Anyone has some tips on how to get more life in a efficient manner? experience seems to level you incredibly slowly, and while I'm seeing one specific work option and one specific potion that can help I'm kinda wary of the costs with those considering I'm trying for a pure run.
I'm still at the very beginning (normal, pure run, just beat the avian boss at like level 2 because I'm a dumbass who bought a flash bomb even though I'll regret it) and yeah I can see how my spending habits are going to screw me over.
Or at least I hope so, because one of the big weakness of the this genre's games is when we are told money is hard to get and it's not.
I am also really liking the relationships between Aura/George and Aura/Rose so far, though I suspect George trying to protect Aura is going to frustrate me soon. I'm also really really weary of another of this genre's weakness, E.G "after the prologue everything about why the corruption is corrupting matters disappear, because the wholesome scenes disappears even when not corrupted, so for all intent and purpose they are corrupted by default".
... My weariness is I think a product of how high quality the game appear so far, so I'm expecting the other shoe to drop soon.