I would prefer that neither are made illegal. What consenting adults do with other consenting adults should never be illegal. It's bad enough that I'm playing a game called Strip Club Wars and can't have strippers. Seriously I've played the game for over an (in game) year and can't get past lever 4 lewdness, let alone hire actual strippers.Just make sure, you dont mix up polyarmory with polygamy...
I'd like to keep my many GF's without hassle of the law, that should be out of the question.
Polygamy on the other hand, meaning having more than one wife or husband, is a whole different topic and that would be interesting to have and put into the laws.
If anyone has any tips, I'm all ears. I'd prefer not to cheat it though.
Just to add, I do love the game. I don't want the Dev to think I don't, even if I'm puzzled by some of their choices. I play these games to do things I can't do in real life, not that I would want to do some of the things I can do in these games. My reputation would be mud.
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