I don't understand why so many are having trouble with this game. I don't even use the mods except for the incest one and I can get through it. The only problem I've had is with the idols, I keep forgetting to look for them, so I don't have them all, but it really doesn't matter to me because they seem to be a side to the game and have no bearing on the outcome (at least not yet, anyway).
The only thing I can tell you is stay away from the pond when your mother is up bathing. If you peep her, you pay the penalty, because her lust (or whatever it's called in the stats for her) lowers, and if it's too low she isn't going to do anything with you.
Just follow the hints the Dev gives you. Somethings seem to trigger on their own. Sometimes it seems to be location dependent. I can tell you this, if you are using the mod to offset collecting the necessities (i.e. the wood, stones, food, etc.) so you're not running around the island like you need to, that's probably why you are not triggering things, and you are having so much trouble.
Just my thoughts
Hope they help,