Ren'Py - Abandoned - Stranded Dick [v0.13] [Sex and Games]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    review for 0.6

    Cheats helped but the game still is a grind

    For me game went downhill once the niece showed up
    Game would have been better if only mc and mom ended up on the island
    The niece is just a annoying character made to make you grind even more
    Also somtimes mom or niece vanish searching for food But then at dinner say they found nothing While you brought fruit material and feel like mc does not get rewarded for that
    No bugs
    did not play with sound
    completed most of the content for 0.6 but felt boring seeing the same mom or niece helping mc with his problems scenes
    Was hoping you atleast would have sex with the mom and you needed to hide it for the niece
    Only thing i liked are renders and the cheats for material
    Likes: mteir
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks for this game. Really good rendering and clever idea. Slowly building story is nice and the chemistry between characters is believable. Finally a game not too hasty. I just Love it. I am looking forward for more.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It is interesting concept, but I have played mobile games with less grind. Worse is that it is so bad that cheats aren't even hidden to show how bad the grind is. It has a good concept, but the way of certain 'adult survival games' don't get good rating here, is because of a bad grind.

    Example: You need to raise your survival points to three by reading a survival book, but the game forces you to only let you read it once a day. Forcing you to wait each day for a single point.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is so good, I wish it was finished already!

    I admit I'm not thrilled with the repetitiveness, but the cheats help with that a bit.

    The development so far is really good and hoping to see much, much more. My only real complaint is that it's not all done yet!
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This could be really good, true it has some annoying parts but any game with an incest tag is "good" in my book, the images also look pretty decent, and the girl character looks HOT! i'm looking forward to the next update!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    It is a real indie survival game instead of fastfood fap VN . The repeat task(resource collecting/crafting) becomes more rewarding when you taste the fruit.
    And for those repeat task, it does not feel that repetitive as the task is triggered one by one closely. It costs me around 50 days to reach the end of v0.5 which I think that is acceptable.
    The plot is fine but the progress maybe a bit slow for some people. I hope the games can receive more love to allow it to complete.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Stranded Dick seems like a fun game with an interesting plot. The game wants to simulate a survival aspect like f.e. games as "Stranded Deep" do, but in the end we all are mostly in it for the chicks not the survival, right?
    The survival unfortunately is very grindy, because you end up doing the same tasks over and over again during the day. Hence it's boring to do so repeatedly. Looking for food and crafting items might be fun the first three times, but then it gets tedious and annoying. Therefore the gameplay is very redundant.

    Maybe I shouldn't have played on the normal (survival) mode, but on paradise island (easy) mode, which most likely would have reduced the grind, because of more resources. I can't confirm it, though, since I've only played the survival mode, yet. After all I play this game for the story and not for simulating survival on an island in the middle of nowhere (there are other non-erotic games for that and these are much better done.)

    Seems like the incest got completely removed from the game recently, because there are no more incest patches for current releases. It’s ok for me, since Rachel never looked like the mc’s mother anyway (looks way too young as "mother" for an adult mc).

    On the other hand I like it, how the tension curve in this game between the mc and Rachel is building up slowly during the game. It tries to be realistic and therefore relationship building takes some time. It's your job as player to push the limit further and further with her. I liked that part of the game, but the slow pace isn’t that realistic anymore, since the mc isn’t any more related to her, so being stranded on an island and not being related to each other, things could progress somewhat faster. After all there is no big taboo as obstacle any more like being closely related, but just Rachel being in a relationship.

    Apart from that, Rachel isn't really my type of girl. But tastes differ and I can live with it. Furthermore I'm not a fan of the Lara Croft outfit for Rachel, because it simply doesn't make sense in this stranded scenario, other than adding such a rather cheap pop culture reference.
    I hope for future other models which are more to my liking.
    Like the new blonde girl, Jessica, who is fun and acts surprisingly different, compared to reluctant Rachel. So characters do have different personalities, which is a plus in this game.

    I'm anticipating further updates in order to see where this game is going and I'm especially curious about the rest of the cast. It's still quite early in development considering the limited amount of content. I just hope, that the dev won't botch it up. Beware that the update frequency is quite low, the dev clearly takes his time to make new updates (half a year and more).

    Unfortunately the current version 0.7 is quite bugged, because crucial things for progressing the story suddenly disappear like the camp fire (which has to be cheated back into the game via console).

    Despite the 3 stars rating, I think it's a promising game with a lot of room to improve with emphasis on the latter.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The repetitive grind is just too much. An obvious band aid for the limited content, I still give it three stars because there is something here that could be salvaged.

    But to grind for the exact same scenes repeatedly is not content.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried, but it is just too grindy. I got 0.3 to the end of content, day 55 on normal mode, without cheats and walkthrough. Now with 0.4 again some days more, and I just do not see where to make progress. I will not just keep grinding 95% of the time, to have 5% time left to see how to progress.

    And please note that I do not speak at all about the overall story, or the sex scenes. These are ok to me. But in a game where I just get frustrated because I do not make any progress, story does not matter, anyways.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    FAR too grindy/repetitive.
    "Fixed" meal times, so you can't even snack while searching the same area for the billionth time, so you have to go lay down... Just no.

    English is passable, but not perfect, but doesn't factor in to the score.
    Renders are average.

    2/5 rating given purely based on grind and stupid mechanics.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    This game has great potential but needs a lot more work:

    The most glaring issues in my opinion:
    - The models are too generic. Not like the girls aren't attractive but you can create anything you want and it doesn't seem like the models have been tampered with at all before implementation.
    - The grind - too much grinding for too little content at the moment. There are only so many bananas and blueberries you can pick before things get a bit tedious.
    - The Writing. Needs some proofreading in the future.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The game is not completly axed on mindless sex, which is good for the immersion as you got to work to get H-scenes. While trying to seduce the only girl who survive with you, you have to take care of the foraging or you starve wich mean you cannot just skip the days until you get laid. Again that is good as well. The character are very good looking, the girl is sexy and hot even dressed, its one of the rare game where the male protagonist do not have a monster cock, its still big but not intimidating.

    In overall it have good potential, adding 1-2 more girls would allow to creat a harem, maybe one more from the ship to create a bit more dificulty to spy and make it more lively in the camp as for now the girl seem to do nothing half the day. Jessyca is found like 20days after we arrived on the island, i assume she was also on the ship when it sink. 20days missing at sea you cannot just show up on the beauch alive. I expect many content about Jessica in the next update. And maybe improve the dead end of the foot print found by the camp leding to the cave. I was expecting 1-2 native girls or older shipwreck survivor living in that cave

    A quick note, the incest patch will make the Rachel become your mom, she could be more convincing as a cousin or aunt than a mom in regard to the age gap. Jessica is clearly of Rick's age, more or less 2years difference, she could be your sister but she could as well be your cousin as she is now.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Everything about this game feels exceptionally balanced and it's a pleasure to play. The way the story unfolds and the crafting/gathering element helps to build the an appropriate tension for the graduating payoffs. Well done!
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    This game had some real potential when I first played it a month or so ago. Now the progress seems to be really slow story wise. The grind is terrible unless you use the cheat playing in (normal) mode. Just a few scenes with peeking. Maybe in another 6 months to a year the dev might actually put h-scenes and actual sex in the game. Hopefully more NPC's will actually be put in the game. The Engrish definitely needs to be proofread.

    More events and storylines need to be added to get a higher rating for the game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1505330

    Wow. I don't know how I let this one slip under my radar.

    The mom is smoking hot and the son isn't the usual short, creepy weirdo in so many of these incest games. The simplicity of the game is perfect as some devs get carried away with too much complexity. The daily tasks are enjoyable but I didn't feel that they were overly grindy.

    I don't mind the slow burn. My only concern is a new character is getting introduced next update which will slow down progress with the mom even more which is just about to get spicy. I like that the story is believable that both characters slowly drift towards romance and have a normal aversion to incest, but because of their circumstances it just starts to happen.

    Keep up the good work and I look forward to more updates. I haven't funded a game in a while but I'm definitely going to sign up for this one.

    The only knock is the poor English and I'd be happy to volunteer to rework the dialogue as I'm a native English speaker.
  16. 3.00 star(s)

    Mister Boombastic

    The game definitely has potential! But it still needs a lot of work, and development seems to be rather slow.

    For now I give it 3 stars, but this can improve once more characters and more lewd scenes are added. If you're looking for a full game experience with lots of sexy content I'd advise to try this game in about 2-3 years from now.

    I like the 'stranded on an uninhabited island' setting and the slow corruption of your love interest(s). Also the explore and survive aspect is nicely integrated into the story. The characters look decent (but also very standard and unoriginal).

    To be improved:
    • There's not a lot of lewd content yet and only one other character besides the MC.
    • The dev is obviously not a native English speaker (or a very bad one). Letting someone proofread it could help a lot.
    • Some tasks are a bit difficult to complete without the walkthrough. For example: when you need to start a fire it tells you to find wood and rocks. It doesn't tell you that you first have to find 7 wood before you can find rocks. So after I found 4 wood I spend half an hour in vain looking for rocks...
    • The characters don't act very realistic. If you wake up stranded on an island after your yacht just sank, your first reaction is not: "Hmm... I wonder which way I should go to find the others", it's: "Help! What happened to the others? Am I the only one that survived?"
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    I'm really liking this a lot, the slow incest corruption gameplay is still my favorite gametype and this does it pretty much right.

    Maybe it's a bit heavy on the cliches with how the corruption takes place but I'm still enjoying it. I wouldn't mind the corruption going a bit slower with a few more scenes from the mother's perspective as she's getting more horny as well.

    I can only hope the story stays pretty simple like it's going now. That other father and daughter being stranded game got all kinds of silly
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game! Model is average, but story is well done, love the game play. Patreonized and looking forward to future episodes.

    Suggestion: More random goodies wash up on shore, coconuts for thirst and creating exotic drinks (ie Coconut Banana blueberry Rum cocktails).
  19. 3.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1044747

    Message in a bottle

    The good
    • Interesting concept and setting
    • Good mix of free roam & visual novel
    • Survival aspects (gathering & crafting)
    • Atmospheric sound effects (waves, birds)
    • Immersive stats (hunger, thirst, exhaustion)
    • Quest log
    • Inventory
    • Good UI

    The so-so
    • Decent (but not great) visuals
    • Characters aren't that appealing - there's also only one love interest so far.

    The improvable
    • Mediocre writing (shallow characters, lack of meaningful dialogue, cheesy story)
    • Kinda unrealistic (even after so many days the survivors still haven't build a real shelter or made fire).
    • (Too) repetitive & grindy
    • Unbalanced (in the beginning lack of food, later on there's a surplus - I think there's also a bug which grants food without actually gathering it).
    • Cosmetic choices (pretty much right / wrong)
    • The "usual" tropes (peeking, erotic dreams, erect dick sticking out of pants...).
    • Nights are too dark (it's hard to see anything - including the clickable stuff).
    • Typos and low-key Engrish
    • No rollback (even when activated in the options).

    Stranded Dick is an interesting genre mix with a lot of potential.
    The survival aspect is overall well done - the writing (dialogue & story) however is severely lacking.
    I wish there was a prologue showing the events prior to the shipwreck - including a proper character introduction.
    I'm also missing meaningful and realistic conversations between the characters - what are their backgrounds, thoughts and emotions?
    Instead the characters seem one-dimensional and shallow.
    If the dev could improve both gameplay and writing (or get a good writer on board), this could turn into a pretty good adult game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is excellent, and one of the better ones out there.
    Progress is logical (for an adult game :D) the renders are awesome, Rachel is just so freaking hot that I personally almost don't want other characters to be added and I want to see the relationship between the MC and Rachel develop isolated on the island.

    Frankly I can't wait to see more and I am backing it just to give a helping hand and hope the devs continue working on this.
    It's hot, and while the we are still in "tame" territory right now, action is building up to some hot stuff and I am glad it's not going straight up to sex and handjobs. There is build up, and that's the mark of quality.
    Keep it up!