Ren'Py - Steps of Debauchery [Ep. 3.2] [Fooxied]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The game looks beautiful with amazing renders and very fluid animations. There's enough things to do in the city to justify sandbox workout making it overwhelming. The Creator is very communicative and quick with updates making for a fantastic experience where you're not waiting a year to continue the story. The story has a slow burn to it but not to the point it's excruciating, it feels realistic as a woman being tempted to cross lines but giving you the decision instead of the typical good house wife just decides to start slinging her box around.

    -renders are amazing
    -most characters act realistic and not overly corrupt
    -female protagonist done right
    -fast updates

    -some male characters are just ugly (I know we don't play to look at the men but it has to be said)
    - not a ton of lewd scenes (yet)
    - there is a little grind to make a certain amount of money each week but it never feels like it hinders the game

    Overall if you're looking for a female protagonist game that's not just a slutty bimbo jumping on every dick she sees and actually plays like a real story this is definitely one to check out
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    The only notes I leave are 5s. I benefit here for free from the work of others and it seems indecent to me to lower an already very low average sometimes. This game is magnificent and extremely well balanced. Riley is a pearl protected for too long under the shell of a comforting oyster. Everything about her is beauty and audacity, charm and curiosity. The rating of 5 means that this game starts off with a very high level of fun and holds up throughout. The offer to choose whether or not to lie to the conciliatory husband is appreciable, but the guy asks nothing better than to share. Besides, a little choice to reward him a little rather than promising him a future as a definite loser could be a good possibility. In short, this game is a must to play if you appreciate these tags
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is perfect for me. There are great renders, good story, there's a good balance of the woman's perspective, exploitation. sometimes i feel these games are poorly written and too exploitative but SoD is perfect.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the few games i am happy to pay for, Fooxied = GOAT

    It wants more characters.... Ok.

    The art is really well done, and the story has a great buildup.

    There are a lot of interesting story lines building, and i can't wait for the next patch!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely one of the best games I ever played, very high quality game and such sexy story, it just check all my boxes, I bought this on steam after trying the game here, the game worth every cent, highly recommend buying the game if you could do it to support the creator. 5/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    A very complete game, with many cool scenes! The story is very good and we can see how the corruption progresses in the protagonist; and the outfits are very sexy, being what the viewer is looking for. Congratulations on the game, keep it up!
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 7/10 - Ep 3.1
    game is good, just needs more content and it will 100% flourish. (The worlds needs Riley Hscenes)
    Classic story - husband takes on debt, you (Riley) has to take care of it
    Riley slowly gets corrupted whilst chasing cash - flirting with bar patrons, more donations on stream etc.
    Good: Quest log, Hscenes (Not of Riley), good models + renders, amount of characters - with different things going on, slow corruption
    Bad: Needs ALOT more content (especially scenes of Riley), cycle game-play gets boring (school -> work -> work -> maybe quest at specific time)
    Story - 6/10
    Play as Riley married to Mike. Mike has a big debt, this is where Riley has to manage some of the cost in a weekly manner.
    Corruption of Riley - slow pace corruption i.e. stumbling on illicit sexual relationships, flirting with bar patrons -> note: Riley doesn't get near full corruption (no sex scenes of her - i think)
    Riley - Very friendly and outgoing - meets people all around the world. Going around doing odd jobs to fit the weekly quota. Gets slowly corrupted throughout the game.
    Mike - Cuck - kind of pathetic, does anything for money i.e. pretty much letting Riley doing anything to anyone for cash
    Other characters - all other characters want to fuck Riley - all of them have their own thing i.e. Streaming, rich, college friends etc.
    Renders + models - 10/10
    Riley - Probs one of the hottest models i've seen
    Other characters not on the same level as Riley, but still good on the eyes
    Backgrounds - no complaints good quality
    Sound - 7/10
    Classic copyright free music - enjoyable enough
    Reminds me of BaDIK
    Animations - 10/10
    Very good animations - smooth, little clipping
    Almost exclusively for Hscenes
    Playablity -
    Sandbox - most things should be easy enough to spot and click - some QoL: home teleport, minimap access, very good quest tracker. Some bad things: Bouquet clothes store opening times?, repetitive cycle grinding for money, dance mini-game (weird ddr in porn game bruh)
    Amount of content: 7/10
    Ep 3.1 -
    Needs more Riley scenes - a lot more
    Little amount of Hscenes of Riley - most of them are her watching etc
    Good amount of Hscenes of other characters
    A lot of characters - core starter characters have pretty good, albeit short storylines - rest have almost no content
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Nice Game, maybe the protagonist is a little too dumb ... the graphics is very good. Maybe there is needed some minor adjustment about her sometimes she is too prude and sometimes she is too much slut.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The game removed supernatural plot elements as much as possible, and created an environment full of difficult choices and temptations, describing a female character with a slight sexual hobby and a complete personality who gradually became corrupted because of small interests. Although there are some inappropriate things, the characterization and graphics of this game are of high quality, which left a good impression on me.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Reviewing as of Ep.3.1

    I generally enjoy corruption games with a female protagonist and this is one of the most promising games of its genre that I've played in a while! It somehow slipped my notice, so I played the whole thing last week.
    • Riley is an absolute stunner! I love how she's quite realistically proportioned. By that I mean that her boobs or ass are not obscenely large like some other games make their protagonists. And great renders all around. Secondary characters like Madison are just as hot!
    • Easy to play with a simple hint system. I hate when games make things overly complicated to the point where you need a walkthrough... Let's face it, we're here for the porn.
    • Good pacing imho. It's a delicate balance to make the story take enough time for the corruption to feel believable, but for the game to not become boring. I think so far the game's doing really well.
    All in all, highly recommend up to this point and I look forward to what the dev has in store. I hope the updates don't take too long :)
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best Game I have played so far, Highly recommended.

    I love that the protagonist is not a slut and does not get banged in the first minute of gameplay. I love the choices you make and I love the characters. The content also does not feel rapey like other female protagonist game. Even though there is a story line that dwells into that, but we have the choice not to go with it and I liked it. you actually feel in control of who you will fuck.
    Looking forward for future updates
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Exceptionally good game, the reasons are:

    - Several good storylines that are very different.
    - Non-annoying sandbox gameplay as a kit between the storylines.
    - A really hot main character.
    - The main character doesn't develop from decent wife to sex-crazed vamp in just a few scenes.
    - Slow seduction and good tension building.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Game.

    Pros :
    1. Really hot FMC
    2. Many developed routes
    3. Really hot scenes
    4. Content addition for each update is big enough

    1. Corruption arc should have been much slower
    2. Plot has its own list of loopholes... already mentioned in other reviews

    All in all one of the best FMC games out there
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games out there. Dev is very active and some of the best renders in the game. Updates are timely and provides enough content to keep you wanting more. Overall a great game and worth supporting if you're able.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Nice renders and writing, but the game is quite slow and vanilla. There is not enough content to maintain the illusion of "sandbox", and even the set of event chains that are in the game are mostly linear, making the game more or less nothing more than a time-waster between the rendered CG scenes with no discernible choices or player agency. You might as well tag it with the VN tag.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Like the corruption pace. Excellent renders. One of the best female protag games on this site. Been following this games since its debut on F95 and the development has been good so far.For a 1 year old game, it has a lot of content.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    The game is interesting but has goofy plot holes that don't make any sense, but I will start with the positives. The graphics are solid. The ladies in the game look amazing. The main character, Riley, is cool so far in some aspects. She's a likeable character with beauty, kindness, and charm. She has cool friends that care about her but also find her attractive. Riley is trying to make it through college but encounters adversity that makes things tough. There is some decision-making in the game, although there isn't enough.

    Riley's husband owing the Mafia money makes sense, but paying only $200 a week for a $100,000 price tag is a joke. That made me laugh when I watched it. Why would they go to her to pay the money when the husband owes the money anyway? Also, why doesn't she confront her husband early on? Maybe they could work together to make more money. Why waste time not confronting him when he already knows he owes money while not telling her about it?

    The story with the college dean is just silly. Riley could have easily flipped the tables on the dean by gathering proof of the things he does in school with his secretary. It could have been cool to have an option where she blackmails the dean and the secretary or decides to call the police. In reality, she could easily have more leverage over the dean and the secretary. But there is no option to expose the two or have power over them thus far. The user should be able to stir Riley in a direction; it shouldn't be the character stirring us. Decisions are what turn these stories into games.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    In my opinion a very well made game
    the scenes look very good
    Graphics are also nice
    The gameplay was enjoyable to play quite a good feeling I had
    the main character (Riley) looks nice in my opinion
    The story of the main character was well written
    And the best part is that the female protagonist MC:love:
    One of the best games with female tag
  19. 2.00 star(s)


    As a fan of visual novels, I was excited to dive into "Steps of Debauchery" with its promise of an intricate storyline and immersive character development. However, after spending considerable time with the game (last 3 Updates), I can't help but feel disappointed by the lack of meaningful player choices.

    The Dev could save sooo much of his time, if he would turn this Game just into a Comic. Most of the Players doesn t care about the Story, they just want to see the FMC getting fucked. My personal wish would be, more influence over Riley. Let her be good, or let her be naughty, but leave this decision to the Players and don t feed the Players with meaningless Choices and the really important scenarios without a Choice. This makes also no sense.

    From the outset, the premise seemed intriguing—following Riley as she explores her new life and her deepest desires sounded like a recipe for an engaging and dynamic narrative. Unfortunately, the gameplay falls flat due to its linear structure. Despite the game presenting various scenarios and interactions, the player's choices rarely influence the story in any significant way. Most of the time, it feels like you're just clicking through text rather than making impactful decisions.

    The illusion of choice is particularly frustrating in a game that markets itself on player-driven experiences. You often find yourself navigating through pre-determined paths with minimal variance, regardless of the options you select. This makes the gameplay feel more like a passive experience rather than an interactive one. The narrative unfolds in a fixed manner, and any deviation you attempt feels superficial at best.

    Moreover, the game frequently introduces new characters and subplots, but these too are constrained by the same lack of player agency. While the storyline with Riley's exploration and interactions has potential, it is undermined by the predetermined outcomes. Instead of feeling like an active participant in Riley's journey, you end up feeling like a mere spectator, which significantly diminishes the overall experience.

    One of the biggest letdowns is how the game handles critical moments (for e.g Dean Sequenze in Ep 1, Table Dance Ep 2, Poker Sequenze Ep 3) that should hinge on player choice. Key decisions that could drastically alter the course of the story are often reduced to binary options that lead to nearly identical outcomes. This not only reduces replay value but also makes the player's role feel inconsequential. Another e.g. is the Party Sequenze on the Boat. Riley can act, like she s jelous that her husband get hit on by a beautiful stripper, but later she takes part in Strip Poker Game. What!?!? There are no choices, to avoid this. This makes no sense.

    Additionally, the pacing suffers from this rigidity. With no real branching paths to explore, the story progresses in a predictable and sometimes tedious manner. The excitement of discovering new possibilities is lost when you realize that all roads essentially lead to the same destination.

    The graphical and audio elements, while decent, cannot compensate for the core issue of a lack of interactivity. Visual novels thrive on the player's ability to shape the story and feel a sense of ownership over the narrative. "Steps of Debauchery" misses this crucial element, leaving the experience hollow.

    In conclusion, "Steps of Debauchery" fails to deliver on the promise of a truly interactive visual novel. The lack of meaningful choices makes the game feel linear and uninspired. If you're looking for a visual novel where your decisions matter and shape the narrative, this title might not meet your expectations. While it has potential with its interesting premise and characters, the current execution leaves much to be desired. Beautiful renders alone, are really not enough.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Great content so far, loving the scenes that are currently in. Wish there was more endgame content but it's still in dev. Great so far and can't wait to see where it's headed. The cheating buildup is fantastic and this game has a chance to be another great game.