So what's the corrupt ending like?
Aura simply becomes a mindless slut for that psycho?
Simple Yes or No please, no spoilers if avoidable.
I hate that guy, if he gets anything good out of that ending, I'm not playing this. Huge turn-off.
I hate people like him and Alicia so much, I've been doing my best so far to keep Aura as pure as possible out of spite, but enogh is enough, this takes too much damn time!
Maybe if Aura could become so insatiable, that he'd die of being fucked to death, I could appreciate that! And then Alicia too, LOL. With a futa horse cock! (And hookers!)
Plus the game plays like some turn based strategy game, I must go do stuff in an exact order, or nothing can happen. Or I get guaranteed death if in combat.
(Like with learning spells, and even the lewd actions for money! Every combat has to be carefully thought over, because all items are limited.)
I've played many RPGs, but here even basic grunts are way too strong, even on Explorer difficulty.