There's no scenario for the PI to be away so one of the first 2 must be true.
Unless he "rests" during every time period every day for months at a time (alcohol problem?) it must be either a recurring series of injuries or a very bad one. I've progressed that play through nearly 3 game months past the election campaign and he still isn't responding to "I have a job for you" texts.
And as I also hinted in earlier comments, it's not unusual to have, say, 7 unemployed NPCs when new job vacancies come up only to find 4 of them won't respond to your messaging for game weeks even though their opinions of you seem mild. Sometimes I've bumped into them around town even when they won't answer and they've immediately accepted an interview, but mostly not. That happened a bit in earlier versions but I don't think my impression it's happening more in 1.0 is imagination or coincidence. It's also sometimes possible to get someone to meet up even when they won't respond to other sorts of messages.
Edit: I just played through a few more days with precisely the example above (6 Singer vacancies, 3 Waitress vacancies, 7 unemployed but only 3 of them responding to texts.) After a few days of that I ran into one of the 'no response' unemployed at the gym and she agreed to a job interview. When I texted her after that, selecting any of the "Send A Text" options except "Nevermind ..." dropped me straight through to "Do you want to keep texting ..." without telling me what her response was. It stayed like that until the interview (I didn't hire her), after which she started responding normally to texts.
If text responses aren't buggy then given the frequency of injuries and the time needed for recovery SCW 1.0 must be set in some very unhealthy cities.
It's now been about four months since PI Felix Crosby stopped responding to texts, appearing at locations or posting to social media. An unemployed woman named Lily Baker went missing without a trace at around the same time. Her only known associates are me and my stalker. How do you drag the lake in this game?
My experience is that luck is a considerably bigger factor in 1.0. When it's against you it's frustrating, when it's for you it offers no sense of achievement in meeting game goals.
Sorry it should be LocalLow, not Local. As for the DM comment, I said that in case you didn't want to post your game log in the public forum.
The attached log file is continued from a save just before the signup deadline in the election campaign I spoke of. By this time I hadn't been able get message responses from the PI (Felix Crosby - Op 2) or Lily Baker (Op 0) since the election was announced or one of the two challengers (Sally Brown - Op 4) since she nominated. That didn't change for the duration of the campaign and, in the case of Felix and Lily, for close to 3 months afterwards (which is as far as I've got in the game).
If you can use the log to offer any insights as to what's going on with Felix, Lily and Sally I'd appreciate it. Felix and Lily are still missing and their families must be worried sick.
The log begins at week 14, so drink transactions are only around 30 per day but I think that suffices to show what I'm talking about. The effect is the same but more spectacular later in the game when 100s of drinks are sold per day.
Drink quality is 8.99, so the price triggering the sales collapse is higher than for normal quality. At the start of the log prices are $21 and sales around 30/day. When I increase the price to $22 sales immediately go to 0 and stay there.
At this point the game isn't allowing me to increase the alcohol inventory at above 'normal' quality, so topping up inventory will also trigger a collapse in sales to 0 by dropping the quality below 8.99. Let me know if you want a rerun demonstrating this.
As I've said, this effect is absolutely consistent and also happened in earlier versions, though the prices triggering the collapse were much higher, in the $90-100 range. If there's a change in sales at price changes below the trigger price it's too subtle to spot in the noise of normal sales fluctuation, even in previous versions when you could bump the average price from $4/drink to $94/drink in a single day without noticeably affecting sales, but once you hit that threshold ...