This game makes alot of design choices for an x-rated game i dont feel work for this kind of genre.
First off the gameplay is largely like fallout 1/2 so deciding to put so much support into using a joypad makes very little sense for me as pc controls work fine for turn based combat, meaning there is going to be alot of space in-between sex scenes much like there are in rpm games that just require you to grind to get new scenes.
I dont like that there arent ways to skip cut scenes however i understand that the dev is trying to put focus onto the story but its up to the player if they care about the story not the dev.
I do like the hand sprited graphics the dev is going for here however very few people have still kept making those so its a shame since many older games for their time still look amazing for it and it shows that while i dont think is on the level of say beneath the steel sky i think its high praise if you are getting compared to that.
all in all i think this game could be great given some tweaks i dont think it should be a X-rated game mind you underrail is good on its own without having to add tits but its not something to jack off to.
First off the gameplay is largely like fallout 1/2 so deciding to put so much support into using a joypad makes very little sense for me as pc controls work fine for turn based combat, meaning there is going to be alot of space in-between sex scenes much like there are in rpm games that just require you to grind to get new scenes.
I dont like that there arent ways to skip cut scenes however i understand that the dev is trying to put focus onto the story but its up to the player if they care about the story not the dev.
I do like the hand sprited graphics the dev is going for here however very few people have still kept making those so its a shame since many older games for their time still look amazing for it and it shows that while i dont think is on the level of say beneath the steel sky i think its high praise if you are getting compared to that.
all in all i think this game could be great given some tweaks i dont think it should be a X-rated game mind you underrail is good on its own without having to add tits but its not something to jack off to.