RPGM Completed Star Knave [v1.0.3 Public] [Oko]

5.00 star(s) 6 Votes


Jul 26, 2017
Absolutely amazing start here, but just wondering are their just the 2 H-scenes in this version?


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Seems like he will change the females from realish looking (rotoscoped/traced?) characters to more anime-esque pixel art.

Can't say I am the biggest fan since he is new to it and so it will as for now look plain, but if he grows his skills to say Street Fighter 3 third strike, any 2d fighter from the 90s/00s or metal slug, maybe owl boy? Then it may look really good.


May 8, 2017
Can someone share the patreon post from the 15th of october please ?


Hey, sorry, I haven't kept you up to date light I ought to have.
Sometimes I miss the window to post on time and I tell myself "It'll be okay, I'll just work hard to have even more to show next week" but lately it's been "just another week and I could be done and have something to announce!"

Things are going really well, though, which is partly why I haven't been posting.
I've just been working super hard to get it all finished!

I've got everything laid out that's left to do and I've given all of it a reasonable time limit.
Then I've doubled that time limit in places, because I'd rather have time left over for fighting any last minute problems that arise and for testing more before it goes out, especially if I hope to support a 3rd platform this time.

I can't set and promise a firm date, because I hate disappointing people if the date slips like it has in the past, but I have one in mind and I'm trying really, really hard to make it.
Everything I work on between now and release is crucial, and anything that can wait is already on the backburner.

I hope you're doing well!
Thanks for everything so far, a guy couldn't ask for better company.

If you need anything, my inbox is always open.

Thanks again!
Hey, sorry, I haven't kept you up to date light I ought to have.
Sometimes I miss the window to post on time and I tell myself "It'll be okay, I'll just work hard to have even more to show next week" but lately it's been "just another week and I could be done and have something to announce!"

Things are going really well, though, which is partly why I haven't been posting.
I've just been working super hard to get it all finished!

I've got everything laid out that's left to do and I've given all of it a reasonable time limit.
Then I've doubled that time limit in places, because I'd rather have time left over for fighting any last minute problems that arise and for testing more before it goes out, especially if I hope to support a 3rd platform this time.

I can't set and promise a firm date, because I hate disappointing people if the date slips like it has in the past, but I have one in mind and I'm trying really, really hard to make it.
Everything I work on between now and release is crucial, and anything that can wait is already on the backburner.

I hope you're doing well!
Thanks for everything so far, a guy couldn't ask for better company.

If you need anything, my inbox is always open.

Thanks again!


New Member
Nov 5, 2018
Your art-style really takes me back to my teens Oko, thank you for your hard work. Happy holidays to you.


Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018
There's a new post on his blog about the current status of the game :

Didn't know the guy worked on AAA titles, that makes sense now
Last edited:


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
There's a new post on his blog about the current status of the game :

Didn't know the guy worked on AAA titles, that makes sense now
I think he did contract work on the games, rather than he was a full time dev working at a company like bioware (he made a reference to a dude who worked on anthem). A shit ton of video game art and other stuff is outsourced to 3rd parties, or even contractors brought in for getting a project out the door, like the latest Mortal Kombat had a bunch of contractors to help it get done in as little time as it did and be that polished.

Side note, your link shows a blank page since it goes to the comment form. Maybe just link to the blog post, or just the blog mainpage.
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Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018

Two weeks ago :

"Still to do :
- Remaining sex scenes (1 full, 2 wip, 3 [?S?E?C?R?E?T?])
- Tie up end battle into end sequence
- Turn disparate notes into first draft of level 2"


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Thursday, 21 May 2020

Drive-by progressposting

Short on time so can't take 2 hours for a full post right now, (I wish I was kidding, but it can take me a whole afternoon to write these) so just posting horrific commit messages / misc notes on tasks just completed, and a couple of screens:

Short version:
It's all a-go-go here at Oko HQ. Any time I'm not working my IRL job, I'm grinding on this, having a lovely time. Made some very nice changes I won't even tease until trailer time, but it looks GOOD.
Animating the last few days, really into it.
Did many playthroughs and fixed a TON of bugs

Major developments:

I was wrong. It was almost entirely my fault, but no longer.
Now I load the images ONE time. I prevent them from being garbage-collected while in a scene. They get cleaned up on the first map change or menu access after the scene. It just works.
I love you, RPGMaker, you buggy jap shithouse, marry me and let's never fight again.

Commits (not exhaustive):
fix bug with "use item" not filtering right.
fix bug with thrown items being really accurate, more even than some guns.
Add option to turn off vibration for controller
Date audit:
Separate Luci logs into year categories
Add "Insert Disk" screen to pre-map operations
Hentai system, fixed ALL bugs, removed shit features, made controls feel good, removed all service interuption and loading spikes
Added starfield to hScenes
Fixed autosave to not save during disk swap, but force an autosave right after
Fixed wonky jump animation
Fixed disk enter screen
added kicking when unarmed
Animation and sound fixes
AI fixes, line of sight was firing too often and findObjects was clearing buttons after picking up a new weapon, meaning you couldn't fire with it right away
Create outfit object sprite
Added new costumes to game world
Smarter object interaction, allow discovery of 'under' type objects if they're in elevated in front (on a desk)
Added animations back in to battle actions
Fixed bug where a player could fall-through to regular adventure controls at the end of their turn
Formalized item pickup sounds
Fixed axe attacks sprite
Go through and change all pickups to under
Fixed door sounds
Reintroduced filter choice
Throw gun if no ammo and gun is not special (below +1 grade)
Start with throwing knife weapon
Unique break sounds for thrown weapons
Stop findObjects from "finding" active units in battle, if standing on corpse facing enemy, the alive enemy will show up in the menu when looting.
Fix sentrygun disconnect between look direction & fire direction (both got coords independently, now from same)
Fix, reset player sprite at start of enemy turn (no more edge case getting left in limited throw sprite)
Fixed ignitables being targetable by hand
Made black-clothed orks tougher, distributed better
Added temporary recolour filter for fleeting use
Shadows for all NPCs, replace baked-in player shadows
Fixed enemy jump up height, same way as fixed players earlier
Make bundle of player items sprite, for outside jail.
Added name change and filter choice at game start
Finished brief tutorial sequence at titty temple
Fixed take icon not showing properly
Goblon Maiden live performance
Distributed outfits across station
Fixed take and go icon conditions, removed lame string comparison
fixed section with Varie portraits missing
Pre-battle meetup cutscene
Made meetup funnier with awkward Innuendo combinations based on earlier exploits
Last battle ambient sounds
Amba redo 90% - her arc was shit before, too wordy and disconnected
If you actually read these I love you, anon
Tweaked the first room, to have the story taking over from cutscene make better sense
Art pass with {s?e?c?r?e?t} that's very fucking exciting
Scripting ending sequence variations
Got game intro > main menu > setup > game start flow in a good state
fixed freakout window resizing on game start
Added screen surround as body element above entire game, rather than a limited part of UI
Scale surround by game window size
Fixed crash where nulling game map to prevent loaded-save bugs happened too early
Made first draft of OST pt1: Battle Tapes- production needs further work, need better reference speakers
Settled on new title
New main menu
new menu music
game version now code-based, no more image editing required
divorced savegame compat version from game version, will only break if absolutely necessary
Created functions to return story thread status, for more readable tracking of branching points
Tidy up pause menu, remove deprecated options and those with no value
Make options cyclable in both directions, remove enter-use
Increment volume 1% at a time, 5% if holding shift
Tie BGA volume to global BGS
Remove netbook options that didn't notably affect performance


There's more, but these are the ones I kept track right after finishing

Doing now:
Dialogue passes on end sequence, animating end sequence and remaining sex anims

Current status
New game is really, really nearly ready, but not there just yet.

This was a copy paste from Oko's blog.

It lacks an image detailing a bug from a previous post under Major Developments, and A gif of the Main screen above "soon"

Missing info can be seen here.
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Apr 15, 2017
Ayo so I just played through this and OH NO NO NO NO.

First off, everything is so fuzzy, did you think it'd hide the atari 2600 graphics?
And nice cringe """erotic""" dialogue, Mills & Boon; Who's that for, exactly?
Some clam in her 50s who accidentally downloaded your game thinking it was a maritime romance novel? lmao

The scenes are somehow WORSE than the first game, too, and where does the game take place, Seyda Neen?
Cause the battle system is crazy slow and you miss all the fucking time.

I mean it, his new game needs to be MUCH better in every single way imaginable.
It better be at least a couple of hours with about 13 full sex scenes, hidden secrets, fun and memorable characters, fun combat and no goblin-tier 3d models or cop-out "I love you after 30 minutes anon-kun" robot girls, neither.

Seriously, it better be all those things and so close to being finished, I cannot wait.


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2018
Ayo so I just played through this and OH NO NO NO NO.

First off, everything is so fuzzy, did you think it'd hide the atari 2600 graphics?
And nice cringe """erotic""" dialogue, Mills & Boon; Who's that for, exactly?
Some clam in her 50s who accidentally downloaded your game thinking it was a maritime romance novel? lmao

The scenes are somehow WORSE than the first game, too, and where does the game take place, Seyda Neen?
Cause the battle system is crazy slow and you miss all the fucking time.

I mean it, his new game needs to be MUCH better in every single way imaginable.
It better be at least a couple of hours with about 13 full sex scenes, hidden secrets, fun and memorable characters, fun combat and no goblin-tier 3d models or cop-out "I love you after 30 minutes anon-kun" robot girls, neither.

Seriously, it better be all those things and so close to being finished, I cannot wait.
  • Haha
Reactions: Ragnar


Active Member
Sep 30, 2017
Ayo so I just played through this and OH NO NO NO NO.

First off, everything is so fuzzy, did you think it'd hide the atari 2600 graphics?
And nice cringe """erotic""" dialogue, Mills & Boon; Who's that for, exactly?
Some clam in her 50s who accidentally downloaded your game thinking it was a maritime romance novel? lmao

The scenes are somehow WORSE than the first game, too, and where does the game take place, Seyda Neen?
Cause the battle system is crazy slow and you miss all the fucking time.

I mean it, his new game needs to be MUCH better in every single way imaginable.
It better be at least a couple of hours with about 13 full sex scenes, hidden secrets, fun and memorable characters, fun combat and no goblin-tier 3d models or cop-out "I love you after 30 minutes anon-kun" robot girls, neither.

Seriously, it better be all those things and so close to being finished, I cannot wait.
Tell you what, you sleep-deprived, over-engineering, deadline-missing charming SOB! If you release this before my b-day on the 4th I'll be back on that 5$ tier so you can get that extra 1 Ritalin pill you so desperately need


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Galactic Rock 'n Roll for Computers

Sunday, 21 June 2020

Fucking tired, lads. It's been a long few weeks, working overtime IRL and trying to keep this on track, and it is absolutely annihilating my gains. But it's gonna be well worth it.

All the art is done and final, all the sex scenes, the portraits.
All the miniatures, the animations, the sound effects.
The intro, the boot screen logo, the cutscenes, the little mini-games and puzzles
The characters, the secrets, the theme tunes, the title screen, the box art,
All the mechanics, the UI, the menus, the options, the tutorial
I've got over an hour of new, all-original music, fourteen new sex scenes, half of which I've never shown to anyone.
The whole first level, and a small setup for the second.

I'm gonna keep working, I'm trying to keep this blog post short so I can get back to it.

The gang's all here

Still to do:
>Program vibration patterns for sex scenes
>Add sound to sex scenes
>Playtest the shit out of the game over and over until I'm utterly numb to any charm it may have

Then it's done. I can't say how long this is going to take, but I'm at least a hundred times as eager to get this done and out than the most fervent coomer-in-wait could ever be.


☑ fuck jannies
☑ fuck narrative brain golfers
☑ invest in popcorn
☑ give it all you've got
☐ ever stop
☐ ever kneel (outside of a pike formation)


Engaged Member
May 11, 2017
Sunday, 12 July 2020


How's it going bros?
Heads up, quick little collage of screenshots, think fast!

On the first day of this final stretch, I opened up my sound scripting files I wrote nearly 2 years ago.
It was fucking shocking, bros.

I instantly wanted to take it apart and maybe build a replacement, so I re-learned how it worked, expecting to get a good laugh at my old amateurish and foolhardy work.

Turns out it's actually a pretty great little system, it was just a bit ugly.
So I spent a few hours upgrading it to be more easily understandable at a glance and then just got going adding new sounds.


I'd done some recording days in the last few months, just here and there, but I was still missing a few samples, so I took a day off work, set up a little recording booth in my bedroom and recorded some neat new sounds.

1 x half-bottle of store-brand laundry detergent gel
1 x nearly-empty industrial-sized shampoo bottle
1 x liquid hand soap
1 x pair of human hands

I thought it would be pretty funny to also record the sound of my own wang and then make you all unwittingly listen to it, then call you a mega gay lord when you said you enjoyed it.
But I wasn't prepared to punish my old soldier to quite the extent I'd need for the more dramatic end of the SFX spectrum, so don't worry.

Foley work is really great fun. Loving each laugh.
I was really surprised how much better it made the scenes just having some sound.
Combined with the vibration patterns I did a couple of weeks ago and a little bit of UI juice I added last month, the scenes are really feeling great.


This is what my last two weeks have looked like.

My initial idea was to try to set up a hands-off kinda system with a bunch of folders with predictable files inside, and make everything object based instead, set up in such a way that I could just feed each scene a couple of folder names and it'd just be automatic.

And that'd be fucking tubular, if it had any basis in reality, but it'd be a lot of wasted time for no real benefit to either of us, so I just tidied up the old one.
What I had in place was ugly looking but actually very robust, so I just made it prettier and easier to understand at a glance, because I know in my heart I'll leave all the sound work for level 2 til the very end, too.

Sound work is about 80% done, another day or two should see the rest complete, then it's just testing and getting all my ducks in a row for a release.

It's really happening, boys.

(As normal, some screens don't show, click the link to the blog to see them)
5.00 star(s) 6 Votes