Ren'Py - Steps of Debauchery [Ep. 3.2] [Fooxied]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Version 2.2

    This isn't a bad game it's just not a very compelling story. The majority of characters seem like cookie cutter personalities from other stories placed into a largely bland sandbox designed primarily, like most sandbox VNs, to waste your time more than create a compelling environment for a story to take place in. The models are nice and everything is pretty well coded (no major errors) but that's pretty much it. It's not terrible though. It's a solid 3/5. I enjoy the idea of having a character who doesn't really know themself and is learning more about their own desires as the story progresses, but the majority of the time, I also find it hard to care about the events taking place and the majority of tasks are just meant to drag things out in my opinion.

    Riley is a very pretty character. The kind of girl who when you meet her boyfriend (in this case husband) you'd give him a thumbs up for getting such a nice pull. The problem is that when Mike is introduced, right at the start, you'll ask, "motherfucker, how?" In what world could this guy get this girl? Why the hell is she with this Goomba? It's absolutely baffling without a good backstory. He looks decades older than her and basically buys his cloths from Goodwill. This guy must have a magic cock or something cause this match makes zero sense otherwise. His personality is practically nonexistent since he cares more about his bar than his wife and the fact that every guy in town is trying to fuck her. He looks like he should be dating her mom, not her. o_O So good work, and I mean this genuinely, on making a relationship the reader will have no problem abandoning as soon as humanly possible. I just wish Riley could figure it out faster because the reader knows it immediately.

    Then there's Wyatt. Okay, I gotta know ... was this vampiric debt collector pulled directly from Twilight? This guy is simply there to add nonsensical stakes to Riley's life that seem completely pointless. This character is so badly thrown in I can't even remember why she has a debt to him. I think it was implied that she took money to help with her schooling, but wasn't she on a scholarship at this college? So why did she need this? Was it for her husband's bar? I honestly can't remember. It literally made zero sense and I stopped caring or even remembered the guy was in this until the next Sunday he appeared. Every time this guy shows up it felt like a, "hey, remember me," nope, "I'm still a thing in this story," great, who the fuck are you again? It may be just me but it seemed a better idea to make Riley single from the start or in a newer relationship with Mike. And give her a past relationship that caused her to take on massive amount of debt to help her former lover who ditched her with the bill. This would also explain why she's with Mike at all. Stability goes a long way with someone who didn't have it prior, I'm just saying. As it stands Wyatt is a seemingly pointless insert to try an give a reason for the reader to care at all, but he's so odd and not rememberable that the reader will likely forget about him until he shows up to feel up Riley or fuck her. At that point the reader will be so desperate to plunge her into anything by then it wouldn't matter who he is. He could literally be the most toothless dirty hick and it wouldn't matter.

    Then there's the dean. Oof, because we needed another reason for Riley to choose a more successful, good looking character, over her husband? Seriously, is this VN about how many obstacles can a character fuck their way out of? Couldn't the writer think of a better way to get Riley involved with this guy other than have her cheat on an exam because she seemingly isn't as smart as the reader is lead to believe prior to the start? This would have been better if this dean was a man whore with all of his students and called her in to take a special interest in her schooling development to help provide her with guidance and connections in her possible future career. Corruption through future advancement in other words.

    There are a few other characters, but overall it all feels like a very slow burn to a story going nowhere. Like watching reality TV and suddenly asking, "what the fuck am I doing?" So, I gave up on this one. I realize there's a newer version of this as of right now, but I completely forgot I had even read this until I downloaded it and saw, "oh, I have old saves." That's when I started clicking through those and started remembering why I couldn't remember it. If you're bored and looking for to something read this'll do. Like I said it's a solid 3/5. The models are nice, especially the girls, and it never gave me any errors to report so that's a plus. If you like this VN don't let anything I've said sway you. And even if you didn't like it, give it a review. Let the dev know why you liked or didn't like it. Help give some constructive criticism. And when you get the chance, if you liked this, give something back to the dev. I wish this dev all the best and hope they've found their audience. Cheers.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game with loads of potential. The models are all really hot and the pacing is on point, if not a little slow, but it's great for someone what wants a bit of build up. Overall, I really like it. Keep it up!
  3. 3.00 star(s)

    Alea iacta est

    The game itself it technically well built.
    The user experience (apart some useless mini-game) the quest log, the gallery, the simplicity of the map... everything is to the top standard under the technical point of view.

    The main girl character (Riley) is likeable, pretty designed.

    Sex scenes are average, fairly represented in their mechanic but not in the eroticism of it .

    What it feels short, is my opinion is the plot. I found really not interesting, not very balanced, suddenly jumping from 0 to MAX in no time.
    Plus it is vanilla, safe-for-all that is specific for a certain kind of people that like everything predictable and with no "uncomfortable" situations.

    Clearly this game target a certain audience and (un)fortunately I am not part of it.

    Good luck
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics - excellent, FMC is beautiful and extremely well done. Great outfits and attention to detail. The world is very well done, other characters as well.

    Gameplay - minor sandbox, good hint box, navigation smooth. Sex scenes very nicely done.

    Plot - FMC games are tough to do with the plot, corruption, cheating and the inner conflict with the decisions to cheat, succumb to desires usually take a leap of porn logic to get to the action. Few FMC games do it well, and usually have to insert mind control, blackmail etc to get there. This one has some minor blackmail that isn't the main focus of the plot here.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Steps of Debauchery is like a debauchery fair, where every step Riley takes leads to a new adventure, and sometimes to self–discovery, which she, of course, shares with you. Moving to the city to help her husband realize his dream, instead of just cheering him on, she finds herself caught up in a whirlwind of debauchery that makes '50 Shades of Grey' look like a children's book. From being a waitress at a bar to meeting an elderly neighbor, Riley knows exactly how to diversify her life. But you know what the funniest thing is? All these situations are just the tip of the iceberg. I got so carried away with this game that I even had to apologize to my neighbors for starting to peek through their windows, hoping that my life experience would become as interesting as Riley's. In general, if you are looking for a game that will make you smile when you are trying to hold back laughter on public transport, then Steps of Debauchery is your choice. Get ready for an adventure that you definitely didn't expect to find in your life
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    We have a very high-quality visual novel with excellent music in the background, with a beautiful main character, but so far it is very short at the moment - you will calmly go through all the content in 8-10 hours and this is if you take your time and read all the messages!!You know, it's like watching a TV series with the difference that you make decisions here (at the moment there are essentially 2 branches in the game that change the plot a little)...And as in the series, after the end of the series, you will have to wait for the next episode to be released for about 1-2 weeks, immediately after each episode you will have to wait 2-3 months!!!I would recommend playing in go through the game with everything that is at the moment and forget about it for half a year or a year, and then look and new seasons will come out and maybe the game will spin itself and the developers will be able to work faster and more actively and release new seasons, or the game will die, but in any case you forgot about it and did not really we were waiting))..Very slowly, the plot unwinds shorter...
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Miss Kobayashi's

    The game is very super the plot the music is very high quality the characters are made the atmosphere of the game itself is very awesome Riley for whom you play is very beautiful made and very sexy and you are given a choice where you want to go the game is worth your money no doubt it was not for nothing that you bought it
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Episode 3 tested now and I'm not changing any of the below, I do have other things to say but fear my post will be deleted if I don't stick to the game. It was momentarily fun whilst it lasted - but going to have to stop watching this tread now - too much noise.

    Up to Episode 3
    Steps of Debauchery fails to deliver on its promise of an engaging adult game experience. The game suffers from numerous flaws that make it difficult to recommend.

    The plot is cliché-ridden and poorly executed, relying heavily on overused tropes and unrealistic scenarios. The main character's corruption arc lacks believability and nuance, devolving into a series of contrived blackmail situations that strain credibility. For instance, the protagonist's decision to secretly take on her husband's debt without informing him feels forced and illogical.

    Character development is shallow, with the relationship between Riley and her husband feeling particularly underdeveloped. This lack of emotional investment makes it hard for players to care about any consequences of Riley's actions.

    The dialogue is subpar, often feeling stilted and unnatural. It's clear that the developer's strengths lie in visual design rather than storytelling, as the writing fails to bring depth to the characters or situations.

    While the game boasts attractive visuals for some, they serve as a thin veneer over lacklustre content. The sexual scenes and teasing scenarios are disappointingly limited and unimaginative, relying on predictable setups like schoolgirl and maid outfits.

    The sandbox elements feel tacked on, seemingly included more for the purpose of easing the game's path to Steam rather than enhancing gameplay. This cynical approach to game design is evident throughout, with popular tropes and features included to appeal to a wide audience rather than create a cohesive, engaging experience.

    Steps of Debauchery prioritises style over substance, offering attractive visuals but failing to deliver compelling gameplay, meaningful character development, or satisfying adult content. It's a shallow experience that feels more like a calculated product than a genuine attempt at creating an engaging adult game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Well, the visual component of the game is in perfect order. The heroine looks great, but the most important thing is that the secondary characters look good enough. I like the way the author depicts the NTR and the types of its manifestation in the game.(although in some cases the husband of the main character does not mind at all and looks like a pimp) The choice of approval or suppression of harassment is encouraging. I don't quite understand the concept of creating a pair of main characters * a young wife + an elderly husband * my misunderstanding is not in a negative way, but that I didn't really understand what kind of chemistry it could be. Well, at least it's less banal than a married couple of the same age, which means it's more interesting. The sandbox element in the game looks like a prop. The storyline with the neighbor interested me more than the others.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best FMC corruption games around so far. Riley is a sexy college aged girl with a little older workaholic husband. She gets drawn into tempting situations at school and various jobs. There's a good buildup to the story with enough sexy scenes and good characters to keep your interest as things start to get wild. Updates are regular, FMC is beautiful and there are choices where you can guide how far she goes. The developer has been great so far and I look forward to seeing Riley getting debauched.
  11. 2.00 star(s)

    Scotty Doesn't Know

    Steps of Debauchery is the equivalent of a big budget movie of today. Good looking visuals, poor dialogue, recycled plot, with cliche storylines and scenes. Beautiful actresses who can't act.

    Anybody wondering why this game has a sandbox but thinking its put in there for no reason. Actually that's the main objective of the game. Dev sold out before he even started, just like a couple others. The objective is to get the game on steam. So making it a sandbox makes it a quick process to get it on there. Just being a VN without a sandbox, can sometimes take ages to get accepted on steam, if at all.

    It really helps if you can make a beautiful MC. Half your work is done even if the story or dialogue is average. So many of the more easy going, simple minded players fall in love and are blinded to everything else. Riley the main character is supposed to be corrupted but Dev doesn't have the skills to show it (to be fair its very hard to write a corruption story believably). So it just turns into a blackmail path.

    Her husband who is a middle aged man, while she is a 21 year old in college. We are never shown their relationship, it doesn't feel like they're a couple. Seems like a long distance relationship as we hardly even see the husband, he's never home, its only her in the house most of the time. So already we don't care about him, which means her getting up to mischief doesn't resonate with the player anywhere near as much, as we don't have a backstory or see them as husband and wife. She may as well be single for all the good it does.

    The corruption/blackmail scenes are laughable! Husband secretly owes about $100K which is due any day now. Instead the gangster informs Riley and she strangely decides to make it her responsibility alone. The gangster allows her to pay it off at a snails pace for no reason. Couple hundred bucks a week, what a sweet gangster, who the Dev still tries to make him scary at this point and in future scenes lol. Why doesn't she tell her husband she knows about his debt? No reason other than to make her secretly do lewd acts for money.
    She gets blackmailed by the Dean at College to be his slut. All because she catches him screwing his secretary in a classroom while she's trying to sneak in to fix her test. Why go along with blackmail when he would be fired for his actions? (She should be the one blackmailing him!) This is not a well thought out game or its scenarios. When these are your first scenes of corruption and blackmail. Its very worrying for the next instalments when the original ideas are so poor.

    I say it a lot but if you are a 3D artist please hire someone to write your game! Do not write the dialogue yourself. Its a skill that very few people are able to tell a story convincingly. Putting plot elements, character development, fun and emotion into their story.

    Theres not much in the way of sex scenes or even any good teasing scenarios.
    Just think of the most cliche things and you got it. School girl outfit to tease teachers - check. Maid outfit to clean old neighbors place - check. E-girl streaming gameplay - check. Guess what's coming in the new update... D&D roleplay - check.
    This game is the ultimate sellout. Dev has included popular tropes just to appeal to the masses. This is not a passion project, this is specifically designed in every single way to make money off it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A breath of fresh air amognst a lot of farts, this game is the most impressive game to be release in a while, amazing looking MC and good storyline, the sandbox model is pretty well executed and It's amazing to see how it's grown,

    MC is beautiful
    Story progression
    Attention to detail!
    Well written

    School Girl outift overused
    And quite a few outfits that are pretty much a staple of all games
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    it's an average game in which nothing to write home about.
    i've been watching better games than this,many scenarios give an impressions that i have seen it somehwere else, but they are good in this game, like a lady working as a maid in neighbour's apartment, or serving drinks in the bar, or cosplay stuff etc, it rings a bell. the decent renders are what making it stand out, so i gave 3 stars.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. I have already replayed the game six times, The MC is really hot, probably one of the hottest i've seen in these type of games. I really look forward to the next update.

    Will there be any DP scene in the near future ?
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    Game has decent renders but that's all thats going for it, everything else is jist a complete and utter mess, fmc is a complete slut and playrs are suppose to corrupt her even more, the plot makes no sense whatsoever, scenes are really wierd and unrealistic, an advise dont waste your time on this.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Steps of Debauchery [Ep. 2.2] Not bad I felt it was a little slow the. Usually these sandbox games have a lot of grind to them but this one didn't seem like it had a ton of grind to it. The renders are really good and I found the plot pretty interesting.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Kinda slow paced fem pro corruption

    - Character design is fine
    - Gameplay and sandbox is okay

    - Unavoidable Mc husband sex this is fem tag and husband need to be cuck and no sex with him
    - You better put a good scene with other guy than mc husband.
    - No public MAC 2.2 update on f95

    4 star for the game -1 star for no public mac update
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Really promising AVN. The graphics are top notch and the FMC is absolutely gorgeous and hot AF. The trope of good girl gone bad is not new but it is done in a fun and somewhat subtle way. I usually not a fan of sandbox but it is really easy to navigate here. I get that currently the game is rather linear but it is starting to branch out (with the professor) and you can choose how much you want to corrupt the FMC. I like the dialogs thus far also and they make sense in the context of the game. So, if you like to slowly corrupt a hot wife (pun intended) and want to enjoy modern graphics and nice storylines then you should really check this one out.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Great start to the story. Really looking forward to the ongoing tale of Riley's journey. Visuals are great and story is pretty solid save for a couple of convos between Riley and Mike. Having really messed with Wyatt yet but want to see more of Ivy /Riley hook ups
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    I wanted to see what everyone hated so much about this game, since I've seen it around for a while, but was drawn off by other reviews. I've also seen it on Steam and was surprised, since not many AVNs get on the storefront. For the most part, I understand the numerous gripes here.

    The game has a pretty simple story. The femc, Riley, is a college student studying to be a nurse. She recently moved out to this new city with her husband and helps run the bar he owns. The husband, Mike, is the typical gets in-debt trying to run his failing business type. Blah blah blah, gets in debt, Riley finds out there are a people he borrowed from, then she looks for ways to pay off that debt by doing shady ass jobs, or seemingly quick and easy jobs. For the most part, the story is just literally almost every NTR/blackmail corruption story you've ever consumed, whether it be via other games or doujins, etc. It's not great and kind of boring, if anything. it's a corruption game, but Riley is already extremely horny to begin with. The game says she's 21, but I'm honestly just wondering how this old-ass bald guy managed to even hook up with her at 18? It's kind of random and out of nowhere. Idk, maybe I'm just not used to people hooking up with older people in their highschool years I guess? I guess what I'm saying is that the couple in this game feels EXTREMELY mismatched, so it doesn't even feel like a corruption or infidelity thing - it feels like she's just unleashing how horny she really is normally. If you're into the whole NTR/blackmail thing, then this'll help you get your rocks off. And even then, it's not much NTR/blackmail if she's super into it? Feels weird, idk. Personally speaking, I find corruption through my own decisions more appealing - which is mostly why I think this story is so painfully mediocre.

    The gameplay is a snore. This isn't a sandbox. It's a VN disguised as a sandbox. It's unnecessary to format this as a sandbox when there are no stats or values in the game for choosing specific dialogues or anything. It's a static VN that stays the same despite what you chose. It would be better to streamline this, rather than adding a map you have to click back and forth through. Like, just have stuff on the screen that lets you instantly go to X or Y place to work or study, etc. I can appreciate the attempt to appeal to that audience, but rather than trying to be sort of like an RPGM, it'd be better to just craft a one-track story. There's a money mechanic, but you can literally just keep that while removing the sandbox-y mechanics. You will eventually do EVERYONE'S route anyways, it'd be better to keep plot and visual stuff consistent throughout everyone's routes. If you do freeroam routes, Riley might be less slutty or wearing something different in a more advanced route than the one she gets those clothes and mannerisms from.

    The huge redeeming factor of this game are the visuals. I think the renders are really nice and the animations aren't jaw-dropping, but realistic.

    I will have to say though: making the husband look like some pale ass SCP kinda threw me off and made me feel less bad about cheating on him/flirting with other people. One of the gangsters looks like nosferatu with a blonde wig. One of the guys that hits on you at the bar looks like his face fucking collapsed in on itself. But I think even the uglier characters, goes to show how realistic the renders look - to the point of some looking like literal creepypastas. The women just look hot. Riley looks extremely hot and it honestly baffles me that her husband could ever be "not in the mood for it". But that's probably for story's sake, so that she could get someone else to fuck her. Ivy looks hot, Madison looks...okay, and honestly some of the guys look pretty handsome.

    The animations are really subtle, but feel realistic. Which might be weird if you're used to extremely crazy, rough sex. But I think it's pretty neat. The option to toggle between sex animations is really cool too. I think the HUD is really clean and concise and at least really helps navigate through the lackluster story.

    I think the scenes are really worthwhile to sit through, but the grind isn't really. Riley as a character is pretty alright, since she's just a hardworking wife trying to help her husband...who literally won't take any of her help. Her inner thoughts and "corruption" are pretty much just "I'm so wet" at nearly everything. Like it doesn't take that much. So it kinda stops being sexy if she's just leaking like a faucet from doing anything with the people around her. Like a 3/5, but if the story drags in future updates - prob lower.