
Sep 19, 2018
Just noticed with 523c that Dev changed the builtin player portraits pathing:
"imageportait": "[StreamTexture:2172]",
"imageportait": "res://files/buttons/portraits/7.png",
Kinda broke my little helper program I was writing :p

Anyone know of a good way of mapping the streamtexture back to the portraits? The loadimage routine isn't very intuitive.

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Active Member
May 31, 2018
Just noticed with 523c that Dev changed the builtin player portraits pathing:
"imageportait": "[StreamTexture:2172]",
"imageportait": "res://files/buttons/portraits/7.png",
Kinda broke my little helper program I was writing :p

Anyone know of a good way of mapping the streamtexture back to the portraits? The loadimage routine isn't very intuitive.

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I dunno if there are many Godot experts on this forum--hardly any games around here use it. You'll probably be best off checking with a Godot developer's forum.

I don't mean to brush you off, I just get the feeling that it's a Godot-centric implementation and you'll get a more prompt answer by checking in with real Godot developers.

... Looking at the Godot docs, it looks like StreamTexture objects have a member String variable "load_path" that contains the path to the texture described by the object. The docs say that it's a path to the .stex, though, and I dunno if that's some fancy renamed .png or a container for them or what. (I'm no expert on Godot, as I kinda implied earlier.)


Sep 19, 2018
I dunno if there are many Godot experts on this forum--hardly any games around here use it. You'll probably be best off checking with a Godot developer's forum.
I've sort of worked around it, by extracting the player portraits and setting them to the user portraits folder and defaulting the image whenever streamtexture is found. I was just curious if there was a way without reverse engineering a bunch of godot code. I didn't want to add yet another dead (as in end users) computer language like my COBOL and FORTRAN knowledge. :p


Active Member
May 31, 2018
I've sort of worked around it, by extracting the player portraits and setting them to the user portraits folder and defaulting the image whenever streamtexture is found. I was just curious if there was a way without reverse engineering a bunch of godot code. I didn't want to add yet another dead (as in end users) computer language like my COBOL and FORTRAN knowledge. :p
Hey, now, FORTRAN's a living language and I'm sure you know it's still popular for scientific computing. Heck, I can think of at least one still-used particle transport system written in FORTRAN and that literally operates internally in punch card terms. Few things go away forever in the modern world.

But, uh, yeah, as a percentage Godot's to Unity what FORTRAN is to C# or Java.

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While playing a sandbox game, how can you recruit Maple?


May 18, 2018
Just noticed with 523c that Dev changed the builtin player portraits pathing:
"imageportait": "[StreamTexture:2172]",
"imageportait": "res://files/buttons/portraits/7.png",
Kinda broke my little helper program I was writing :p

Anyone know of a good way of mapping the streamtexture back to the portraits? The loadimage routine isn't very intuitive.

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How do you get that save helper?


Sep 19, 2018
How do you get that save helper?
I'm a C# developer when I'm not in a gaming uniform, so I build little helper programs like that to test out new ideas. Really nothing more than a time waster. It's also not a true editor, I can read the JSON files just fine, posting back without breaking things, not so much (hence why I build things like that). I've built a save helper for huniepop, a library program for my anime torrents, and a few other mostly abandoned attempts at other games :p


May 18, 2018
I'm a C# developer when I'm not in a gaming uniform, so I build little helper programs like that to test out new ideas. Really nothing more than a time waster. It's also not a true editor, I can read the JSON files just fine, posting back without breaking things, not so much (hence why I build things like that). I've built a save helper for huniepop, a library program for my anime torrents, and a few other mostly abandoned attempts at other games :p


May 31, 2018
Hello, I have ran into an error and I need help with it. When ever I go to portraits to change the portrait of a new slave, the game will come up with an error in the black box thing saying something along the lines of I need more memory and to go to the project settings to do this. To be exact after looking back at it, it says message queue out of memory. Try increasing 'message_queue_size_kb' in project settings.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
I'm a C# developer when I'm not in a gaming uniform, so I build little helper programs like that to test out new ideas. Really nothing more than a time waster. It's also not a true editor, I can read the JSON files just fine, posting back without breaking things, not so much (hence why I build things like that). I've built a save helper for huniepop, a library program for my anime torrents, and a few other mostly abandoned attempts at other games :p
Yeah, I've been messing around a bit with my own "potential" save editor. I'm seeing any number of redundancies, improper formatting, and other oddities that make me not sure it's worth the hassle of ever seeing it to fruition.

Right now I mostly just read it in and immediately write it right back out without doing anything but applying a pretty printer to it. That makes it a lot easier to manually make the changes I want. Then I read my edited file and simply dump it back out without a pretty printer to reverse the process (not that this step has any real value, game seems to read a save fine in either format).


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Yeah, I'm double-posting...

I got tired of the choice to either cheat massively at the start of the game or else constantly need to reload/restart because it is near impossible to gain gold/gear/xp in the early stages of story mode. Until you get several slaves who can join in battle, several pieces of gear each, and a level-up or two for each of the slaves, battle is just death (and the player's only way to gain xp is battle). So...

I added a couple new weapons to my game. The SPEAR and the HALBERD. My thought is that against fairly untrained opponents like the level 1's and 2's that typically slaughter me, a long-reach weapon would add a substantial defensive bonus. Unfortunately, the way items exist in the code, I see no easy way to add gear with a mod. Basically, if you want different gear, you need to dive in and hand modify the code yourself.

(Neither weapon does much damage, but they both add "protection" to the user (one of the 2 defensive stats). So the various enemies do a bit less damage and the player has at least a fighting chance.)
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Happy hunting.
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Feb 6, 2019
Yeah I enjoy the game quite a bit in a sort of abstract sense but I find the act of actually playing it to be incredibly painful. The numbers need tweaking to make it feel better to engage with the RPG mechanics.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Yeah I enjoy the game quite a bit in a sort of abstract sense but I find the act of actually playing it to be incredibly painful. The numbers need tweaking to make it feel better to engage with the RPG mechanics.
Yep, you nailed the description perfectly. Quite a few of the concepts behind the game keep me coming back even though playing it seems to cause more frustration than enjoyment. The numbers could certainly do with tweaking, but I find that any number of mechanics are issues as well.

There's a ton in the game. A lot of it feels pretty slick. But then there are all kinds of little things that take away from all that is really great like:
So I'm at my home and I have a bunch of slaves. Well some I want to keep and some I want to sell. So I check out various people's stats, but oh... can't sell them from home. So I go to the slave market. Okay, so I'm at the slave market and they are ready to buy my people, time to say who to sell. Wait, I can't see much of any details to know who I'm selling (I can't even see last names, only first). I need to either be able to sell/mark-who-to-sell from home when I can see details, or I need to be able to access all the details from the slave market.

Then there's the slave request system. As it is presented, players should go and accept a request, then in the timeline allowed, go out and collect a suitable slave and train them to compliance. The thing is, the timeline is way too short and available slaves way to random to actually play this way. Really, one needs to have a slave already in possession that fits the bill or is most of the way there. But the system doesn't give any good feedback before selecting one and only one request as to which requests your current slaves may or may not be suited for. The system would do better with no time limits and/or multiple-requests allowed at a time. It should also show (both before and after accepting) which slaves comply/partially-comply and by how much with all of the requests. (As it is now, a player basically needs to memorize all the possible requests and work towards specific request goal without actually having the quest. Then once the request goal is met, keep checking the message board until that quest resurfaces. Which is basically cheating the hard way, but that's the only way to even succeed.)

Slave obedience, I've been in the code at times and so I know that a captured slave has a sort of 50% hold/lock on obedience for a time. That has never been clear to me from actually playing. In game it shows up as the "Due to recent events... rebels..." line in the slave's display. The thing is, that requires drilling down into the slave. And even there is not very enlightening/informative. The slave list shows all the slaves at a glance. It has health/obedience/stress all right there in the GUI with a limited info display of red/yellow/green. Sounds good. The thing is, these penalty slaves that won't do anything I say and run away if I turn my head often all show "green." The display TELLS ME they are highly obedient when they are anything but. It would be so easy for the developer to simply use 2 different icons for obedience. A rebelling slave has a thumbs down obedience that goes through red/yellow/green (even though green on a rebelling slave isn't all that great and I have no idea if there is any difference between a red-rebelling and a green-rebelling). A non-rebelling slave has a thumbs up that goes through red/yellow/green. It makes no sense that my most loyal and devoted slave and my slave who hates me the most and wants to run away appear to be in identical states according to the slave-list overview.

There are other things like really sex jobs are the only ones that earn any money. To some extent that's fine (I mean, it is an adult game after all and if the developer wants to focus on that aspect, then that's what the game is about). But then the game creates NPCs like Trisha who has a special trait whereby she earns bonus money doing any non-sex money income job. That's pointless. No matter where I put her to work she doesn't earn enough to make that trait worth anything at all. Same with (what is it, Tanuki's?) that have a bonus selling at market... I need to go out and hunt to get supplies (and get very few per hunter). Then they sell for next to nothing. So basically it requires 2 people to accomplish the task of selling at market, yet I'm not sure that I've ever even earned 1/10 the profit of a single person working the second worst job out there. But features like this are, as was stated, a numbers tweaking issue more than anything else.

But that's enough rambling...
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Sep 9, 2017
i have found a wierd glitch for this game on the first quest i have exactly what the guy is looking for a slave female human 40 attractiveness(71) and high obedience but its not letting me pick it and i have restarted but the same problem keeps occuring does anyone have any suggestions if so i would be really greatful and before anyone asks i have multiple choices to choose from but it wont let me pick any of them either so no clue whats going on lol


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
Hello, I have ran into an error and I need help with it. When ever I go to portraits to change the portrait of a new slave, the game will come up with an error in the black box thing saying something along the lines of I need more memory and to go to the project settings to do this. To be exact after looking back at it, it says message queue out of memory. Try increasing 'message_queue_size_kb' in project settings.
What operating system are you playing on?
What are the the exact steps you do PRIOR to seeing the error?
When you say "black box thing," are you referring to the game's second dialog window (the one that is always there but that you generally do not ever interact with or look at)?
What happens in the game window (what do you see... screen shots are always the best way to explain to others what state your game is in)?
Does the game crash, continue just fine but never let you access pictures, lets you access the pictures and everything seems to work fine, but you do not like seeing the error?
How many images do you have installed?
Were they working at one point and then stopped working, or did you just try to install pictures and never gotten it to work?
How big are the images in terms of disk space usage (are we talking Gigabytes worth of data or a few small pictures)?
Have you played the game without the images and everything played fine?
Did you try redownloading the game encase it was a faulty download?
Have you looked at the images outside of the game to make sure the images are all actual working image files?

In other words... no I have never seen that error before. Without seeing it happen it is hard to know what is happening. Maybe with more information myself or someone else could solve it.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2017
i have found a wierd glitch for this game on the first quest i have exactly what the guy is looking for a slave female human 40 attractiveness(71) and high obedience but its not letting me pick it and i have restarted but the same problem keeps occuring does anyone have any suggestions if so i would be really greatful and before anyone asks i have multiple choices to choose from but it wont let me pick any of them either so no clue whats going on lol
attach your save file

Edit: Assuming you've double-checked the things with clear visibility in the game ("human", "female", and the numeric beauty... all of which it sounds like you have), that leaves obedience and would be my guess for where she is failing. Green obedience does not guarantee they meet the definition of "high obedience". If they are currently rebelling their obedience has a 50% penalty which doesn't show in an obvious way. Certain traits like "Dominant" have an obedience penalty which is somewhat hidden as well. Decent chance she is just below the threshold the mage quest guy is looking for.


Sep 9, 2017
attach your save file

Edit: Assuming you've double-checked the things with clear visibility in the game ("human", "female", and the numeric beauty... all of which it sounds like you have), that leaves obedience and would be my guess for where she is failing. Green obedience does not guarantee they meet the definition of "high obedience". If they are currently rebelling their obedience has a 50% penalty which doesn't show in an obvious way. Certain traits like "Dominant" have an obedience penalty which is somewhat hidden as well. Decent chance she is just below the threshold the mage quest guy is looking for.
Yeah still dont know what the problem was but I finished the quest. I dont know what affected it but i think the slave has to have a high natural beauty without any enhancements done so if it is lower then 40 it wont be accepted even if you have upgradeD thier looks past that threshold since soon after i got one, that had a beauty trait he immediately took it lol


Active Member
Oct 17, 2018
Until you get several slaves who can join in battle, several pieces of gear each, and a level-up or two for each of the slaves, battle is just death
Using nothing more than a text editor (Notepad+) you can alter the maximum ability scores for your MC all the way past 50. Once your agility is past 10 or so pretty much nothing will ever hit you. You still have level up like normal, but by level 5 you'll be able to solo most of the early encounters and by level 10 you'll be able to solo anything in the game, including the final cave boss.

As for surviving those first few levels, it's not really that hard. You get one free loyal slave at game start, so just make them an orc and pick "physical" for their perk. Ta-da, instant fighter. You'll still have to buy bandages and heal through sleeping for the first week or so, but like I said, once you get your agility past 10 you won't need any extra help at all ever again - at least for combat.


May 31, 2018
What operating system are you playing on?
What are the the exact steps you do PRIOR to seeing the error?
When you say "black box thing," are you referring to the game's second dialog window (the one that is always there but that you generally do not ever interact with or look at)?
What happens in the game window (what do you see... screen shots are always the best way to explain to others what state your game is in)?
Does the game crash, continue just fine but never let you access pictures, lets you access the pictures and everything seems to work fine, but you do not like seeing the error?
How many images do you have installed?
Were they working at one point and then stopped working, or did you just try to install pictures and never gotten it to work?
How big are the images in terms of disk space usage (are we talking Gigabytes worth of data or a few small pictures)?
Have you played the game without the images and everything played fine?
Did you try redownloading the game encase it was a faulty download?
Have you looked at the images outside of the game to make sure the images are all actual working image files?

In other words... no I have never seen that error before. Without seeing it happen it is hard to know what is happening. Maybe with more information myself or someone else could solve it.
I am playing it on Windows 10
The exact steps is that I just press on to the name of one of my slaves, go to customize, and then I press the portraits button to change the portrait and that is when it starts happening
I play it in windowed mode and when I launch the game, the black box shows up with it
The game just freezes, I hear music, but other then that I can't press anything else and it shows that it is not responding
I don't remember I many I had the first time it happened, because I added more later, when I found a better pack, but the first pack is the one I got from here by I think something linker, its in the op and is the one which has portraits and bodies
Yes, they were working before, but after a week it started to not work anymore
I did play it without images before and was working good
No, I have not tried re-downloading the game, but I am going through my images and lowering the amount that I have, to see if they work then
Yes, I looked at the images outside of the game
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