Which reminds me, I had a semi-decent stripper who "suddenly" (depending on how often you open the screen it can take some time) got a skill of 0 despite stripping and dancing both in their 40s. Coincidentally she also turned 45 recently. Is there some "attraction drop off" at that age?
(Not so much a complaint, despite her not looking her age, as more wondering whether that would be a bug or a feature)
It's a feature. Age is a factor for the stripper skill. If they are over some age (I think 28), they start losing 1.5 or so skill points per year, at 38 or so they it goes to losing around 3 points per year. The early drops is balanced by their experience gained, but as they get older it becomes harder and you will see their skill drop and no way to stop that.
Not sure what you mean by "almost always" but in my playthroughs it's quite common for commissioners to fail to support a law proposal after saying they "will vote for the law". That's why I only lobby commissioners directly when they've failed to agree on a law for a while (i.e. more than once). You can spend a lot of time getting a clear majority to say they will vote a certain way only to have a couple defect on the day of the vote.
I'm sorry, but I can't reproduce that. If it says they "will vote for the law" that means they have over 30 points of affinity to wanting to vote for the law. It's possible to lose some points, but to lose 30 would be almost impossible (which is why I said almost always). For example, if they change their opinion of liking entertainment work, they will be less likely to vote for the open hours laws, but it would only apply to around 5 points for every level (so going for loves to hate would be a 20 point loss).
This refers to voting for the law, the yes/no vote. If you are referring to the selection of the law to be voted on, then they may pick a different one they prefer.
The 'Main' 'Manage Club' panel has two lines at the bottom comparing 'Current Capacity' and 'Current Demand'. However the categories it displays don't fully match up.
In particular I know my patrons currently want 44 'Shows' and 206 'Strip' but have no way to gauge whether my entertainers are sufficient to meet those demands.
In fact I'm not even sure what constitutes a 'Show' as distinct from a 'Strip'. Does it mean I shouldn't be reassigning all my singers and dancers to stripping when the law allows it?
Shows refer to singer/dancer performances. Strip refers to stripper performances. The numbers refer to how many shows the customers want to see and are willing to tip on. So 44 shows could mean that there are 22 customers that are willing to tip twice or 4 customers that are willing to tip 11 times, etc. It doesn't show up on the capacity line because the capacity for this is pretty much unlimited (technically it's the total capacity of the seating areas times the number of performances you can have in a time period which is like 30. So in general we assume that if you have at least one performer/stripper you can meet that demand. Is displayed mostly to show at what point you can ditch the singer/dancers and concentrate on strippers only.
The presentation of this info leaves a lot to be desired.
Then you'll also need to look at how this works for other roles because I consistently work as a Cook / Waiter until those are staffed. The kitchen earns money when doing this.
It's how I keep wages low and the club stays afloat without going into debt (well, short of someone leaving a burner on or flooding the shitter).
Kitchen is weird because you need both a cook and a bartender or waitress to serve it, so it works with it because the servers have the customer interaction. But yes, it should all be consistent and will be on the next release. The reason for this is that the revenue impact and satisfaction as well as the capacity is pre-calculated using the available employees for performance reasons. When those employees don't exist, that info is not pre-calculated and the code doesn't work properly (i.e. the revenue is not allocated). It's one of those tradeoffs of losing accuracy for the sake of better performance. The easiest solution is not to allow to do those jobs is those jobs don't have an employee.
Is there a storyline involving twins coming down the pipe or is this an accidental usage of the same AI template?
Even their bodies are virtually identical with a slightly different pose.
View attachment 3927694
Holy shit! I never noticed those. And they are like 2 numbers apart. How did I not notice the fact that they are almost identical? That's freaky. Not intentional at all. There's a couple of other pairs that are also quite similar and I spent a bit of time once convinced that it was using the same image for two different girls. But those two are identical.
Is 'friend' status supposed to decay?
The reason I ask is because one of my waitresses asks to be my friend every month or so. I always grant her request and she becomes "Friend, Employee" but a month or so later she asks again.
I haven't noticed any of my other friends spontaneously being unfriended.
Edit: Make that two of my waitresses. Another one that was previously my friend just asked to be friends again.
The friend relationship does not decay. However, you can lose it. You can only have up to 4 types of relations, one in each of 4 buckets (romantic, work, friendship and other). The friendship category includes friends, but also includes ex'es and a few others. So if you break up with a girl, she becomes your ex and that takes precendence over friend. But there's no check when becoming friends so she may try becoming your friend, you can accept, but it never takes hold because the "ex" relationship is there. That's what I'm guessing is happening. It can also happen if she's your in-law, rival or enemy. Anyway, that's my guess as to what's happening.
This is not exactly what you are describing, but it's my best explanation for it. And when it loses the Friend relationship it should replace it with something else. So if it just says "Employee" then I have no clue. I have not seen that at all.