A bit surprised you've been having problems with TIs given the amount of time i've spent with them the only similar "issue" i've experience is that if you use one in a prompt then delete or replace the TI file it doesn't get updated and you have to either relaunch or hit the refresh for embeddings.
I've never had it gotten "cached" in the actual prompts though, soon as they've been removed from there the effects have gone as well.
However I do remember having some oddities with just pure prompts. On some very few cases i've added something to the prompt, generated a few sets of images, noticed that it seemingly didn't have any effect, removed it again then only to have it show in the next couple of images.
It's almost like the AI seems to "remember" certain things too. Like things you use very often in your prompts showing up on their own or the "style/quality" you always use seem to be applied. Because people mostly just use the same prompts every time, specially negative ones, we don't notice or just overlook it as we're used to seeing it.
(They are planing to take over the world and wipe us all out, so obviously they need to know what we prefer to easily manipulate us
