This seems to have a lot of potential but without any guidance it's hard to figure out what to do, trial and error has allowed me to start producing toys.
ISSUE #1: Straight off the bat you need make the different consoles in the factory accessible by pressing E having them just pop up when you walk near them is awful and causing some annoying behaviour with the camera spinning.
ISSUE #2: Also add some sound, the game is erie when playing and there no noise of the factory or the women around the factory XD
ISSUE #3: Higher storage capacity for plastic having to keep buying plastic cus i can only store 15 is annoying as shit.
ISSUE #4: Explain controls for sex somewhere figured out how to pay the chick and spamming F key seems to do something but beyond that i'm stumped. (Think i have figured this F seems to increase speed and it's just a looped animation with no climax.) ???? if this is the case add climax feel pointless wihout and ending XD
ISSUE #5: Doesn't seem to be anything to do once you have the mask and enter the mask house is this end of content for now ? should i be able to do something there? is it bugged ? (I Think this is bugged because i picked up the mask more then once so they seem to have spawn mutiple set of the npc in here.)
ISSUE #6: Once you can enter the house with the mask the event on 2nd floor seems to only work the first time then when you go there in future it says she on 2nd floor but she not there.
Think I have played it enough for one sitting., Overall the concept is great, the mechanics of the game are a bit clunky and need some work for example one of the staff can be material purchasing or selling boxes but not both at the same time so in order to use this automation you have to run in and out of the building reseting the staff or just do the stuff yourself.
Female faces could use some work and Mens genatalia needs a complete rework.
Overall I think it has potential but in my opinion needs a lot more content then just being able to make sex toys, lots of interactable characters with there own unique quests and stories while taking a long time to implement would take this game from being an empty shell to a world worth exploring.
Some serious compression need done on the assets there's no reason a game this small should be 20GB in size, this is very much a time where you want to think quantity over quality or another way to put it is function over form.