So playing all 3 Winterlook games it feels like the writer has one schtick and will be making VNs out of that same script until people lose interest, Stellar Dream is still WIP but we all know how it will end up. I can already tell how the story will progress beat by beat just from playing the current version and honestly if this was their first time making the same exact game again it would've been fine but it pains me to see them make the same exact product a third time with a different coat of paint without any repercussions. I don't wanna project but this will definitely end up as a painfully average VN just like the previous two, sans the high quality CG (and hopefully animations that aren't 2 frames in a loop?). Anyone who has played SHELTER or Irnia will figure out the gist of this one in the first 20 minutes lol.
Still, this will prbly be completed within a year or two (three most likely) and will also have the hallmarks of all any Winterlook VN, an incredibly rushed 3rd act. Can't fault them for not being stuck in development limbo or having feature creeps I guess. Also more props to the devs for experimenting with new gameplay ideas and mechanics too no matter how miniscule or redundant they may seem. Particularly interested in seeing what they will do with the stats stuff but I won't put it past them to not make it just another name for the same variable that lets you see different ending slides and stuff.