It pains me a lot to give this game a 4, because it really deserves a 5, if only some of the problems were fixed.
The premise is really fun - you are basically what amounts to a slave hunter, you hunt for people on the streets to be trained and sold into slavery, and you dabble in magic on the side. You can be as nice or as cruel about it as you want.
The story is almost non-existant, but the game doesn't really require a story. It just kind of builds itself as you play. Because of that, there is no real character to the random people you encounter and capture, they don't really DO anything on their own, there is only a set of numbers that determines their abilities, whether they will allow you to fuck them (if they don't you can always just rape them), and whether they will try running away (they will if you badly mistreat the slaves that aren't in jail).
The game is text-based, and not graphics-based, and while I would love to see actual animations for the naughty things we get to do, I can totally understand the artistic direction and limitations with the engine. However, this ties into a problem that I see with the game, which is...
There are no procedurally generated portraits/models. The only people that get a face are you, the main character, and the main story girls. To everyone else, well you can add a portrait, I believe there's a Patreon reward to get more portraits, but by default they won't have one. That... I think is actually a problem. The procedural generation doesn't have to be fancy, you don't have to go full-on machine learning, but it just kinda has to be there, hell SimBro has managed it, so can this game. 10 bodily features to modify and 2 options for each feature would already create 1024 unique portraits.
The sound is kinda fucked and hissy. It feels like an old, badly used vinyl record, not in a good way. I have no idea why that is, it's not game-breaking, it's just kinda annoying. I am even thinking it's a problem with my hardware, because surely the author would have noticed that?
Mechanics of sex (which is, let's admit it, why we're here) are very primitive. It is very nice that the author has tied a lot of things into the sex system, so it feels actually connected to the world instead of being thrown on top of things, like in so many other games, but the amount of things to do is still very limited (e.g. for a game that's all about slavery and with rich rape options, facefucking as an option to do to a girl has kinda been forgotten - you even have a ring gag for forced mouth options, but there are no such options). There are also some nitpicks, e.g. how you do things one by one (you can't spank a girl while fucking her, you have to fuck her, then spank her, then fuck her), and so on.
The start of the game feels a little... Too luck-based. Here I have to go on a tangent.
The start of a human in a human city is kind of as follows: after starting the game, you save, so it's easy to restart. You go to the guild of mages, you receive an order for a slave, you go to the guild of slaves, to see if there are any slaves you could just buy to pass this mission, you go to the brothel and find a girl there, you give her food and bring her home, give her attributes so she can do foraging (she has high wit for that).
Now, I'm assuming you want to be nice to your companion, and to this new girl, because they are both kinda decent. And after all, this new girl is one of the very few that have portraits!!!
If there was a girl in the slave guild, you're in luck! Now you just train her and give her away for the quest.
If there wasn't, you go to the market, you get rope, a dagger and leather armor, you throw a point into strength and a point into endurance, you get whichever girl you prefer to get, you give her your rusty dagger, you put armor and dagger on yourself, and you go outside. You keep walking around the outside until you either see bandits assaulting a bystander, or a human girl walking around, in which case you attack.
You may be caught out in the open by bandits - you should run away and hope they don't take too much HP from you. You may lose the fight you have picked, in which case, you restart. And restart. And keep restarting until you win a fight and receive a girl with high enough beauty. Then you train her.
It took me about 10 restarts to figure out this strategy, and 5 more to get a girl. That I then had to give away for 250 gold. This is WAY too many restarts.
I would really love to give the game a 5, but sadly... I just can't. It's not a 5, it's not "as close to perfection as you get". If I could give it a 4.5, I would, the game is great and I really recommend it. But man... All these things seem so obvious to me. I have no idea why they weren't to the author.