I feel like there are alot of systems that are there that need some expanding on.
The cult/cult leader for instance:
- While cult is controlled by non player ie: prudish make laws harder to pass because of cult lobbying against them by the cult.
- When cult is controlled by player you can turn that lobbying in your favor to make winning votes easier.
- As a cult leader you should be able to collect money from followers.
- You should have the option to have followers try to convince family members, spouses, sons, daughters, mothers, fathers to join the cult.
- If you are the leader you should be able to request or just have free access to members homes.
- The obvious you should have more sexual options like instead of just encouraging nudity, why not also sexual acts? Like the player giving a follower a facial could be called anointing them.
- Maybe the option to convince the followers that the ultimate blessing is to be bred by the cult leader so female followers, husbands trying to have their wives bred or parents trying to get their daughters bred or sons and daughters trying to get their mothers bred all by the player.
- The option to shape opinions to the followers as a group at a meeting like you can to an individual.
- An option to set up beliefs for the cult like what things are good what are sins would be really cool
- the option to punish members who commit sins in the cult, maybe they have to go topless door to door to their neighbors trying to spread the cults message and get people to join or more lewd acts to convince them. Or make them have sex with a family member at a meeting for forgiveness.
I missed this earlier. These are really great ideas for the most part. Not sure that they are feasible to do but most should be. I've copied this to my to do list so I can consider them later on.
Any info on why the GoFile link to the new version got yeeted by Chrome? Wouldn't even let me download it saying it was malicious. Probably a false positive but I haven't tested out the new version yet just in case.
It's something weird with GoFile. It started doing that last month. No idea why. The file is the same on all mirrors and that's the only one that complains. And I like GoFile cause it lets me create a directory and upload all the files to it and not have to have individual links for every file. I'm hoping that whatever is triggering that virus warning goes away, because it's a false positive. (I also made sure that it's not messing with the executable by adding stuff to it). But if it continues I'll have to stop using it.
Might I suggest the option to obtain ownership of other clubs (dating the owner, being the cult leader and convincing the owner who is a member to give ownership to you, offering the owner a loan and seizing it if they can't repay, or buying it outright.) Then maybe having the option of shutting it down or opening up the option to have different club themes, maybe only milfs, or blondes or bdsm theme kind of things or converting it to a members only club that caters to an elite clients.
I'll put this on things to consider. Not sure whether owning two clubs at the same time will break too many things. It may just work or may be a huge mess. So I'll have to see.
Very minor bug report - the "gave me a gift" rumor appears to be set backwards. I gave my bartender hire a gym membership, then had a discussion a week or so later with someone else and told them that my bartender "gave me a gift".
Got it. Should be fixed on the next version.
How do I reduce the number of face mask people. I have a bunch of image packs but half of my girls have a mask from the default folder.
Install more image packs. Unless you changed made some change to the ethnic distributions, you should never see those if you install enough images. They were there for the early days when there were only 100 total images and it was common to run out.
can we have in game posibility to change mc/player opinion on different things (rather than completly random things on certain events). with possibility to add completly new one ?
it will make more interesing gameplay.
This is not in the game cause it's too overpowered. Allowing you to set any opinion you like makes convincing girls of the good stuff too easy and too early in the game.
I just tested a few things seems like the console key thing is f* up. I use a standard German QWERTZ keyboard and I think the game can't properly read the key input for the console. When I change the console from my own "+" and "#" it suddenly doesn't work with "Shift" + "O" too. Searching for the error online shows that it was a problem earlier in Unity with the Turkish language pack. So somewhere between Unity and Windows System language the game breaks down.
Edit: The error comes from C# implementation of Unity. and the error appears if I change the key to some different key than the game expects. Letters + Numbers work and don't give the error, "+" or "#" gives an error and one of the two wrongly binds it to "O". The default key binding doesn't work in both written letter or key position. I think the rebinding you implemented is broken somewhere so that it can't deal with non standard QWERTY keyboards.
Thanks for the very detailed info. It could be that the characters are not being represented on the file correctly. Did you change them via the game interface or did you modify the config file? In either case, try the other method and see if that works. I'm pretty sure that it will work if the correct key info is passed into the game. But I'm probably not doing that right.
Good evening to all. Dear developer, i really like the game that you made, but is there any possibility that there is a cheat so you can force a relationship? I find it pretty time consuming to just wait for 2 months time in game so that i can propose a relationship

If there is a cheat for my topic please be kind and also leave an example
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately there's no cheat to force a relationship. I'll put that on the wish list.
TotalFluke Game looks really good, just would like to more pregnant art
Don't we all. The next image pack should have 3 pregnant images for most girls (at least those likely to get pregnant). After that I may go back and start adding them to the older packs. It's boring and annoying because the AI doesn't do a particularly good job of it. And the couple of Lora's I've looked at specifically for that just lower the overall quality of the image too much.
Thanks for this great game! It's very addictive
I admit, I use the cheat console in dev mode to boost stats. But i stilll can't seem to have threesomes the way i want.
1) when I organize a threesome with two girlfriends with whom I've already had sex, and I have the stamina to build everything up to even anal sex with both ladies, I still can't just have sex with them . Then the message 'you're not fully utilizing your abilities' always follows . What should I work on to have the full experience ?
2) in a previously set up game i had two girlfriends who were each open to a threesome, but never with each other. How do I change their attitude towards each other ? Is that the reason at all?
The you are not fully utilizing your abilities means that someone started doing something like groping you, but it means that your hands are free so you can do something else the same time. It's a normal message.
Make sure that they like each other and are attracted to each other. If they are not bi, start the process to make them so. Then make sure they like the attributes of the other. So if one is tall, make sure the other one likes tall people. And I read later on that they are related, so you will need to make sure they are ok with that. Someone else explained what to do there.
I was editing the OpinionList of my character to actually give it some opinions on topics, but now I cant talk to anybody and my character page is just fully blanked of almost every detail. I followed the format used perfectly, including copy-pasting the divider symbol.
Is there some other place where character opinions are stored, causing some form of conflict?
No, that's the only place, so my guess is that the copying was not as perfect as you thought. I fuck it up myself all the time. If you can't see the issue would remove them one by one (from the end of the line until you find the issue). The are 3 separators in use (on my editor they appear as ^A, ^B and ^E) and it should look like:
the ^A separates the key, id and the opinion list, the ^B separates each opinion and the ^E separates the opinion key and the opinion value.
In the previous version I had people -100 attraction to me. It was usually because they didn't like my gender and you could eventually talk them out of it. This time around I see allot of -100 and there is no sexual orientation, how do you know what they hate about you?
-100 means that they are not attracted to your gender or you are family. I suppose it's possible to someone have a natural -100 attraction to you while not being in those categories, but I have never seen it. It would require some very specific circumstances and not one that you will see multiple times in the same game. (Are you sure we are talking about attraction? Opinion is much more common to get to -100 if yuo do a lot of bad stuff).