Because I can count games with good 2DCG art on the fingers of my hands. Slow as it is, the sad part it's not even the worst case.Sure, include ANOTHER story within an already unfinished story. Why not? I swear, only Akabur can get away with this kind of shit. Why do people still keep supporting him on Patreon is beyond me.
play more then... 'cause genie receive handjobs from all girls and blowjob from side girl. this udpate add handjob all along and sex with jasmine and ashelin.I hadn't played since episode 5. After countless pointless dialogue, all I saw was Hermione giving 2 handjobs. At this point, I'll be more than happy if he cancels this game and starts something new.
Honestly, at this point, I won't even play it even after he finishes it. Mainly cause I'll be dead from old age when that more then... 'cause genie receive handjobs from all girls and blowjob from side girl. this udpate add handjob all along and sex with jasmine and ashelin.
for once, genie got something for him.. even ashelin refuse the purpose of sex from the guard but mention genie dick as the best (if you choose to have sex with jasmine).
as main question is... is this real or not ? as from what it show, it can be real. but no fact if it is or not. will see later i guess.
but its a big jump tho to have genie actually enjoying the girls alone for himself. (except jasmine who turn slut at end lol, but we see nothing)
This update is great, I do not get your complainsHonestly, at this point, I won't even play it even after he finishes it. Mainly cause I'll be dead from old age when that happens.
Jokes aside though, I'm seriously done with this game. I used to support him on Patreon back when he was making Princess Trainer Gold Edition and Witch Trainer but this is seriously hardcore milking. I keep coming back to this to find an excuse to support him again but like an abused wife, I've finally had enough.
I'm calling it right now he'll probably cancel this. People are starting to wake up. His Patreon earnings are down 50%.
People still keep supporting him because of this psychological effect (I´m sure there is a german word for it) where you keep hoping the great thing of the past (PT) will repeat and thus your pleasant experience with it. Best example being Bioware with many people still expecting immersive RPGs from them.Sure, include ANOTHER story within an already unfinished story. Why not? I swear, only Akabur can get away with this kind of shit. Why do people still keep supporting him on Patreon is beyond me. Someone really needs to remind him that this game started off as an adult game.
Not exactly what you're saying but it definitely has shades of the 'sunk cost fallacy'.People still keep supporting him because of this psychological effect (I´m sure there is a german word for it) where you keep hoping the great thing of the past (PT) will repeat and thus your pleasant experience with it. Best example being Bioware with many people still expecting immersive RPGs from them.
You know that you can run the windows version using wine?Linux version please![]()
We're holding out for a hero 'til the end of the nightWe need a hero!
I just love those comments trying to justify bad games/products by attacking people who didn't pay for it. As if that changes the fact it's of bad quality. Akabur himself wouldn't bring it on the table. This update sucks balls. Bad art, boring story, no character development. I don't care if it takes him a long time to publish something. But if it is of this piss poor quality I don't care if he publishes something at all.Y'all complain too much about an artist doing what he loves and being paid for it, sound like a bunch of cry babies to me. What do you care if he's slow? That his content is limited? That he's not what you want him to be? Not like you're paying him anything.
As a patron of Akabur since day 1 that he joined Patreon, I believe it's within my right to say those who do support him find his content well worth it.
(Playing the part of the Advocate, since all I can see here is complaining.)
Anywho, a nice update, always nice to see Akabur meeting his goals of working faster.