It's not a hard cap, but rather a minimum. Your club will have a minimum of 50 fame (this is configurable in the options). So if you have a fame of 30, it will still show 50 (and will use 50 as the basis for the people to come to the club). But if you get a bump fame message, then it goes from 30 to 35, but your value remains at 50. I'm not thrilled with how this works so may come up with a better way to do it.
Good catch. Will fix those. Normally the code validates the field values to catch those spelling mistakes but that field was not being validated.
As for the game title... I have decided to concentrate more on the social aspect of the game and not as much on the running a successful business. The economic modeling turned out to be a lot harder to do than I expected more importantly a lot less fun.
Yeah this is still not working right... there's should be two components. Once you ask to change the opinion of X and she says no, she shouldn't change her mind for that particular opinion until the next day. However, saying no making it so that all future asks are going to be no. So I'll look into fixing that. There's also an overall annoyance component, that the more you ask, the less the chance she accepts. But that should only lower the success probability not the current block you are seeing.
Yeah I've seen that happen. If something went wrong when the first one was generated, it may create a second one and all it does is you have a bogus entry in your contacts. But in this case it appears it went wrong both times (the ? in the image indicates that). Can you interact with them?
Read the PDF on the game main folder. It's not quite a tutorial but explains what needs to be done to create your own images.
No, he's got the values right. The issue is that sometimes the give/receive relationship gets swapped and I can't figure out why. I only seen it a few times, and not enough to be able to track it down.
For crashes, the best thing you can do is provide me with the last few dozen lines of the Unity log file (found at C:\Users\<your name>\AppData\LocalLow\Total Fluke Studios\StripClubWars\Player.log). And then tell me what you were doing when it crashed and if you have made any edits to any files, including the save file. The easiest way to get a game crash is to edit a save game and mess something up. The file may load correctly and the game may run fine for a while, until it needs the data that got corrupted and then it will crash.
The other main reason I've seen from crashes would be on machines with low memory and running the game for a while. If you don't have at 8GB of RAM, I suggest saving and exiting the game every hour or so.