This game seems like a solid example of a slow burn corruption game in progress, the problem therein right now is that because it is slow burn corruption the amount of corruption content available right now is rather meagre compared to a quicker corruption game at an equivalent amount of time invested. This is probably best enjoyed long enough to get a feel for the content but not so long that you begin to feel hitting the wall of the current content as you start to feel the point where your exhausting current available events and it makes the world feel a lot deader, when at that point it is best to leave it and wait for an update as there isn't enough to find in the world to hold interest.
The game so far does a good job of setting up all the characters, it will probably seem an odd comparison but many of the characters can seem to almost have the feeling of hero's of the ancient classics with comically exaggerated virtues and flaws with it being both obvious how Aura is suitable for the role she was chosen for while at the same time having realistic complexes and flaws for someone with such a strong urge to help others. This follows through with the fact that the game serves as a good example of classic tragedy in that if you follow the corruption path you can clearly see telegraphed in Auras personality how it can be twisted and exploited to bring about her own downfall.
The world is set up under the premise of deliberately going for the feel of a generic isekai novels setting with a lewder twist and it achieves this admirably, if this will remain or if there are intentions of exploring the world more deeply are a bit unclear but there is certainly a few lore snippets amongst various characters dialogue so the world seems to have had a decent amount of planning put into it boding well for the future.
The corruption in game is interesting as the game implements it in such a way that it serves as a puzzle regardless of it is a pure or corrupt run, in corrupt runs you have to figure out how to expend your corruption productively in order to sabotage Auras relationships and fulfil certain prerequisites to inflict certain corruptions, the game makes a point of only allowing gradual changes and generally trying to make larger narrative changes be locked behind certain events to make sure things like her adopting a new interest are plausible in story. On pure runs the puzzle instead seems to be a more logistical one involving accumulating enough wealth in order to purchase potions to keep corruption down while minimising Auras use of star knightess and spending each day wisely as star knightess gives a lump sum of corruption with each use, while there is a small increase in corruption as time passes.
The combat is standard rpg maker fair for the most part but has featured some environmental puzzles that influence fights and some fights with more restrictive rules like the duels which indicates a willingness to play with the format which bodes well for some potentially more interesting divergences as the story goes on. The game has a good way of weaving the corruption element into the gameplay by making it Aura(the players) fault as there is a genuine temptation to use Star knightess to just trivialise a more annoying or difficult encounter but doing so would accelerate Auras corruption.
In short, really good potential slow burn corruption game, not enough content to hold attention over long term yet.