I changed a little the "interests" screen so it helps a little with the grind.
Going back and forth between the game and the Interests screenshots is just too annoying, we shall use computers to do things they where invented for: make annoying repetitive stuff instead of their human owner.
Here's the explanation for when with the next update I'll be bored to death from too much grinding and will not care about doing it again to those scripts
Someone with a minimal coding experience should be able to go dig inside screens.rpy and PersonClass.rpy and remake the mod.
Both files can be found in the scripts.rpa archive. Just drop the "cheating" ones in the usual game directory
- added a 4th parameter "getpvalue". It defaults to None and it's suppose to be the "GetInterests" method on the person class.
init -501 screen InterestTalkThemesFrame(gen_func, close_func, intext, getpvalue = None):
- to have "getpvalue" passed in just change the way the interests screen is called in PersonClass"
call screen InterestTalkThemesFrame(gen_func = partial(TalkAboutInterestsElemGenerator, person = person), close_func = SetTalkMenu, intext = person.InterestsReaction, getpvalue = partial(GetpValue, person = person))
and then define a silly "GetpValue" function to do the dirty work:
def GetpValue(theme, person):
return person.GetInterest(theme)
Now we can easily asks directly tot he charater what they like while looping on GData.InterestThemes to rendere the interests screen:
pvalue = None
dv = Player.Interests[thm].GetPartPower()
if getpvalue :
pvalue = getpvalue(thm)
thm_tx = thm
thm_tx = thm_tx + "\n{}%".format(int(Player.Interests[thm].Value))
if pvalue:
thm_tx = thm_tx + "\np: {}".format(float(pvalue))
(the last line prints p's value on the button: if it's > 0 the character likes that topic, otherwise does not)
- and last we can paint the buttons's frame's background a different colour:
padding (2, 2)
if pvalue > 0:
background "#0000"
background "#ffffff"
Here's the final effect:
- each interests prints name
- MC's level (in %)
- Person's like of the topics (value > 0 are good values)
- disliked topics (p < 0) have their backgrounds painted white, so don't click on the white
this works with every characters, even the new just added ones (of course, let the computer figure it out

It's a nice game but it's toooooooooooooooo freaking grindy and "Contacts" and "Personal status" screens are just too rich and convoluted to convey at what point of the path we are and what we need to do next.
For instance it would be nice to have even just a checklist to know if the player has found all the possible scenes with a given character. Something that actually tells if we're done or not.
I suspect the grinding feeling in this game is an byproduct of not knowing where the heck we stand in the long list of things to do
well, happy grinding and sometimes fapping I guess