probably because, like me. peoples doesnt play that game for the CGs themself, but more for the story and humour on it.
sure CGs are great and all... but we all know that Akabur aint popular for doing game with tons of Cgs on them. he is popular for doing some nice stories and humour and stuff.
this game is not different than any previous Akabur games, only difference is just that its scifi themed, with an robot/illusion helper and a perfect shaped Ashelin (wich is also the only unique character from akabur on this game, all others where on others game before, that's probanly why Ashelin is the most popular girls in this game)
if you want a game with tons of CGs, then its better to play summertime saga. star channel 34 is all about story. (wich, like i say before, is great but in this last update have some nonsens point on it)
soo yeah, it is a good game, it is ok and its more than average to me. even for waiting 4 months. its not like akabur took thousand millions dollars from me anyway, soo can't complain.