I think I am close to done with the content in this version of the game, so I am gonna give it my 2 cents.
Art is fantastic. Animations are good. If you are into THICC MOMMY MILKERS this game is right up your alley.
I see some people here talk about a lack of body types and that they want some loli-likes. To that I say;
Get the fuck outta here with your **-nonsense.
But yeah, apparently this has been in development for 3 years, all the while being supported on patreon? That's bad. The actual amount of content is frankly nowhere close to what I'd expect from 3 years of development pipeline and some of these objectives are so grindy that I am likely not going to complete them. The Mario Bros ripoff needing 900 bucks for their materials on a tree house, the hobo needing another 1k and the shady merchant too ... very uninspiring, especially since farming 2900 in total for these last 3 scenes I seem to be missing would require an ungodly amount of grinding. And the grinding in this game isn't even fun.
If this were a newly released game or only a couple of months old? 9/10
But with how things seem to currently stand and the dripfeeding of content plus the stupid grind for a couple of scenes ...
EDIT: Oh and also, anyone able to give me a hint who I need to give the last coupon from the teddy bear lady to?