So you like clicking randomly without a clue and hope to get some in-game achievement? You probably love to collect trash in neighbor's apartment over and over again heh. Low IQ people like me likes to read the story, not senseless achievements.
Yup, since she has already crossed that line but the scum thinks it would make the story more teasing to attract more subscribers. This is one of those games that never was intended to give satisfactions nor endings.
Question is why you'd even play this in the first place if you think the dev is "scum" and the game not satisfying. Not sure what ending you're talking about considering the game's only been in development for about 9 months. You say you're here "to read the story" but on the other hand just want a quick fuck scene. Uhh..
Also, you'd have a clue if you'd read. You know...the questlog is there for a reason. Which is weird because you're here "to read the story" I thought. Huh.
As for picking up trash; This is a Sandbox VN. Reoccuring events and tasks shouldn't come as a surprise. Clearly this isn't the game you're looking for, but for some reason you still come here and complain about not being able to figure out how to trigger an event.
I could get behind some of the criticism if the game was in development for 3 years, or the dev would suddenly provide much less content or less frequent updates, but that's not the case. I don't know man, either I've been following too many garbage developers who milk their shit dry, or you're acting way too entitled when things are going very well.