Raw attractiveness includes a lot of things, but for the movie audition if you are man, penis size is the most important thing (it may be the only thing).
The incest achievement requires vag sex. The incestous modifier has a lower requirement (fingering, I think). So that's why you can have one before the other.
Club charts are there to give you an idea of what's working and what isn't. I haven't had success of displaying numbers on the chart (issue with fonts that I don't have the time or interest in figuring out). If the data fluctuates too much, you should change it from daily to weekly. That will smooth out the day to day variance and give you a better idea of whether something is working or not.
So a bug can't come back. It may be a similar bug but it would be a different one. What makes you think it's not working?
Actually after the movie shot, if you did well enough, the actress will tell you that you are good and should hire an agent. You then can ask her about it (i think the text is something like "I don't know of any agents" and the actress will then introduce you to one).
Yes, if they are pregnant and for a bit after giving birth, their health and energy suffers so they are likely to not feel well enough for a threesome. It should wear off after 2-3 weeks after giving birth.
The opinions are on lines that begin with OpinionList. To figure out which line belongs to which character, go to the Person line for the person you want to change. The field immediately before the willpower one, will be a number. Find the OpinionList line that has that number as the first field after OpinionList. That will then be list of opinions that person has, with values -2 thru 2 (for hates, dislikes, neutral, likes, loves). Make sure to insert the field delimiters correctly.
The parking lot could be a bug - I changed how that info was stored in the save file couple of versions ago. Maybe it didn't update correctly? Are you getting any parking revenue at all? On the main club page does it show demand for parking? Did you skip an update?
If you are comfortable editing a save file, this is how you could fix it, assuming that's the issue. Look for lines that begin with "Club" in the file, it should be the second one with a 32 in the second field. The 7th field shoudl be True or False. (It would look something like: Club^32^CLUB NAME^DISTRICT^X^Y^False^...). If it says False change it to True. (If it already says True, then that's not the issue and it's something else).
Yeah, I know. This is not ideal how it works. I need to have some sort of bench where you can move people that can't work. But haven't been able to come up with a good way to handle it.
No, there's not way to do that.
Ok so this is not too hard to do... it's not perfect as there isn't a hook to trigger you mod code everytime somoene meets somone new which would be ideal for a case like this. And there are no "attraction modifiers", so you would have to fake it using opinion modifiers. It's fine cause the two of them are usually added together on most places. So it won't be happen right from the start, but everytime they are in the same place this code can run and it may create the attraction modifier.
What I would do is create a list of set of modifiers:
mod did_attr_check "Just Met" 1 0 1
mod hispanic_good "Is Hispanic" 20 0 1
mod hispanic_bad "Is Hispanic, ugh!" -20 0 1
The first one is used to keep track of which relationships we have analyzed.
The second one would add a +20 permanent opinion and the third a -20. (The 0 indicates that it doesn't decay). Add as many of these as you need (one for each target).
a new interaction that looks something like this:
(I typed the code off memory so chances are they are typos or other issues but it should give an idea how it could be done).