Stellar Dream 0.51 Plans and previews
Next update will be about returning to Hope 1 and seeing consequences of your actions.
14 scenes are planed for this update and it should be released in ~2 months.
Update after that will introduce the next alien planet.
I hope you are excited for the future of this game and like the direction where it is going.
pls be Plz
Also, I wish the hope 1 mission was more dynamic. Why not attempt multiple solutions at once? If you go for peace, you can still talk to arong chief to betray the amazonians for the secret sex scene. Why not thread them all in?
Why can't I finish peace option and then kill arong chief for snake bitch mouth pussy later?
Also doing other planets is kinda pointless. Yes, there's more variety, but this is a choice game.
It's all about the depth. If we just up and leave hope 1 after the 2nd visit, hope 1 is not gonna be interesting anymore. It's just gonna b 1/2 scene per route, 2route per person on everything.
There's so much to even do with just hope1 like:
-If you tell the truth about the aliens to Tom, you get a sex vaccine, but everyone knows aliens are fuckable. Why not have a mission where we find an alien girlfriend for jack, since ember is a cunt?
(I'm thinking vaine, the arong cook. I think she'd love him)
-maria getting a tour of arong village and teaching vaine how to cook.
-Qhov'ini still hasn't let us mate with her yet.
-also the queen hasn't got it from us either.
-i actually want a piece of borudas giant short stack tits.
-the Ihae people made love a secret to keep mating shared and populations high. They are slowly rediscoverring 'love' like a love Renaissance. Wonder what modern porn does to them?
-boruda is very interested in culture. Could we trade porn books with her?
-the queen and some of the arongs also mentioned that some of the humans slaves were traded around and might have ended up somewhere else.
-theres constant danger. Why not have hunting missions to kill beasts for the settlement. Gives str, cha, karma or just good reputation.
-marriage with Ihae queen might make us king of the settlement too. We could rule all of hopes if we wanted.
- are the arongs, and Ihae the only sentient races on hope1?
-ihae are once thing, but arong leader really sucks. We might end up going to war against them.
-theres so many different Ihae with multiple different body types. I want to mate every single type.(every civilian template, mateable)
-theres so many body altering plants. If arongs can get contraceptive, why not a fertility potion too? Arong preggo would be nice. Especially if we can use maria/Tom to assist them.
-speaking of which: why not have a bunch of hope1 expiditions? Bring Ronda down there. Qhov'ini would love her. So much interactions between the people we know in the ship and hope1 aliens are possible.
-convince ember to do an expidition to hope1. Hopefully an 'accident' happens.