Ren'Py - Completed - Star Channel 34 [Season 1 - Ep. 12] [Akabur]

  1. 5.00 star(s)



    I don't usually review unfinished games unless they're abandoned, but I just felt like I needed to drop a 5 star to balance the amount of wrong-ass naysayers on here. Sure, you could complain about a "lack of content," (and you'd be wrong af, stop being so entitled), you could complain about it being a little too grindy (I kind of agree with this, but it keeps improving every episode), you could complain about a lot of things, but at the end of the day, this shit is pure genius. Akabur could keep releasing episodes for this in the triple digits and I would still be playing the fuck out of it. I really hope he keeps adding girls outside his staples, which is all we've seen so far apart from Ashelin, because this game has limitless potential. He could add any character from any franchise ever, and it would work perfectly. Some might not like how much of a slow burn it is, but I think that's part of the reason I love it so much. I find a lot of "trainer" games to be way too rushed, but this pulls it off without a hitch. If you're worried about a lack of content, just wait a few more episodes, but under no circumstances should anyone miss this, especially if you're a fan of his other games.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I love Akabur and i absolutely loved Princess Trainer (one of the best adult game in my opinion) and Witch Trainer but this game is disappointing. Lack of story telling, lack of sex scenes, lack of nudity, not much to appreciate to be honest. No offense to the artist but the animations looks kinda bad and they're freakin small you can't really appreciate the grind and the beauty of the girls, i greatly preferred the simple drawings from his other games. 2 Stars because I loved Akabur Games and because his style of humor is still here. Akabur still rules tho.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably Akabur's best work yet. Finally, a game where you can have both April O'Neil and Lara Croft in your "harem". Hope to see many more sexual events in game. Semi-Spoiler - I was especially pleased to see a breast-milking scene. I'm particularly looking forward to [hopefully] seeing Ashelin's event at a "certain" flut-flut farm.

    A few tiny gripes: Needs an easier way to swap between girls and a slightly less repetitive way of gaining UNI-credits.

    4.5 Stars Overall.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Like I said a couple dozen times already I am trying to change things up a bit, so don't be put off by some minor changes you will notice. And don't worry about this episode being a bit on the short side. It was done on purpose to make it possible for frequent updates. I am already about half-way done with the writing for Episode 04, so next episode should be the first one in the line of frequent (but finished and not alpha builds) updates. Also as always you can use your old save, or just start directly from episode 03.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    I am a huge fan of Akabur. I love that all of his games remain free and available and as another reviewer put it, he is the father of trainer games.

    I love the artwork and I love that I laugh during the dialogue. The story is as solid as any other trainer based game and it is an easy to use interface.

    As of Ep4, there are still some issues. Another review said it, but I hate that I have to set the dancer up every day and there is no fast way to "check them in" when they return to the station. I know it is setup this way to allow for event specific dialogue, but it is still annoying. The bottom line for me is there is an awful lot of clicking just to get through the day and that makes the grind a bit worse.

    The other issue is the lack of fapping material. I found myself aroused with some of the stuff, but it is very tame compared to some of his other stuff. Poor Genie has only had his knob polished once in 4 Episodes.

    Regardless, I know it is still early and I appreciate the smaller and more frequent releases. I am looking forward to the next one already.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Overall I have to say that I didn't enjoy this. The models and content are great, but it's grindy as all hell and can get extremely annoying at times. There's also a distinct lack of QOL features, such as having to manually set the dancers every single day when it could easily just save what you have them set at. Overall the game gets in the way of the content, which is why my rating is so low.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    EP. 11: It started off well or was promising up to the 4th Episode but instead of making it natural by creating a hub, rooms and give reasons to stay and explore the client, the developer uncreatively stuck to his old formula which is now less than outdated. Expecting the player to read through thousands of dialogues means expecting your content to hold up enough attention to shine. This is not the case.
    A story relies on rewarding the player with new creative rewards. If you don't form the game into a homey-feeling, keep everything mechanical and don't build it up into something more than it was years ago, a player will know everything before the client was even downloaded.

    Regarding the characters, much potential is therefore wasted. Akabur can only tell so much through the tools he chooses to have, the overview of stories can get complicated and despite dialogue choices, you're forced to go through story ideas regardless of how you feel about them. I feel these (one-sided) characters deserve way more than the almost dead restrictions they're living within. You can create actual feelings within the player, Akabur, and if you wanted to or cared for them, you'd do more than a character model and text.
    Akabur's approach was really nice back in the day. But to remain still for such a long time regarding his work means to me that he's either so caught up with it that he misses out on what he's actually doing or he doesn't care anymore.

    Nevertheless, I don't want you to feel bad. You brightened some moments back in my days. I hope you get free space to rethink.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    James Eveleth

    The game is fun to play, a bit grindy but bearably so, both art and writing are top notch, the personalities of the girls are taken into account. Speed of updates could take some improvement, but quality takes time(and if you're looking for the new update here you probably have no right to complain)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    akabur is just the best and it feels like the father of trainer games. his art is absolut top and his dialogues are not to long and quite fun. this game turns out a bit grindy but its still highest end quality among lewd games.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    weird.. i though i give this game a review already ? .. but apparently not. hmm.. anyway.

    This game is unique due to the Akabur style.

    graphism (drawing) is just absolutly perfect. but thats normal when we realise that he draw that in real life with pen and paper, before using ink and then scan/port them into the pc to color them and all... the work put in just the art is insane.
    the game itself is grindy, but its not boringly grindy, must say, its the kind of grind i would like to see in more game. because while you grind a bit the stats/money etc.. you still can enjoy some events and else. wich make the game everything else than boring.
    the main idea is just amazing and the girls we get are .. lets say ... extremly great ( specially ashelin ) and deja vu ( specially the freaking hermione ) . but all in all, its always great to have thoses girls around.
    the customization of the genie ( MC like in all Akabur games) and the girls are pretty correct and give the game a good point.
    the story is very good, text/dials are extremly well done and the dose of humour from Akabur is always a good way to crack a smile or more XD

    must still notice some bad points... the game can appear to be short, and the updates take forever to came out. but the result in quality is always here.
    its my favorite game from akabur , just before magic shop ( wich i hope will be updated soon too ).
    the game doesnt have alots of sex, more specifically, not alots of sex with MC... its not rare to have the girls having sex with otehrs dudes and stuff. but Genie is always put on side in Akabur game. but this is not a too horrific problem, because even with that, the game are very enjoyable.

    Well, you really should give it a try. its a cool game. also Akabur is a cool guy with who you can talk to in patreon or else.

    (he is also one of the two devs that give me the motivation to make my own game ^^ , and that priceless )

    Akubur have alots of peoples who mimic him, but none of them never reached his level, not only graphically, but also in humour and game design.

    he deserve a try ( at minimum ) and all best for futur .

    and.... "he rule" :p
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic game, looking forward to each of his updates. Especially love the inclusion of Ashelin and the AI character, plus the option to have a bunch of slutty outfits. Personally, I do think the updates are pretty long, but when they are released, there's a lot of good content, so I'm not complaining
  12. 5.00 star(s)



    The dialogue is fantastic, the management play is entertaining, the characters are likable, but the game is way too damn short!!!

    Then you may wonder why I gave it five stars? Because the art and dialogue is just that good. Its well written to the point that even if you already finished relieving yourself, you will still want to play - YES - it is that good.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Akabur has a great talent, but somehow I feel on this project he left many things... I hope in future updates all this can be solved, but the sci-fi environment, over-used jokes and same idea of progress for every single girl, makes the feeling game is probably too much repetitive. I would love to give more stars, but to be honest, this game needs more... I just hope in future can be improved, because Akabur is an awesome developer.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    A game from Akabur, with potential to be his best, but it falls short, unfortunately. The graphics are pretty amazing, and there's a bit of story... a bit too much, actually. The game is VERY wordy.

    Every time you make a significant advancement with one of the girls (who are pulled from his previous games, with this effectively being a sequel to those), you get an unskippable cut-scene with the ship's reporter, delving into dirty details of what had happened, and basically humiliating that girl in front of your audience.

    This wouldn't be a bad thing, as there's a lot of immersion involved with how the story intertwines... but it never quite pays off in the way that it hints about. The girls do eventually lose their clothes and do naughty things, but you don't quite get a front seat to it all.

    This is mostly due to the fact that the game is released as fairly large Chapters, each one introducing new girls, and further corrupting the previous. However, each of these Chapter requires a significant grind for both money and popularity, which you then spend to corrupt a girl one stage further, although you often have to advance them multiple times just to get anything interesting.

    Your going to spend a lot of time dragging girls into a Job and clicking the button that advances Days, just to earn money. Not having to assign a girl to the same position everyday would have been a nice feature. To be fair, each girl does accumulate "Stress" for working at a position, but you often just put them in the same area for 3 Days, so it's really annoying to place them, remove them for 2 Days or so to relax, then put them right back in those positions, while clicking all over the place madly to do so.

    Unfortunately, the game effectively comes to a halt at the end of Chapter 2, right before things get especially naughty, and there seems to be no confirmation that Akabur will be picking up the game again anytime soon, as he has other projects stealing his attention.

    The game has great potential, but there's just not a lot of sexy going on here, at the moment.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    This "game" is shockingly poor for something by Akabur. Although other games have relied on a certain amount of menu surfing to accomplish goals and further the plot, this game is ENTIRELY menu surfing. It's just navigating some boring menus in hopes of finding the one submenu that will let you pick some arbitrary "move forward" button that will lead you to more menus... and if you spend enough time doing this to actually stumble upon the menu option that the game secretly wants you to choose you may be treated to 20 minutes of mind numbingly pointless repeated dialogue that may or may not hide a hint as to which submenu you need to search this time for the next pointless wall of text.

    Is there some sort of game hidden in here? I have no idea. It pretends to have one with some random arbitrary points, but even if you use the console to get those points, they do nothing but dump you back into the menu/sub menu routine. Is there a story here? I have no idea. There is no way that anyone with a shred of sanity could possibly sit through the hours upon hours of pointless text walls that mostly seem to be about Jasmine making the same point over and over again that she's a princess and blah blah blah blah... I'm boring myself even thinking about it.

    If you were expecting anything in the vein of Princess Trainer or Witch Trainer, you will be disappointed. If you were expecting some sexy scenes or dialogue, you will be disappointed. If you have any expectations at all, you will be disappointed.

    Do not even waste your time.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The first version was a grind in typical Akabur fashion, with each TV episode requiring 10 replays to gain mastery. I never completed them all 100% since it wasn't fun and didn't see the point in full completion. But overall the first version was still fine, would have gave it 3 or 4 stars.

    The second version no longer requires you to film the new TV episodes repeatedly, which greatly improved game play. There are enough new events and quests to play for several hours and the only grind is putting the girls to work to earn money. I thoroughly enjoyed my time playing the new version and highly recommend it.

    Now the one thing to be aware of is that there is no actual sex. There is a blow job and minor nudity and that's it. There is an option at one point were you can "Give" one of your girls to a surprise guest so he can have sex with her but I did not allow it. This is my only complaint with this game, that you can give one of your girls to someone else but you can't have sex with them yourself. But with the fun I had playing, this is a very small concern.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Based on version 2.01

    As far as artwork is concerned, it's top notch. Drawn characters and their expression rival most similar (even non adult) games on steam and other game stores.
    Not only characters, all other graphics produced (animations, backgrounds, fillers, ...) all is awesome

    Story line:
    As for the story, it is not super impressive, but it is quite unique.
    Quite often you encounter a LOL moment you can't stop from laughing.
    As some of the characters were also in previous games, there is also quite a number of references to previous games and what happened there.

    Gameplay is quite linear for each of the girls with variation of tasks and events.
    Also clothes and hair options are available for each character.
    Some grinding is needed to get the credits for the store or to continue with the game.

    -As far as I am concerned polish of this game is superb.
    -do not ever remember an error in this artists games which in my mind is quite impressive
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Very similar to Princess Trainer, but more grindier and less sexier. Sci-fi setting also is less appealing and it looks weird with Arab Princess on it. If you have played the original, this one has nothing to offer.. if not improved in future.