The slow down from what i know happened because of two reasons.
1) The developer they had for this game would not deliver, so they had to get a new one who needed to start pretty much from scratch.
Yeah, it's been a long time though, and their patreon is still popular enough to have a full person working on it.
I know they used money to hire actual actresses, but I think a finished game with static images would have been easier to swallow.
2) They had to switch whatever engine they used before because their games were getting too big to it. That school game of theirs for example had to be cut into three pieces and only one has been released because it just got to big for their engine.
Yeah, I'm still amazed that they managed to make good games while using a glorified slide viewer!
Also btw i liked their Company stuff better too. Which is why i am very pleased their next game is set in the Corporate Raider setting of theirs and is a reboot of all three games with major new stuff added on top since there no longer restrained in their capacity. Will likely take a fair while but fuck at least something to look forward too.
Oh good, the corruption/blackmail stuff was great, and the girls were mostly sexy in office lady clothing!
I hope I'll be alive to play it in 2089 though