VN - Others - Completed - Starless: Nymphomaniac’s Paradise [Final] [Empress]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    This game was really disturbing and had some really fucked up shit. It was really hard to continue and there are so much stuff that made no sense. After one ending, I literally did not want to see any other endings.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The G.O.A.T.

    This VN got me into eroge. I can't overstress how good this game is. I think I lost myself and my mind for at least a week until I finished it.

    This game has impressive art, holds no punches with its writing, and also introduced me to more extreme fetishes. Such an all around positive experience. I continue to pray for more Empress games to be translated.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game may have a lot of repeating scenes and scenes that go on way too long but, you can just click through. I loved the borderline disturbing scenes and psychological factor. This is the gold standard for me in art and content, I love when a game is not afraid of what people may be turned off by.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    From Sei Shoujo, the great mind that brought us Bible Black comes Starless. From what I can see in this game, he's only grown more perverted and audacious in the decade between this and his most infamous work..

    What can I say about it? I hope you enjoy fetishes because you're just getting a lot of weird stuff in this game. In this game, the enduring theme is women hold power over men and other women and make them do humiliating things, things that you would never imagine. As the male protagonist you are the victim. There are many ending but only a minority are what you would call a good end.

    The criticisms are obvious. Despite the legendary visuals there's too much text and you will skip large chunks, it's just a fact. You couldn't possibly subject yourself to 100% of this. There's a lot of moments where you go "that's not how sex works!".

    And yet some elements of this game struck my fetishes so here we are, at 5 stars. It's undeniable that this is some of the best artwork you'll find in a VN and the imagination for the setup and execution of some of these sex scenes are to be watched just for the spectacle, if nothing else. This game is truly the product of a singular creative vision, you have to respect them for that.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Absolute and uninhibited perversion is the idea behind this one, a lot of pretty extreme fetish so not for everyone but the people into fucked shit like me it's a great one.

    The girls are hot, not a fan of femdom but still enjoyed this one, a lack of diversity in body type but not that big of a downside.

    Recommanded for people into fucked up and extreme fetish !
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    excellent story, graphic and sound can be better. the two things i dont like in it is excessive dialogue in some places and the mistress and momoko nipples should be a little brownish as they are lactating, otherwise if you are lactation fetish like go for it.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    - Lots of scenes
    - Variety of sex positions and festishes
    - Decent art

    - I agree with other reviews: It has a bit of everything, and nothing in particular
    - REALLY lot of text during each scene. So much so that I fast forwards skipped most of it. The text really kills all immersion and makes the game dull
    - Not very much choices, story is mostly liniar
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring, boring is the one word I can think of when I was playing this game (if you can even call it that). Text after text of nothing happening and the sex scenes were long and padded with useless text just to add to the game length. The game tries to cover as many fetishes as possible, lots of scat if you use the uncensored patch, even guro is there.
    There are 10 endings (if I'm not mistaken) and none of them are good, all of them are bad endings.
    You get maybe 5 or 6 choices during this 4 or 5 hours wall of endless text. each decision changes the course drastically without actually knowing what will happen. Like the decision to "peek" or "don't peek" could end up getting you killed. How the hell was I suppose to guess something like that would happen, there should be some sort of indication of what would happen if I choose that. I can keep going, but I think I said enough. also there is not one single likable character in this game, maybe only the driver in the beginning of the game.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Okay, here is the thing.

    This game is trying to be a Jack of all trades, but is, apparently, master of none.

    What I'm trying to say, is that Starless is trying everything available, but time to get to these "things" is much too great. You either like all the kinks this game has to offer (and will still have a hard time trying not to fall asleep) or some contained within, that are either scarce, or prolonged.

    Conclusion: It's all basic stuff in there, game put's everything in line, one after another without branching, thus is extremely long.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    ...That was painful on so many levels.
    I'm gonna give it a like for showing me just how far I still can go in my depravity, and in hopes to never see anything like this again.
    5/5, would recommend - was very enlightening.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    There are a lot of games on this site that suffer from Bad Women's Anatomy problems. It's much more rare for a game to have Bad Men's Anatomy beyond just oversized dongs that can stay up indefinitely and shoot out a seemingly infinite amount of cum. This game has that and much more.

    Storywise it's a pretty typical "the MC has some vague debts and is turned into a sex slave for some smoking hot billionaires" thing. The unusual part is that it's a man being made the slave here, and it comes off a little bit hard to believe when he walks into the mansion and is basically told this up front and his reaction isn't "you're going to pay me a ton of money to bang hot chicks, yes please!" but instead "Oh no! This is horrible!"

    But then the actual sex scenes start and it's clear that he's just a cartoon anyway so it doesn't really matter.

    This game has a LOT of words to read through, and multiple endings to see but it feels rather padded at times. The sex scenes go on and on for page after page of repetitive dialog. I wouldn't feel ashamed to hold down CTRL and speed through it, especially since you can go back and read the chatlog without having to double click for every line.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Yet another game that fumbles the back third.This is solid 2.75 our of 5 stars.

    First and foremost goddamn are some of the sex scenes long and excessive, this is important because it pads the playtime I would say there is easily 2 - 3 hours of sex scenes that are just not needed to be in the game.

    There are 10 endings of which I only cared for 4 of the even a little bit. And the biggest problems with these endings are that at least 4 of them are with the shoehorned in love interest that shows up in the first couple hours. Who imo ruins the plot the second they are introduced. The game before them being introduced is very interesting and has at least 3 "better" potential love interests in my eyes. Only one of those 3 really gets an ending, there is one ending where it is kind of harem. What this causes is by the time the endings come up you will probably get one you do not care about.

    I am conflicted on this game because it sets up a semi interesting premise which is all too common for female protagonist stories in H content, and gave it to male. Thus the situations are somewhat more interesting. But then those premises start falling to the wayside for some forced love interest stuff. One example for instance is in the early game one of the choices is either to cum in a girl or pullout, this dialouge talks about MC potentially getting them pregnant(shows up a lot in this game) and if you pull out they will say don't worry you will be having many chances in the future. there is only 1 or 2 times at most that you ever have sex with that character again after the love interest character is brought in.

    I am stressing how badly this ruins the game so much because it honest to god doe. I was hoping they would leave the game 30minutes after they showed up because they were derailing a fun experience.

    Rant over.

    Use the guide to find the endings after you have beat the game once, some are particularly annoying to find without it(cumming inside vs outside with a certain girl changes which ending you get) .

    Mechanics are standard nothing really bad but nothing great either.

    Along with long ass sex scenes and dialogue there are huge amounts of time without choices and that can get annoying because you are being railroaded into actions you wish you got choices for.

    Total completion time for all endings is around 11 hours but like i said early on a chunk of that is sex scenes that don't need to be in the game.

    This game to me had a potential for being a 4 out of 5 stars, since that was what i was feeling in those first couple hours but after events that kept on going down as the game went on.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing graphics, Lots of sex scenes, though the language is japanese one can still enjoy voice - didn't find moaning annoying which is big bonus in my book. I love the intro music. Absolutely loved it.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Fetishes that will be way too extreme for most people.

    The game is also ENDLESS filler text on top of loads of mostly the same repeating sprites and static backgrounds. Wasn't even at day 2 before I just went *fuck it* and started just holding CTRL to skip all the text..
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the first nsfw visual novel's I ever played and I gotta say I started with the kinkiest one around, and I loved it.
    if you like extreme kinks with gorgeous art this is your best choice and i wish we could get more of these on here from the same makers
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    AMAZING game. 10/10
    Its a little intense for most but it depends on your choices. there is a good interface so u can go down the route your looking for even if ur not into the stronger stuff. Has amazing art and collectible feature just wished they made a harem ending.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Eleum Loyce

    Starless is... an experience. It's a VN that you should read if you want to see just how extreme some fetishes can be. The artwork is top tier, which is normally great but not necessarily in this case because some of the CGs are just ridiculously graphic. However, past the shock value of its sex scenes there is a very intricate plot. The first 30 minutes or so of the game really do a great job of hooking you in. It's also very well done how the game presents which girls you want to pursue and which ones you want to ignore. There are a few decent twists here and there but the story did lose its appeal to me towards the end. By the time I was almost done, I just wanted to see what tortuous shenanigans these poor anime girls were going to endure next.

    "Horrific" is how I would describe this game, but that's not necessarily bad. Just horrifically... creative.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Seishoujo provides awesome art as always (see Discipline and Bible Black for more examples). I would give fewer stars if it wasn't for the art. However, the art makes me love this bit of ecchi even despite some (very) extreme themes (scat, torture, futa).
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a bit of a humorous game. I want breasts, and I want to experience hard sex and an extreme perverted story. But that's exactly what I get here ... I love that the story goes here in many directions and I can experience what is never possible! BUT IT WAS COOL IF I WOULD LIKE TO WRITE THE TEXTS IN THE GAME FOLDER.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a twisted master piece well done. There are fetishes in this game (such as urination, enemas, phallus torture, futa, the Worst Ending...) that are not my cup of tea though I was immersed by the well written characters and the paths I could take the protagonist through along with the characters I could impact (for better or worse). Plus there were other fetishes that appealed to me along with the way the women were drawn in this game. The art work is of very high quality and I appreciate the voice work done by cast in this game. I recommend anyone who likes being immersed by stories (and can handle some of the perversions that one would expect from hentai) to experience this game.

    P.S. The character Marisa is an awful human being that I wished would have been punished in the game.