weird.. i though i give this game a review already ? .. but apparently not. hmm.. anyway.
This game is unique due to the Akabur style.
graphism (drawing) is just absolutly perfect. but thats normal when we realise that he draw that in real life with pen and paper, before using ink and then scan/port them into the pc to color them and all... the work put in just the art is insane.
the game itself is grindy, but its not boringly grindy, must say, its the kind of grind i would like to see in more game. because while you grind a bit the stats/money etc.. you still can enjoy some events and else. wich make the game everything else than boring.
the main idea is just amazing and the girls we get are .. lets say ... extremly great ( specially ashelin ) and deja vu ( specially the freaking hermione ) . but all in all, its always great to have thoses girls around.
the customization of the genie ( MC like in all Akabur games) and the girls are pretty correct and give the game a good point.
the story is very good, text/dials are extremly well done and the dose of humour from Akabur is always a good way to crack a smile or more XD
must still notice some bad points... the game can appear to be short, and the updates take forever to came out. but the result in quality is always here.
its my favorite game from akabur , just before magic shop ( wich i hope will be updated soon too ).
the game doesnt have alots of sex, more specifically, not alots of sex with MC... its not rare to have the girls having sex with otehrs dudes and stuff. but Genie is always put on side in Akabur game. but this is not a too horrific problem, because even with that, the game are very enjoyable.
Well, you really should give it a try. its a cool game. also Akabur is a cool guy with who you can talk to in patreon or else.
(he is also one of the two devs that give me the motivation to make my own game ^^ , and that priceless )
Akubur have alots of peoples who mimic him, but none of them never reached his level, not only graphically, but also in humour and game design.
he deserve a try ( at minimum ) and all best for futur .
and.... "he rule"