with, there is a lot of notable pros here:

    1. A very large amount of content and variety of different sex scenario setups. The earlier blackmail stuff is a rare gem find in particular for people who like that, as the game doesn't try to not offend anybody by watering those earlier scenes down with disclaimer "i secretly am loving this" internal monolouge thoughts. Scenes that are supposed to be and feel rape'y because they are end up depicted as such (they eventually do progress into the secretly love stuff latter).

    2. Solid animation value on most of the sex scenes, and a lot of which are pretty hot scenarios in themselves once you kinda tune out some of the surrounding cringe. We aren't talking top tier animation value or anything, but certainly passes an acceptable level of quality you hope to find playing one of these games.

    3. Game is extremely fapable, and one of those rare ones I kept installed and actually ended up playing through in 4-5 different sit downs. Basically playing through until i fapped off to a scene, then coming back to play to the next fap scene latter after I played a few different games in-between. Basically it ended up being my nightly "backup plan" in the event the other game I picked and played through ended up being a fap dud.

    So yeah, all things considered it's definitely worth the download and a essentially a must-play imo for any fan of trashy female MC games.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the game hope to see update soon. I would say this is one best game out right now. Thanks for all the hard work you put into this. is there going to a part 2?you can do a spen off with othere cher in game
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Kroelle Cook

    I think this is one of the games I have enjoyed the most. Updates come regularly, and always have plenty of content. If you are a patreon you get wallpapers, polls, updates and teasers. There is always a word from the dev once a week.

    It's a humiliation and corruption game, so if that's not your kink look elsewhere otherwise give it a try - you won't be disapointed :)

    What makes this game really stand out is the fact that there is a story behind it. Yes it's a game, its fiction and far fetched in the real world. But luckily this is not the real world so we are free to be creative - and Nemiegs, if anything is creative.

    A special quality the dev has is the ability to add an extra bit of seasoning to many of his sceenes. A twist of the knife to add that little extra something that takes the scene from good to great, considering the genre of the game. Something that surprises you, and certainly also the female protagonist, and adds suspense to the gamer.

    Now go play Special Request! :LOL:
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Really great game if you don't mind that that it can be pretty dark at some points. There is plenty of content and the quality as well as the lewdness are increasing the further you progress.
    Take care certain choices that may appear minor may have big impact on which scenes you get to see later on.
  9. 2.00 star(s)

    Purple Lagoon

    I remember when this game came out some years ago, I was quite hyped about it. Laura was (and is) a very beautiful protagonist, and the story seemed promising.
    Now I can only say I'm utterly disappointed. The plot of this game is so bad and completely unbelievable that it ruins everything.
    I know a lot of people here won't mind about the plot and see it as just a means of going from one sex scene to another, and hey good for them.
    For me though, I can't get over it. It's an insult to my brain.
    The story feels as it is written by a 12 year old, makes no sense, has plotholes all over the place, and all the characters in the game are doing things that are just insanely unbelievable.
    There are some 'meaningful' choices to be made, I give you that, but most of the choices are 'get fucked this way' or 'get fucked that way'.
    And with every update it gets worse. Less story and more rape going on.

    I guess I had my hopes up too high in the beginning, due to nice renders, beautiful protagonist and what seemed to be going a good story. Boy was I wrong.

    A lot of people will like this, and I'm glad for them.
    But it's definitely below my standards.
    Sorry dev, I know you work hard and you seem like a nice guy, but I gotta be honest here.
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    So, I gave this a shot after seeing all the 5-star ratings and people praising it like it's the holy grail of corruption/blackmail VN's.

    To make it short: It's not.

    Pretty much everything about this title is just terrible. From the writing and absolutely horrible English translation, to a nonsensical and completely uninspired plot a 12 year old could have come up with, there's nothing about this game that makes me want to continue playing it. Most of the environments look dull, many places feel empty, and the assets used are super low quality for the most part.

    Nothing makes any sense. Nothing is even remotely close to being realistic. Every single character is completely forgettable and lifeless. The dialogue between characters is so dumb that I'm seriously struggling to understand how anyone could enjoy playing this game. Pretty much everything about this is a 1-star rating. The only exception here are some of the female character models and animations.

    I think it's pretty obvious that the developer has zero talent for writing and storytelling. It's all just a big mess. This game is in dire need of an English speaking writer. Quality of art is outdated for todays standard.

    One thing I've learned from this, though. If you're looking for good games on F95, viewer ratings are the least viable way to find them in most cases. This is not a 4.5-star game. Hell, it's not even a 1-star game if you ask me.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Hits me with its solid cruelty exactly where I want, and it escalates in a good pace. If I could complain about anything its perhaps that you have too little control of the story, and SAVE because there are a few game overs that might surprise you. Great sense of humour.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of corruption/humiliation games out there, and usually they get pretty ridiculous pretty quickly. If the MC has a nip slip, every guy around her starts acting like, "HALLELUJAH! SHE POSSESSES A NIPPLE! THE CHOSEN ONE WALKS AMONG US!" In an average game of this sort, no guy is capable of doing anything but lusting after the MC, usually in stupid and childish ways like executing convoluted plans to see her butt in a thong. IOW, average games in this genre are garbage.

    This one is the exception, and a huge one. There's actually a good reason behind everything that's happening to the MC, and the MC isn't the only one going through these humiliations. It's well thought-out, and because of that, it's not insulting.

    The visuals are great, with no unrealistically gargantuan tits and asses that are de rigeur in most 3DCG games. The women look like women you pass on the street every day, albeit pretty ones, and this makes what happens to them way hotter. than it would be if they all looked like inflatable sex dolls.

    The MC is interesting and relatable, and if her rationale for enduring all this is laughably thin at the beginning ("I won't be able to get a job anywhere in the world if this gets out!") that's an easily-forgiven quirk of the game. Her relationship with her husband could be a bit stronger and more fleshed out, and maybe having him absent for the course of the game was a mistake that lowers the stakes, but I can see why the dev did it.

    So 5/5 from me and I can't wait to see where it goes from here.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    + Good game where blackmail remains relevant.
    + Art is good.
    + Already decent enough content in the game for 2-3 hour of gameplay or 30 mins of Ctrl gameplay
    + A really good and humble developer with regular state of the game and progress updates

    - Character choices seems mindless at points but hey ho, porn logic rules :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I downloaded this game just to see the pictures, but I started reading and got hooked. I usually don't play games with a female protagonist, but this game is special. It is intriguing to see the depths of humiliation and shame that can be reached!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This game really surprised me, I'm really going to support the creator, visually it's exquisite, the story could include more fetishes even so I think it's very well done. In short, it is a very well made game, it meets the expectations generated.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    5 star great game . The most distinctive feature of this work is the plot design . Experience the story of revelation and corruption from the perspective of the main character . The last few updates to NTR have also been of very high quality . Updates faster than many other games .
  17. 5.00 star(s)



    First of all, don't let the graphic quality stops you at the beginning. It gets better as the dev improves his skills (I would even suggest to the dev to rework the beginning of the game because I nearly quit because of this).

    For the review:

    Finally a game who goes deep into humiliation and blackmail. Most of the game usually takes a few step back after some times because "it goes too far", but not this one.

    The girls keep getting abused, humiliated and used like an object. I also like the fact the main girl is not turning into a slut and actually dislike all of this, which is kind of unique as it is usually not the case.

    Also, it has a good amount of content at the moment, so, go for it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    It's definitely not the best game on the site. But, It is definitely the damn best game in the genre.


    + The kinks are done just right (Exhibitionism/ Humiliation/ Corruption/ Non-con).
    + Dresses/ Outfits are beautiful and sexy.
    + The game understands that not everything has to lead to sex, there are multiple ways of enjoying erotic content/ nudity.
    + Multiple storylines and characters with their own personality. The suspense of the story keeps me at the edge of my seat.
    + Content is diverse and never feels repetitive. It happens a lot towards the end of most of the VNs, I find myself just ctrl skipping most of the content because the end game is usually just raw sex.
    I did not skip this game.
    + The MC is not a dumbass and is actually trying to do something bout the situation. SO yes, the story is good.
    + The graphics are amazing. At times, I even had to pause and check if this isn't a real picture.

    - Expressions and anatomy.... Honestly, the graphics are amazing but the same cannot be said for the anatomy... Boobs are a little to anti gravity sometimes, and the facial expressions are a little off.
    - Sticking to the core and old story. I feel like author is working alone so they kind of forgot some things that I was really looking forward to. (like different dresses each day at work)

    STORY: 4/5
    The story is done right. It's believable and keeps you interested throughout. All characters have their motives and agenda. Its a classic downfall story with a lot of cliches, but those cliches are done well and are flavorful. Nothing to jab at here.

    The game has it's cons and you will find them to be distracting at times, but that should not stop you from enjoying one of the best Corruption/Humiliation/Exhibitionism game so far on this website.
    It is worth at least two playthroughs for covering all the branching choices that game has to offer.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a classic female protagonist corruption game. As the description of the game says, it was originally an RPG Maker game but has been converted to, in my opinion, a much more streamlined and enjoyable Ren'Py game. The game pretty much follows the tags so definitely check those out to see if you'll like the content. Also, there are quite a few interesting side scenes/storylines that are easily missable so definitely keep an eye out for those.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    - Graphics and models are quite good.
    - Lots of content
    - No grind thanks to Renpy
    - You get what u expect from tags
    - Some logical problems on story
    - Facial expressions are kindda bit lacking. If you dont read the text you might even think they are just happy with it :) but thats just ok dev. you re done great job !