the whole project is one guy only apparently, like a solo project so hopefully it will get better in the future
Did i actually went from sleeping in a freezer, getting unfrozen and getting told that mangomango or ginko or whatever the his name it's now developing games alone?!?!?!
Biggest irony from a korean phony scammer right there lmfao!
Soooo fill me in please, what drama happened in order to everyone associated with that mango or ginko guy for everyone to jump from the ship?
Also the steam post from that programmer or should i now say ex-programmer about this game getting an incest patch ¿It's not 100% irrelevant at this point, since nobody else its doing work with him then?
What an ironic twist of events and i was in the discord server back in the day when this game started.
But you know what they say: Anything for milking money