VN - Ren'Py - Stray Incubus [S2 Ch.1a] [Flynn974]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been playing "Stray Incubus" for a while now, and I must say, it's an absolute gem of a game. The narrative is compelling, the characters are well-developed, and the visual design is stunning. It's not just a game, it's an immersive experience that pulls you into its world.

    The protagonist, Flynn, is a character that you can't help but root for. As an incubus, his journey is unique and filled with interesting challenges that keep the gameplay engaging. The choices you make as Flynn have real consequences, adding a layer of depth and complexity to the game.

    The latest chapter, Chapter 10a, has left me eagerly anticipating the next installment. The story has been beautifully crafted, with each chapter adding more depth and intrigue. The plot twists and turns in unexpected ways, keeping you on the edge of your seat.

    The game's visuals are a treat for the eyes. The artwork is detailed and vibrant, bringing the world of "Stray Incubus" to life. The character designs are distinctive and expressive, adding to the overall immersion.

    In conclusion, "Stray Incubus" is a fantastic game that I wholeheartedly recommend. It's a captivating journey that leaves you wanting more. I can't wait to see where the story goes next. Kudos to the creators for such an amazing game!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best visual novel / game on this site.

    The good things:
    Story - 4.5 / 5 (You can play it for the sex scenes or you can play it for the story, both are good)
    Characters - 4.5 / 5 (Diverse cast)
    World feel - 5/5 (Excellently done within the limitation of a VN and great attention to details for the backgrounds)
    Dialogue - 5/5 (I mean for an H-game it is quite solid. It's fun.)
    Animations - 5/5 (I came a lot)

    My critiques:
    It may be too late, but completing the audio for the entire game would be a good thing - a really minor thing though.

    Final Thoughts:
    I planned to download this a few months back just because of the pretty green haired girl (Instant favorite(Torr)), but was unable to due to me reviewing at the time for my licensure examinations. initially I planned to just skip the dialogue/texts and head straight to the animations but I ultimately decided against it and had to wait until my licensure exam was done to actually get to know the green haired girl better. I'm glad that I ended up actually reading the entire thing until v0.9b and I ended up liking not only the entire cast, but the story itself (Everything was just great.). It was time well spent and has my seal of quality assurance.

    Wishing the creator success, happiness, and good health.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Okay, this here will become a small love letter.
    This game got introduced to me while i was looking for nice Honey Select games (it looks like HS i have no idea if it is)
    and at first it looked really weird to me. But as starting games always look a bit weird as devs are still getting used to their programs and stuff and also because the recommender liked many games that i liked, i sticked with it for a bit.

    ... and HOLY SHIT! This game is so good! I love the world building. I usually have trouble with fantasy genre games because they the characters or setting look so weird af. But StrayIncubus is really good. It easily falls into on of my top recommendations now.
    The Milf scenes are done early and they look hot af too. I really like the Serena scenes... hot damn, she looks so hot and her scenes are just... wow.

    The storywriting is interesting and i want to know how it will go. Too bad I finished playing the game in 2 days...
    The only thing which i dont like is the small sandbox engine or whatever it is when you have to press "go forward" 5 times but there the dev implemented a "vn mode" so its better now.

    What else... yea the girls look really good, i love their models and visuals... dialogue are good enough for me. yea.. thats all for me now

    5/5 from me because this game made me really excited!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Exelent game. I love every single charater in it and how every single mission have well written backstory. I really like Anabelle but Tamara is my favorite so far, hope we get more content with her in a future update.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The renders look nice. I love the lightning in the renders. The story is interesting to follow. Torr is pretty cute and hot. The spider girl awoke new feelings in me that I didn't know I had. The dev is also good and has good communication.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Jeez man, this is probably one of the best games I've ever played on this site. The story is entertaining, I was definitely interested in seeing what would happen and didn't feel like I needed to skip anything to get to the good parts. Although the first few chapters were a bit lacking in that department, it really was worthwhile to play those parts to build your relationship with the characters. Talking about characters, the girls are fire. Designed so well, and they are all unique. Tamara is my favorite I think, so I'd love more scenes with her in the future. Overall, thanks for the great game and good luck with the next updates. I'm looking forward to it.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is pretty great. Good graphics, dialog and story is interesting enough to not skip, characters are actually pretty cool and varied.
    Honestly the main downside of the game is that there's only one scene with the spider girl so far haha.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    review of 0.9:

    Engaging story, enough content, silly humor and nice models, so basically everything I want in a game :)

    I'm just sad I finished it already...

    Some of the greek mythology is a bit off, but I dont really care about that, this is a porn game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Stray Incubus is a choice based novel featuring an incubus and his harem of sexy ninja girls.

    The game is a visual novel with mostly opt-in/opt-out choices throughout. However, there are currently two significant moments where you can dramatically shift the story through the MC's choices. While the consequences for these choices have yet to be seen in the story, they could be quite significant in the long run.

    There is a stat screen which keeps track of how your decisions influence the girls in the game, but it doesn't appear to dramatically change anything yet. The choices for influencing the girls appear to be yes or no at the moment, so the only way to lock yourself out of content is self inflicted. There also appears to be no penalty for pursuing all the girls.

    The story starts out pretty rough honestly. It has a real lack of any story arc so it feels like things just happen however and whenever the author wills it. The characters don't have much in the way of motivations and kinda just follow along with whatever harebrained plot happens next.

    That said, after a rough start, things get better when the main character decides to join the ninja school. The various mission he and the sexy kunoichi go on pull the plot together into some semblance of order, though it's still kinda nebulous as to whether there's an overarching plot. It's not flawless, but the individuals missions are kinda fun, in a silly naruto-esque sort of way.

    None of the characters are supremely interesting, but none of them are completely boring either. Most of the girls have a scene or two of solid focus and there's some decent banter between them and the MC. It also appears the game will have a handful of girls that are tied to the mission locations rather than the ninja school, meaning they'll feature and then pop out of the story, which is a bonus in my opinion.

    I definitely can't deny that the game is pretty. The girls have nice designs and some great outfits and there's even some fairly well put together scenery. The sex scenes aren't ridiculously common throughout the game, but there's enough to keep you entertained. Some of the scenes are pretty damn hot. It's definitely a good utilization of the software.

    Overall, Stray Incubus isn't a bad game, but it can be difficult to get through the rough opening. If you can deal with the random stuff happening through the early portion of the story, there's a rather fun and sexy romp hiding deeper inside. It's worth a shot if you wish Naruto had more porn.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Oh man, where do I start
    Character design 10/10
    The special Personality for each character 10/10
    Game story 8.5/10
    Erotic scenes 10/10
    In the end, it is a game that is definitely worth your time
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The story is interesting, tho it is kind of an adventure genre, its just that it focuses in horror and mystery all the time or most of the time. It is fun tho, has certain types of kinks but overall i like how mc is quite capable and makes things move forward (male dom route, is nice)

    the art is one of the best that comes with the different perspective in which that fits the scene, so if you have questions like if it can make you hard and nut, ye this game has that
    - but be warned this game focuses in developing relationships first, so after meeting and getting to know the girls, only then the h scenes comes frequently

    Very recommended to play! (i dont want to compare but this shit is on par with eternum, at the very least in h scenes and story as well as character relationship development)
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really good, I like the MC and the love interests (by the way my favorites are Anabelle and Torr), the interactions between them are fun to watch, I like the plot of the game and the references to Greek mythology, the combats and little details like the last update (hidden button on Tamara's face), and the sex scenes are excellent, keep up the good work Flynn , I'm looking forward to the next update.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    I like this game, it's has cute girls, which is VERY important, but the story has some really good and interesting parts in there and I would like to see where it will be going from here.

    I hope you will add more Misty scenes though... MISTY #1!
    And that you'll add music to the first couple of chapters. It helps a lot with setting the mood :)
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed the game, renders are really good and you can see improvements in each chapter. Most of the girls are really good, there are some excellent models and the few that I didn't like were easy to skip content for. The dialogue between the characters is really good imo, it's very easy to get engrossed in the game. The scenes are also great. Personally there were a couple of jokes that didn't land for me but thats like 3 moments in an avn I spent ~14 hours on and there were just as many that did land.

    The attention to detail is insane with alternate routes especially in 0.9 where he made an alternate route in the horror section that nobody probably would have ever found without being told. And in general for idle animations which add a lot to the game without even being noticeable sometimes if you aren't paying attention.

    Love the fact you can skip the sandbox sections and have a VN mode alternative instead of missing stuff. Though I'm not the greatest fan of horror in avns and there is a bit of that, it mostly doesn't feel like its there just for the sake of it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are decent, with each new version they only get better. The character models are well done (Misty is cute). The story and the characters are great, the characters are well written, you understand their motivations and start to like them, the scenes are very atmospheric with the addition of music it has only improved (the battle with the Butcher and Specter flashback are my favorite in this regard), in general the story reminds me the best representatives of shonen anime such as Naruto and Hunter x Hunter. The sex scenes are hot and well animated.
    Overall I liked the game 5/5.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Note: Render and animation quality gets better has the game goes along and sound is present in the more recent updates

    Rarely do I get invested at all in a VN story but Stray incubus manage to have enough mystery and a likable cast that made me care about what happens in this world which in turn makes the sex scenes more effective since you care about the context.

    The adult content is well paced which means the story never feels like it drags on too much.

    The game got some optional maze-like puzzle segment that manages to add to the atmosphere. Those can be avoided but instead of completely skipping the scene like most game do we get a linear vn version that mean we dont miss any of the content there.

    The game also has a cute spider girl.

    I look forward to what this developer delivers.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    The visuals are OK.

    Except the MC's ridiculously long dick. I mean, I understand many VN makers have a fetish about oversize dicks, but this one literally hangs to the knees. How is he moving around with the thing?

    The idea could be good.

    The story details and dialogues are beyond bad. For example,
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    This is just an illustration. In general there's a LOT of dialogues, but all of them seem extremely primitive and sound like all the characters MC meets are just props for advancing his story.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I think the use of Honeyselect 2 is a great choice for the game, it lends to a rather simple look that doesn't feel out of place with the admittedly low quality backgrounds. The story is interesting enough to keep you playing and wanting to know what's next and the charachters are unique enough to actually give the player a choice instead of just being a selection of appearance. This is definitely a game I'll be looking forward to playing more of :D
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I admit that when I tried this game in its version 0.1 I doubted that I would like it, I thought it would be a game where intimate relationships with female characters would not have a basis of romance or previous love affair. But I'm wrong, it's a great game in many aspects, does it have things to improve? Perhaps, like everyone, but his progress with this game has been amazing. I hope it stays that way ❤
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Stray Incubus v0.8a

    Hands down 5-stars beyond any reasonable doubt. You are more inclined to give more stars if you have been playing since its earlier/initial release because you experienced the magic first-hand and witnessed the leaps and bounces improvements of it. There is nothing more I can say that hasn't been praised by others before. Play it and you'll see for yourself.

    Note: For the best experience, let the VN unfold itself using the "Auto" function ( adjust the text speeds that suits you ).

    Of course this VN is not perfect and certainly not to everyone's liking either. Some find the following off-putting ( but never an issue for me ):
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    For the sake of compliancy, the following is the review that might resonates well with others:
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    In my conclusion, this VN is indeed good but what truly makes it unequivocally great is Flynn974, the developer.

    Extended review of Chapter 8 here.