First post for me. I'm a huge fan of the game, and I'm looking forward to the next release.
I just wanted to mention and share with the dev(s) that I noticed a potential issue with the pole dancing mini-game. I'm not sure if this is a known issue or has been mentioned already. I did a search, but didn't see anything regarding it (though I admittedly didn't look too thoroughly), so I figured it was worth mentioning. Anyhow, the issue that I noticed is that the reaction time for the pole dancing mini-game seems to be influenced by the screen's refresh rate.
I have a dual monitor setup with my primary monitor at 120Hz, while my other monitor is 60Hz. The mini-game was almost impossible to get 'perfect' or even 'good' actions on the 120Hz display (unless you memorize the entire sequence and use 'back' to try it again). When I moved the game over to my 60Hz screen, it because MUCH easier (though still challenging IMHO).
Just thought I'd mention it, since I'd imagine that Fooxied would want consistency here. Most users with high refresh rates are probably getting an undesired and/or unfortunate experience when playing that mini-game, and they might not realize that it's potentially just because they have a monitor with a high refresh rate.
Sorry for my long ass post...