For people who are playing through from the start.
Are you able to get step family address from Victoria Glisson (Lawyer) or from Roy Cotton (Fat Cop)?
Older build of the game you can get the address from 3 people (Victoria, Roy and Ren) but I can only get the address from Ren Yawen (Secretary) only in this version.
I want to know if it's only me or if it's a bug stopping them from giving me the address.
Are you able to get step family address from Victoria Glisson (Lawyer) or from Roy Cotton (Fat Cop)?
Older build of the game you can get the address from 3 people (Victoria, Roy and Ren) but I can only get the address from Ren Yawen (Secretary) only in this version.
I want to know if it's only me or if it's a bug stopping them from giving me the address.